Why is it okay to kill to eat?

Why is it okay to kill to eat?

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It just is. It's okay for you to do anything and it's okay for people who don't like it to do anything to stop you from doing.

Your simply asking this question is an attempt to project your will in such a way that I will choose not to eat meat. It's too transparent, which is why these kinds of pro-vegan arguments only ever work on people who need to feel special and/or superior.

Just say being a basedboy is great. You'd have better luck with that.

>It just is.
9/11 was okay. It just is. Ahmed was hungry.

>Animals are equivalent to humans

Just shows how low an opinion the artist has for his fellow man. He projects his own low-development upon his superior carnivorous brethren.

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Which gene is the one that makes humans different?

Because that's how it works for non-plant organisms.

>Why is it okay to kill to eat?

It is necessary for your survival. If you think that morality trumps necessity then you're free to lay down and wait to die.

>Reduction to Absurdity
Good thread, man.

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Imagine a world where idiots like you would just starve to death.
I imagine it every night, and it's beautiful.

Its not, so go starve to death OP

Remember plants are alive so no eating them either

Reductio ad absurdum is a valid form of reasoning. Go back to school faggot.

It's the unique composition of genes that makes humans different. Not a single gene.

Life consumes life. If you're really insistent on not killing a thing to eat, I'm fairly sure that's not possible and thrive from it.

If you can't accept that, starving is always an option, although that's a very way to slowly kys.

This reveals the mindset of the vegan, and it is truly disgusting. In equating cannibalism to a normal human diet, he reveals that he thinks of his fellow human beings as nothing more than a dumb beast, equivalent to a pig or a dog. A complete lunatic, he would save 2 animals before 1 man. This dehumanizing mindset is exactly how kikes think. The goyim are cattle, so who cares if they die? And this mindset showed horrific results, in Russia, China, Cambodia, and even more nations. No coincidence that so many kikes are vegans.

It's not okay to kill plants to eat.

That cannibal just explained it to you faggot

Food is made of cells, OP

Because I don't want rickets.

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Why isn't it okay?

Humans are sentient, animals are not. The only argument that matters.

Enjoy your Kuru (disease) faggot.

Why is it okay to survive? Why not just die?

Why do you kill plants to eat them?

Did it have to happen, no. But you would have had to kill or imprison a lot of people beforehand for it to not have happened.

False equivalence. Vegans do t get enough protein, and some protein can only be gotten from animals.

If he sincerely believes he can start a cult of people who starve themselves to death and become a spiritual martyr.

>Why is it okay to kill to eat?
What do you think happens to the plants you eat? Do you think they manage to reach your bowels alive?

In medicine there are loads of drugs out there that we don't know how they work we just know, through medical trials, that they do work. So if you're staying true to your logic then you will refuse any medication where the doctor can't explain exactly what it does to specific target sites in your body.

On a macro scale we know a drug works because we can see the effect but on a micro scale it might not be as obvious. The same thing applies to the difference between humans and animals or whites and niggers - We might not be able to list the specific genes that make a specific difference but on a macro level it is obvious that the one is not the same as the other.

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Define 'kill'

>Reductio ad absurdum is a valid form of reasoning.

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Idk man ask lions or wolves

Eating animals means destroying more plants than just eating plants.

>Vegans do t get enough protein, and some protein can only be gotten from animals.
False and false.
All essential amino acids can be acquired from plant sources

Eating rabbits means saving many plants because they're what rabbits eat.

I can't digest grass.

You do understand that raising an animal for slaughter requires food?


Back to school faggot

Good for you.

Can we start killing vegans already?

Can you?

>saying animals are as important as humans
>forcing humans not to eat meat
>not forcing lions not to eat meat
So are we equal or not??? If we're equal then animals should stop eating meat too. Go and convince them like you try to convince us.


>Being vegan because of fee fees and not because it's the red pilled thing to do
For shame.

So doctors think mathematics is false? I never said empiricism is false. Are you retarded? Go back to school.

Its the circle of life. The antelope eat the grass the lion eats the antelope and when it dies it will become the soil on which the grass grows. Even plants have poisons to defend themselves. Killing is a part of nature. What gives anything the right to live? They either take what they can or perish. There is no right and wrong. Only the constant need to eat and the constant fear of being eaten.

Cattle eat onions produced by destroying rainforests, not grass

You can digest onions

Inb4 the obvious

What's redpilled about it?

the ones that allow you to make a post on an internet forum complaining about eating meat

But why? Is it okay to eat the autistic children?

Eating meat was a necessity in human evolution. It still is necessary to consume enough proteins, vitamins etcetera that is primarely present in meat. It doesn't mean you have to eat meat if you adjust your nutrition, but if you - for example - don't supplement your child with enough B12 it will result in severe brain damage.
I for myself don't want to swallow pills, but want a natural diet. I eat meat, because it is the easiest way for my body to get B12 and other stuff, not because I want to eat meat.
Also, regarding animals and humans as equal isn't right. If you kill a human it is homicide, if you kill an animal it is criminal mischief (damage to property).

No because human meat is disgusting and not healthy.

All the cattle farms I ever saw fed with a mixture of silage and grass.
It's never okay to eat anything you could reproduce with :^)

But eating McDonald's and diet coke is ok?

Better for your health, better for the planet, it's cheaper and you stop funding the animal product industry and later in life when your arteries aren't clogged like your meat eating peers you're also not participating in the cholesterol lowering pharmaceutical industry.

all of them

And since when is eating burgers and drinking coke the same as cannibalism you fucking retard?

Yes because it tastes ok

Genetically, humans are 60% banana

>No because human meat is disgusting and not healthy.

Well if you don't you die, simple really.

>Better for your health
I'm going to require a source for that claim, user.
>better for the planet
Looking at the people inhabiting this planet, doing it any good is counterproductive.
>it's cheaper
That's factually wrong though, you can't get the same amount of protein from vegan products that you can get from non-vegan ones.

Cannibalism is a pretty common occurrence in our human history.

Cannibalism isnt healthy and outright a mental disorder.

Go fuck yourself already for goalposting like a retarded headless chicken.

The way the populations rising, it's in our future too.

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Coca Cola, like cannibalism, is unhealthy. Mental illness is a social construct. Faggots are no longer considered mentally ill because of (((politics))). It is of little consequence.

If cannibalism is wrong due to its unhealthiness, then so must coke be.

Are you a dumb English major? History? Why did you never learn logic?

coke is legal.
Cannibalism isnt.

What you say is on morals.
This is the Law motherfucker.

And genetically you’re 100% faggot. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to compare you to an animal.

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Everything Obama, Mao and Hitler did was legal. So why do people hate them?

I'm an animal in bed. Just ask your mom.

There's tons of studies that link vegan diets with lower cholesterol, lower heart disease risk, lower diabetes risk, lower cancer risk and so on.
If you're genuinely interested in your health I'd suggest doing your own research into these studies.

Beans, rice and peanut butter are cheaper than meat.

>only going for low hanging fruit

Killing animals for food is ok because that's what they are there for. Should wolves not kill rabbits for food? Should lions not kill zebras for food? Should owls not kill rodents for food? This is the way the world works, get used to it.

Should niggers not kill whitey for food?

why did the non cannibal guy go to the cannibal tribe if he doesn't share their sets of values?

Because animals are defenseless peons who we can do what we want with, I'd eat people too if I wanted to and could get away with it.

>moral relativism

Slaughtering animals isn't killing.

Until we become super humans who don't need to kill other animals to eat delicious food and grow strong we'll have to continue to eat other animals.


It's literally not necessary for survival in the 21st century, this is the worst fucking argument. We aren't peasant farmers with only 3 things to eat, people have a rich selection of different fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, grains, etc for incredibly low cost (cheaper than meat, in fact).

I want you to cite 1 (one) study that compares vegans with health conscious omnivores.

>Beans, rice and peanut butter are cheaper than meat.
Not per protein(g)/€ they aren't. I emplore you to stop lying on the internet, user. Dishonesty is a very disgusting characteristic that's way too common amongst vegans.

Its okay to eat meat because animals cannot stop us eating meat. Just like its okay if you get eaten by a bear because you couldnt stop the bear.

Vegetables are alive too.

Because there is a difference between morally capable actors and none morally capable actors.

Also we evolved to eat meat.

You tell me.
Unless you live off nuts and berries and other plants that aren't killed in order to eat them you are a hypocrite.

This guy gets it's.

Toss Hans a bratwurst

Vegan diet beats the American Heart Association diet in terms of health.

Protein deficiency is a total meme.
A meat diet is still more expensive than vegan and probably lacking in micro's and fibre. Add the fact that the IGF-1 that gets in your body as a result of eating animal products is carcinogenic.

>ok to eat?
are you asking for permission to not die?

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This is a fallacy, because one could strive for lowest harm done, which is a vegan diet.

Because God Himself literally killed animals and gave their dead carcasses to our first ancestors to use as clothing and and showed them how to kill and demanded that they kill and sacrifice animals to Him and eat the meat themselves as well. Read Genesis.

Why do you bring up children, user?

>you stop funding the animal product industry

Without the industry the number of animals would plummet. Nobody is going to look after millons of large mammals for nothing! What your suggesting is that they are better off never being alive then to rasied to be eaten.

the problem lays with the fact that you cannot actually eat a large portion of human biomass (like the brain, etc) because of the fact that it will literally make you sick enough to potentially result in your death.

Also if your only alliance is to your own race, the death of any other being or animal is ultimately irrelevant, and in some cases can even be determined as necessary, such as in the cases of farming.

Because it offends do-gooders

Why is harming plants better than harming animals?

>What your suggesting is that they are better off never being alive then to rasied to be eaten.

One of the logical fallacies of meat eaters use is that one has to kill plants instead of animals, so eating animals is okay.

1. Vegans draw the line at hurting sentient individuals. Plants lack nerves, let alone a central nervous system, and cannot feel pain or respond to circumstances in any deliberate way (not to be confused with the non-conscious reactions they do have). Unlike animals, plants lack the ability or potential to experience pain or have sentient thoughts, so there isn't an ethical issue with eating them.

2. ---ASSUMING--- a plant's suffering is equal to that of an animal eating animals requires the killing of more plants than a vegan diet.

womp womp