Why do niggers get mad when you call them niggers?

Why do niggers get mad when you call them niggers?

Why do jews get mad when you call them jews?

Why don't whites get mad when you call them crackers/whities/etc.?

Really makes you think....

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I don't get angry when I am confronted with my race, even if it's by a hateful term.

That's European to you, Yellowie

this is interesting, but just bc Koko had a high IQ doesn't mean the rest of the gorillas do

Because most whites have pride in their history and culture. Niggers don’t have anything so when you call them a violent sociopath they tend to get angry and attack, not to prove you wrong but to silence you. Jews like to pretend they’re white so they can blend in like the theives they are.

Only whites are Europeans. lol
I don't get triggered either. I think it is foolish and funny at the same time. I don't think lost of Asians (not pakis) get butthurt when you call them names. I don't understand why some species get all uppity when you call them names. lmao
Most gorillas are social animals and have similar IQs as Koko.


The word nigger be powerful voodoo magic my dude, when uttered by a non nigger it forces niggers to reveal their true form. Use it wisely, a revealed nigger is a danger to life and property.

Cracker isn't a slur. It is an acknowledgement of the whites superiority over the negro. It refers to the crack of the whip. It s synonymous to calling a white person Master.

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