Be a Leader

When did you realize it is up to you to be the leader? I get it. You don't want the responsibility of people looking to you for answers. But you are the one with the answers. You have a responsibility to assume that role or else everything that you see wrong with the world, everything falling down around you, is just as much your fault as it is theirs. Whether it is among your family, your social circle, your place of employment, your church, your local community... Even just one simple action among strangers. It doesn't matter how far you take it. Start acting as a leader and others will follow.
Maybe you're not the natural born leader. It doesn't matter. Like anything else, practice and improve. You may even inspire somebody with charisma and natural ability to do the same. Start considering the benefit of your group in your decision making. Remember that it is not as important to achieve the highest ideals as it is to always strive towards them.

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wow, amazing. thank you for turning my life around OP

>tfw too short to be a leader

Who would follow a 5'7?

I've spent some time in Army Leadership schools. In one class, they stressed the importance of a sharp and clear voice in D&C.
I have a speech impediment... people think I sound like a retard even tho' I have an IQ of 138.
I've watched people follow a low IQ radio announcer on a jury to letting a bold as brass racist go, because voice.
With IQ 100 people, voice always trumps logic and truth.

Bonaparte was 5'5 and he was almost a nobody that revived 1000 year dead empire to life at the age of 33

There are different ways of leading people. I work in public relations and I am the same height as you. I run a PR shop for an organization and people rely on me to give them advice on PR matters.

Much of what human beings different from the other animals is our technical expertise and experience that we can communicate to others. It has been our strength. That is why even though we do have natural-born leaders, we also have leaders in different fields of work.

That's like 5'10 these days

But how does one lead? If you want to lead, how do you practice? The how is more important than the why

We need to create a political party of sorts, that only Chads can join. Their natural leadership abilities and exclusivity will subconsciously make the vast majority of the public vote for their candidates.

Yeah you obviously can't sway most people through reason. It takes too long. Reason is for books. Leadership requires not only fast inspiration but the ability to sustain it. Trump is a good example because even though he is not a great speaker, but because he speaks in such simple terms and conveys confidence and conviction, he os able to inspire a following and get a group of people to focus on one point.

Work on your voice. Become handsome. Work on your body language. And have principles that you build your world view on. Congrats you're a potential leader.

>Become handsome.

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Bonaparte thought himself the reincarnation of Charlemagne, and I can believe that.

The Chad party. I like it.

Ya weren't french and english inches different?

I don't have shit for answers, but I nominate (you) for being the hero we need but not the one we deserve, OP

Thanks user.

Get down to 10% body fat, clean your skin, get a nice haircut, chew wads of gum, fix facial hair and eyebrows, moisturize your face, tan, brush your teeth. There, you are more handsome than 90% of men out there.


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Fantastic post.

who's going to be the leader? We can't all be the leader, unless this is an oligarchy.


Pretty sure Bonaparte was above average height for his time.

It was a completely new empire you retard