What happens here?
>inb4 screencap of village rapist
What happens here?
>inb4 screencap of village rapist
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corruption, fetal alcohol syndrome, whores, romanian-russians, wine and at least two rogue states
Not many lithuanians know this, but Moldova actually was the 1st nation to recognise us as a free country from USSR. The common knowledge is that it was Iceland, but some of us still remember Moldova, some of us still remember. Thank you.
Good wine and some fine women.
Ukraine cucked them out of their sea access.
you misspelled russia
ukraine was and is an artificial state; the only """"ukrainian""" is in and 15km around kiev
what moldova originally part of romania or what?
moldova was always part of Romania and inhabited by romanians
the russians forced many of us out, and moved in - much like what happened to countless areas from eastern europe
regardless of the rift between us at the moment which is also caused by the russians, they are still genetically, ethnically and culturally romanian.
i have absolutely no bad feelings towards them since i understand the historical context, but all of the things i said are unironically true for moldova
I didn't know Moldovans were so BASED!
are there talks of unification or anything of the sort? moldava is by a long margin the poorest country in europe and often forgotten, it doesn't surprise me its people are going through some tough times