well, are they pathetic?
Well, are they pathetic?
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Just a wee bit overzealous about the 2A.
Walking around with military grade weaponry is just spectacularly dumb.
They know not to relax.
Who gives a shit? He's not violating the NAP. He's not forcing his ideology on you, demanding that you call him any made up pronouns.
He doesn't carry that gun to protect himself. No one would think of approaching him with that thing. He has it in case some nutter decides to start mowing down innocent civilians.
He's a glory hunter with a big ego at worst and at best he could save a lot of lives.
Why are krauts so fucking stupid?
What the fuck is "military grade" weaponry?
That shit shoots 5.56, how stupid do you have to be to call that military grade.
What a retarded loaded meaningless kraut term.
Yeah, running around with that pseudo M16 is completely fine. You never know when the war starts and then you'll need it. My god, why are gunfags such dildos.
Things Germans know nothing about:
>violating the nap
The NAP is whatever Warlord Starbucks says it is. Private property, son. Most of those stores have "weapons prohibited" signs.
>forcing his ideology
See last sentence above.
>made up pronouns
Warlord Starbucks says this is okay at his establishments and goes out of his way to accomodate it.
>guns protect others
Yeah capeshit fantasy. Defending yourself is already hard and carries the first priority if you are to continue defending others. However, those guns are to make a statement like being gay in public is making a statement. You started this. These are your failures, gayboi, own them.
>glory hunter
This is correct but only in a Snapchat shares kind of way.
I don't know about cowardly or pathetic, but they are very stupid. They are attracting a lot of attention to themselves by carrying such weapons in such a place. It is not impossible for a group to surprise them in close quarters and steal those very tempting looking guns. They ought to be carrying concealable handguns and blades in such a place.
Around blacks never relax
Around spics, Five Point Five-Six
Around a turban, grab a burp-gun
Only people who open carry are attention seeking clowns.
Bubba loves to lean over on his 45 when hes at the local kroger, makes him feel like a big tough man.
They are pathetic for giving money to Starcucks, other then that I see nothing wrong.
They might be pathetic, but I absolutely guarantee that the Moo in the corner will just sit there, play her computer and keep her mouth shut.
>military grade
Europeans are so fucking stupid. Disgusting, dirty people who never fucking learn.
>That shit shoots 5.56, how stupid do you have to be to call that military grade.
5.56 has been in military service since the 60's. What exactly isn't military grade about it? Mil-Spec AR's are as military grade as it gets short of an F/A trigger group.
>Being safe is pathetic
Nope, also notice that there's no niggers in the pic
>an entire round designed around penetrating helmets
yeah, it's a military round, even though you can use it for hunting. for self defense it's a silly round, unless you want to be sure to hit everything behind your target aswell.
>when you completely miss the fucking point
liberals are absolute retards
so are a lot of conservatives, to be fair.
also check 3m
I can't believe the faggot nigger mods mark "check e.m" as spam.
I hope every mod on this website dies in a fire.
>man and woman who've been properly trained with firearms and look physically fit
>they're pathetic
how does the latter follow from the former in any way?
The best of you died in Russia.
>military grade
It's unflattering that you don't recognize this particular word jew. The idea is to associate the weapon with the idea of the military so you can more easily accept that...
>only military should have military-grade
...which is the entire point of the subterfuge. Absolutely everything is military-grade, in fact, they will accept absolute shit that you as a consumer wouldn't. An actual "military" M16 will be issued to you from whatever parts were at the armory! These pieces are actually far above "military-grade" but that's another digression.
>f/a trigger group
Not all military arms are fully automatic, not all fully automatic arms are military. That just feeds into the myth of things you shouldn't have because omg they're MILITARY! Doncha know someone could really fuck you up with that?!?
This is where social homogeneity comes in. Frankly, I'm surprised more niggers haven't started going Lee Malvo on the "wypipo" they supposedly hate so much.
If rabbits had guns, predators would not be able to prey on them so easily.
Because of the display of carrying a fuckin rifle around.
I love my guns just as much as them, but I know what too far looks like and these assholes step over the line and do more damage than good. Any time I’ve seen someone carrying their rifle into a store I ALWAYS keep an eye on them until they leave.
Open carry is great, but within the minds of gun owners we should fret from open displays like this and ONLY go out with rifles in times of protest as a display of civil power. Anything else is bad optics.
The best of you has always been an empty set, leaf.
>yes, the military uses this weapon but it's not military-grade because of semantics
Sweet lord, you guys are something else entirely.
The military also issues you a shovel but you don't go around calling those "military grade" do you? How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Americans are the only Westerners left right in their heads.
Banning weapons in Europe was a tremendously stupid idea.
We need common sense laws on military shovels now.
Being this offended and judgmental, is pathetic.
>but nobody should be able to protect themselves
>These pieces are actually far above "military-grade"
lol wut
>but that's another digression.
No, go ahead. Tell me more about shit you nothing about.
The world jew that you're missing is that people as a whole need to accept the fact that guns are for blowing mother fuckers away. Then we can all begin to build a healthy societal concept of when it is and isn't a good time to blow a mother fucker away.
I dont see whats pathetic about using the rights to protect yourself. Yes in my opinion that M16 is a little bit of an overkill but who gives a shit, if he has a permit to own and carry it why wouldnt he?
Are weapons allowed in Serbia btw?
Idk about you or continental countries but for us, weapons were outlawed on mass after the Peterloo Protest of 1819.
>British people protest peacefully
>Local constables are unable to control them
>Yeoman/Territorial army called in to blockade roads.
>Cavalry charge the protestors
>Army fire on protestors who try to flee
>Government bans weapons in case of future plebian revolt.
An AR15 is functionally 99% Identical to its military counterpart. Literally the only difference between an AR15 and an M4/M16 is a third hole in the recieved which is utilized for the full auto or burst sear, and the rear portion of the bolt is longer in order to allow the FA sear to trip... anyone who tells you an AR15 is not a military rifle is a fool and is only playing word games to shadow the fact that they are scared of their guns getting taken away. I own two AR’s, they are combat weapons, and they are defensive firearms. God forbid someone breaks into my home, tries to burn down my neighborhood during riots, or my government steps too far over the line, then its time to use a weapon such as the AR to set things straight or die trying.
>pieces constructed from a jumble of armory parts are better than those constructed from matching parts
>shit you nothing about
>guns are for killing people
>shit you nothing about
Let me guess, it's never a good time. Unless the other guys are Nazis or stand in the way of a pizza and hotdog party.
kys and post the livestream faggot
>1 post by this ID
Summerfaggots are so easily baited.
I'd be carrying too if niggers were infesting my coffee shop
much better to walk around with amateur-grade guns you welded in your garage.
i see your point.
Yes they are, however youre not allowed to open carry like in mutt land or israel.
That gun is excessive for Starbucks unless he was just about to shoot up the entire store.
>said the german cuck while hiding from hordes of niggers and sandniggers
Eat shit, burger, I like guns
I wanna fugg the bunn
Brainwashed lemming.
As you can see from the responses, Ameritards are beyond help. Build a wall around the US. The kind of wall that blocks literally everything.
Not shown in photo: heap of dead niggers
5.56 is on the light side user
That's how i got a ton of (you)s some months ago. I called an AR15 an 'assault weapon'.
Well against protests it might actually be a good idea. Imagine Antifa with weapons, it would be a nightmare scenario. Maybe people should take a through psychological test before they're allowed to carry weapons.
Honestly Serbia is one of the last awesome countries in Europe left. Keep it clean from kebabs and marxists!
> guns are insurance
these people are idiots.
>pieces constructed from a jumble of armory parts are better than those constructed from matching parts
>implying issue rifles are bunch of random shit put together? I think
Where exactly did you come up with this nonsense? The only issue rifles that have parts that aren't matching have replacement parts because they exceeded their lifespan and broke. Ask me how many M4 hammer springs, disconnectors, firing pins, M9 locking lugs and guide rods I've had break in the past 15 years?
>guns are for killing people
I know for sure I shot AT sand people, can't confirm kills. So you got me there.
Your double doubles confirm you're retarded.
>showing strength
>expressing their 2nd amendment right
>Tyrone can’t make them an easy target
Oh keke please strike down all these meaningless kike shills.
>dude, i'm just carrying around that fully automatic rifle that can perforate your ass at 500 shots per second through a solid wall at 1000 meters distance
But it's totally not military grade, i swear!
>Build a wall
>Finland pays for it
Cool! Thanks FinBro!
9MM is in military service, too. Is 9MM military grade?
oh shit servicemen brush their teeth, too. I better go make sure I have a license for this military grade toothbrush.
People who open carry rifles into establishments are the most cucked low IQ pricks I've ever met in my life. People who open carry/CCW pistols tho? Always red-pilled, weren't trying to prove a point because they know their freedoms.
>only military should have military-grade
There's a significant difference between being allowed to own those weapons and open carrying them into a coffeeshop.
>500 shots per second
He should do what germans do and carry around a bag of sand to stuff up his ass at a moment's notice in case muhammad decides that he's having a sexual emergency.
>Europoor upset that other countries have different rights than you do.
Yea, you inbred cucks with your military grade vodka and black dildos are a real threat, arent ya , m8?
It is pretty hard to defend yourself or others, without a rifle, against a guy with a rifle. I dare you ro try.
> those guns are to make a statement
Listen to this cuck projecting.
>typying in your own room about people who got out of their house with a huge rifle and went to take a coffee in a public shop
>he calls them cowards, pathetics and scared
>As you can see from the responses, Ameritards are beyond help.
keep cryin, bitch nigga
>W-we aren't the ones scared of people with guns h-honest
wow, such lofty goals in life you have. What part of africa are you from, nigger?
The kraut is right. If someone attacks you by surprise, even with a knife (a couple of guys or so) you are finished and your weapon stolen. Thats why cops walk on pairs.
>Imagine if Antifa had weapons
Antifa have been in America since Trump and they haven't been too destructive.
Gotta remember that their core demographic is rich kids, no matter what they're packing, or how many of them there are, they'd have their asses handed to them if they ever faced up against SO19 or GSG9.
But think back to Red Army Faction. Your secret services offed them one by one in prison. Antifa are only a menace because they are allowed to be.
>fully automatic rifle
>500 shots per second
>through a solid wall at 1000 meters distance
any other lies, jamal?
Lefties say they have all the “strong” women but in reality they’re all fat cunts, tattoo covered skanks and dykes.
The Right has all the real strong women. Clearly the person who wrote that text is intimidated by true strentgh
I'm not the one being triggered by fucking words.
>military grade
>assault weapon
>I'm not the one being triggered by fucking words.
apparently you are.
>Letting your wife fuck other guys is pathetic
>Being a Muslim is pathetic
>Keeping pro-Hillary bumper stickers on your car is pathetic
I guess they should all be illegal
isn't the standard NATO round designed to tumble after penetration tho
pretty sure it is
This. Women from the Right are the best, say what you will. Only weak men would fuck ugly leftist fatties.
Where did I type that we were superior and whats with the black dildoes, shouldnt you be making "you mad wite boi" threads on /b/?
You're just made because you couldn't invade Switzerland.
He probably doesn't know anything about Serbia
I have first-hand experience with Serbs and all I can say is that they're awesome and intelligent people
When you're carrying an AR15, there are few things that scare you
"This person is pathetic" is not a statement about that person - it is a statement about the person saying it, something like "this person makes me angry and hateful". So look at who's saying it, and look at whom they are saying it about, and make up your mind who is in the right.
>>an entire round designed around penetrating helmets
>yeah, it's a military round
but it wasn't designed for military. it was a hunting round that was used in the m16
5.56 is only different from .223 rem in casing thickness and pressure load
>but it wasn't designed for military
>The cartridge and rifle were developed by Fairchild Industries, Remington Arms and several engineers working toward a goal developed by U.S. Continental Army Command (CONARC). Early development work began in 1957.
>sourc: en.wikipedia.org
A few keystrokes on google just debunked that. Tell me why people feel compelled to espouse things on the internet without at least verifying themselves with a quick and simple search engine check?
I'm an armed citizen which means wherever I go, to work, the bank, the grocery store, church, gas station, yard sales and even behind you in the checkout line of business that have "no gun" signs, but not openly, I'd rather you not see it till it's too late
Nobody can rationale argue against this point . It’s stupidly attention seeking and any smart operator would have concealed their weapon anyway . If you need to ride around town with anything Semi auto rifle you live in a dump .