Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off

Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off.
They got working whites to hate the very people that want them to have more pay, clean air, water, free healthcare and the power to fight back against big banks & big corps. It’s truly remarkable.


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>We just want to make white people a minority in their own country!!! Why are they voting against their own interests?!?!?

What a meme.

Reading about the US makes me sad

>literally who says literally what literally where and I'm supposed to give a shit
No. Sage

>>We just want to make white people a minority in their own country!!!

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>free Healthcare

Nothing is free holy shit.

>if only republicans would stop voting against their best interests
>if only republicans would vote for more welfare so they can pay higher taxes when they finally do purchase a home
>if only republicans would vote for a party that is going to give money to VA hospitals while we do our best to take away their guns
>if only republicans would vote for a party that is going to put minorities before them
>if only republicans would vote for a party that is going to attempt to bring forth legislation that punishes them for expressing their wrong beliefs
>if only

Gosh, I don't fucking know (((McKay)))

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>We need the government to pay for healthcare so everyone can get treatment!
>VA hospitals are terrible. People aren't getting treatment!

>you’re voting against your interests!
>also fuck you huwhitey, we’re opening the borders and replacing you
>vote for us teehee

Trump's policies are raising wages and his tax cuts let me keep more of my money.
My air is clean because I dont live in a Democrat run city with dirty air.
My water is clean for the same reason.
Healthcare isnt free and never will be.
Democrats are owned by big banks and business. Obama ducked their dicks with our mouths for 8 years.

Adam McKay is a pediphile and I look forward to seeing him swinging from a rope.

The "replacing" argument isn't needed. For one, the person who opposes you doesn't care about a race being replaced. Dems aren't bringing in other races and preventing whites from breeding. They'll just "womp womp" your argument.

Secondly, adding more of another isn't quite a "replacement" unless they are systematically removing/executing one group and using the other to fill in the open spot. What they are doing is somewhat just as sinister because they are causing two groups to fight over a finite amount of resources/employment/opportunity. That's not replacement. That's over-saturating.

If a cage has 1 bowl of dog food and 2 poodles and all of a sudden 2 wiener dogs are introduced the poodles are not being replaced. They are being forced to have less resources within the same space.

Really? Because last I checked I’m a working-class white, and Trump’s tax cuts gave me a nice little monthly raise. Democrats have never put more money in my pocket.

>the other party is against the existence of you, your family and your race as a matter of stated policy
>republicans aren't even allowed to be vocally against this and have to dogwhistle to their bases on these issues

the absolute delusion of democrats

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op is a faggot

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Adam McKay slurps jew cock all day. Overrated "comedy" faggot.


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the progressive movement has ALWAYS been designed to crush the middle class

Obama in office for eight years:

>terrible wages, high unemployment, shit stock market growth

Trump after cutting taxes, and most importantly regulations:

>opposite of obama years

Leftists DO NOT UNDERSTAND the basics of running an economy. Their ideas always always always have side effects they ignore because their policy "sounds good" and assuages their conscience.

"I think that economic changes happen weeks into a presidency " the post

The only metric that is directly attributed to Trump is corporate confidence and funny that, a government that gives huge tax breaks and lax regulations to corporations are confident under them.

Reminder: Lax regulations was the prime reason for the economic melt-down that the Obama administration was tasked with cleaning up.

Right wingers are classcucks..news at 11

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Trump's been in office a year and a half at this point. Never was it even as close to this good during obama's EIGHT years. Try again, you little dumbdumb.

Loosening regulations on banks was what caused 2008, those are all still in place for large banks. Local banks were relived of some of the regulations, because they were obviously designed by the large banks to kill off smaller banks, which they did in great number. Thanks obama, I guess that's what you get when Citibank picked obama's cabinet. Surprise surprise.

>according to young republican retard: "the progressive movement has ALWAYS been designed to crush the middle class"

everything you wrote is stupid and wrong

>They got working whites to hate the very people whose policies will leave them poor, starving, and dead

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It's empirically not. Go back and get your news from somewhere besides Occupy dumbocrats kthx

>Never was it even as close to this good during obama's EIGHT years.

So you're saying that the time for economic recovery is not as good as after the hard-work of the recovery is completed.

Call the fucking economists of the world! We have a wunderkin here! No shit, after you clean up a mess things get better. Trump has been claiming economic prosperity from literal weeks after coming in office. Economic prosperity he had nothing to do with.

He's not the only asshole to do it, Bill Clinton coasted on economic numbers he didn't put on the board but Trump has taken it to a new level of bullshit.

>those are all still in place for large banks.

The Republicans have been tearing apart Frank Dodd since Trump got in, so fuck off with your fairy tale. I also like how you don't attribute this to fuckery that the Republicans did while in office or attribute the cleanup to the Dems.

>I guess that's what you get when Citibank picked obama's cabinet.

This is the most funny garbage posting I see around here. Trump's Cabinet is the most rich, most Big Bank tied and most corrupt in modern history. This fiction that Trump somehow is draining the swamp when he brought even more swap is laughable.

>Reminder: Lax regulations was the prime reason for the economic melt-down that the Obama administration was tasked with cleaning up.

Lax regulations to force loans to high-risk minorities.

>Only minorities default on loans

>No redneck hicks were part of the Sub-Prime loaning bubble


The sub-prime loaning debacle had nothing to do with race, it was stupid policy and its inevitable collapse is being written again by Republicans as they dismantle the regulations put in place during the recovery.

>Compensation committees
>Conflict of interest
what do those words even mean?
Why do american use so many buzzwords?

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>Reminder: Lax regulations was the prime reason for the economic melt-down that the Obama administration was tasked with cleaning up.

Caused by Clinton. Maybe his intentions were noble, but when you remove regulations on lending expect the system to be exploited. In fact, don't expect it. Know that it will happen. Once you have that in mind you can then decide on if your choice is smart or not.

And you're saying that the economic recovery just magically happened as soon as Trump was elected? Curious argument...since you can literally see the DJIA soar after Trump won, and all other indices climb as well.

Golly I sure wonder why they waited for obama to leave...

>have been tearing apart Frank Dodd since Trump got in, so fuck off with your fairy tale.

Stop pretending like Dodd-Frank is some type of infallible piece of legislation with no flaws. It went too far in many areas, especially with regards to smaller banks. Don't tell me a leftist wants a banking monopoly lmao

>This is the most funny garbage posting I see around here.

It's completely true that CitiBank chose Obama's cabinet. There is absolutely no denying that fact. Why does this upset you so? You don't have to slurp obama's cock you know.

>And you're saying that the economic recovery just magically happened as soon as Trump was elected?
Partially, yes. He was a business candidate. Once he was elected the economy improved due to confidence alone. Maybe about 10%.

>I try to make broad generalizations and pigeonhole an argument in a cheap attempt to discount the truth: the post
>tries to elude that the poster he was replying to is inept, yet tries to argue that the only tax breaks given from the bill were for corporations
I have a small business, I got all these tax breaks intended for big corporations, what should I do? Give them back? Get the fuck out of here.

Cutting taxes for the rich and increasing it for everyone else.

>companys are moving out of the us to other countrys

Whoa boy trump is definately gonna make America better

>clean air and clean water
Are things for the people to decide since they would be paid for with tax dollars.
>free healthcare
A completely fucked up healthcare system that only benefits insurance companies
>more pay
Either means increase in min wage which means Tyrone gets paid the same for doing jack shit as every other worker. Or it means universal income and taking away money from everyone else.
>big banks and big corps
Plenty of them are on the left's side as well. Banks themselves are high enough that politics have little effect on their (((profits)))

>Cutting taxes for the rich and increasing it for everyone else.

Literally untrue. I don't see how you can possibly believe this...unless you don't have a job???

>companys are moving out of the us to other countrys

US companies have brought $300 Billion dollars back into the country in the first half of 2018 alone because of Trump's tax law changes. What companies have left?

>increasing it for everyone else.
What tax? What tax are the poor paying more of that the rich aren't?

free healthcare if you stop being a man
clean air and water, and only 20% rise in taxes
fight against banks??? Obama endorsed the biggest bank bailout in history

this motherfucker is a traitor, its truly remarkable what a fucking liar he is

Fox news is just as juden as the other networks. They just spin the other direction instead of with the grain to offer an illusion of choice that there are "different" opinions and "different" parties.
What a joke.

>Entire platform is based on hating white men
>"Why aren't white men voting with us!"

>And you're saying that the economic recovery just magically happened as soon as Trump was elected?

The economy was on the recovery path long before the election, the jobs numbers have not massively departed from the trend started under Obama.

The running joke among economists for Trump's claim that its his doing is the quote from Spicey:


And as the other poster said: Corps always play fast and loose when they have a shill in their pockets in the POTUS seat.

>Stop pretending like Dodd-Frank is some type of infallible piece of legislation with no flaws.

Literally never said that, you can stop beating the shit out of that straw-man whenever you are ready. It was a piece of legislation that was effective at preventing the freefall that was the economic crisis and now there is nothing in its place. That is a far cry from the claim above that the brakes have not been ripped off the train of runaway bank policy.

>It's completely true that CitiBank chose Obama's cabinet.

Do you see any denial from me? You can beat up that straw-man all you like but it isn't my argument at all.

|My| argument was that if you think Obama's cabinet was corrupt then you should be frothing at the mouth as it relates to Trump's. Take one example: Betsy DeVos, she has no experience in the field she took on, bought her way in, and what few policies she has advocated for have demolished education in her state. Its laughable that she got in at all. She is the definition of letting money buy a cabinet pick and there is nothing even remotely as egregious in Obama's cabinet.


>(((big banks)))

>(((big corps)))

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This Big Dimes Don fostered the largest repatriation of money in US history

Ah, you got the crumbs from the table and rejoiced. Good for you. Meanwhile: The large corps are using their multi-billion dollar tax cuts to buy up eachother and force even more small businesses out of contention. But hey, you got your crumbs while the society safety net crumbled under you. Yay?

If all you want to do is pad your paycheck maybe you can look into:

>higher minimum wage
>regulations on college tuition or grants or free college
>regulations on banks and corporations so they stop incentiving only short term growth to get massive bonuses

Jesus they are so childish. Do they really believe a huge company could function without a capable person at the helm?

>I can't wait until whites are a minority, then you'll see what it's like

>Btw we just wanna help you

>The economy was on the recovery path long before the election, the jobs numbers have not massively departed from the trend started under Obama.

And Trump was smarter than Obama and realized that the economy should have been back to normal years ago during Obama's 2nd term, but was stifled by the uncertainty and onerous regulations that king nigger kept trying to implement. This is not rocket surgery, buddy.

There's a lot more to the Trump economic boom than just jobs numbers.

>and now there is nothing in its place

Completely wrong. At least pretend to be educated when you shill.

>letting money buy a cabinet pick and there is nothing even remotely as egregious in Obama's cabinet.

Money literally bought the ENTIRETY of Obama's cabinet, are you fucking daft?? Obama was a pawn of wall street jews.

SecEd has little to do with economic policy anyway. How was Ben Carson pay to play? Zinke? How does larry kudlow benefit wall street with his protectionist policies? lul

>The way to fix economic instability is to dismantle the protections against the last round of instability!

Flawless logic from you there.

>At least pretend to be educated when you shill.

The Trump admin (and the ponce himself) have literally bragged about being anti-regulation and about demolishing as much of them as possible. They have weakened all of the pillars that would protect citizens and are stacking the courts with Pro Corp stooges

>How was X, Y, Z person pay to play?

Are you kidding?? You mean the people whose employees have said they were put there to dismantle the part of government they were put in charge of so that Republicans could say that part of government doesn't work?

So DeVos killing all the cases against predatory For-Profit schools has nothing to do with economic policy?
Or Carson pushing to allow massive raises in rent on those right on the poverty line?

The hilarious thing is that idiots like you are shilling for the very safety net under your ass to be pulled from under you so you laugh now and then one misstep, one medical issue, one lay-off, one natural disaster and you will be completely fucked. But oh well, short term Stock Exchange gains! Who needs reasonable societal safety!

>The way to fix economic instability is to dismantle the protections against the last round of instability!

Lovely strawman you've got there, just beautiful. Haha guess you ran out of arguments lmao.

> have literally bragged about being anti-regulation and about demolishing as much of them as possible

Another fallacy. Can you not tell the difference between Dodd-Frank and regulations on completely separate industries? hurp durp cutting regulations in farming is going to cause another round of bank failures somehow. t. retard.

>part of government doesn't work?

hurr this part of government doesn't work so lets just keep doing what were doing!

Brilliant, just brilliant. Less government is *always* a good thing, too.

>The hilarious thing is that idiots like you are shilling for the very safety net

You europoors are so feminine, so risk averse, so scared for your safety. It's honestly pathetic, your ancestors would be ashamed.

Protip: have some money set aside for problems. This is basic finance. If your life can be ruined by one thing, you are NOT DOING IT RIGHT. Live within your means. I guess low IQ europoors can't plan for disaster and can't imagine making their own safety net.

King Nigger sold us all down the river when he used the American taxpayer's money to bail out the banks. It was a message that they can continue to do all kinds of degenerate usurious gambling and not have to be left holding the bill when they inevitably lose their bets and get cleaned. (((Too big to fail))).

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