Realistically, what would a modern civil war look like?
Civil War
Starving cites, Chimp outs in those cites, barricades at infrastructure choke points, lots of dead Liberals,
The military would step in & prevent anything from happening. Government would take a centrist approach.
Goverment gets divided itself, & the right winged side will slaughter leftists because leftists don’t believe in guns.
Which would then be followed up by the UN/NATO invading & the Balkanization of the US, we’d then be forced to join the European Union
>UN/NATO invading
with what Navy?
>we’d then be forced to join the European Union
May as well just nuke yourself and get it over with.
>The rest of NATO could do anything to the US
US hunters alone are the largest fighting force in the world.
what do you think all those FEMA coffins are for? and all the ammunition the federal government bought under Obama? and why under Obama the president now has the power to seize agriculture and farmland in case of an emergency? why the Canadian government can send in troops without American permission (if there is a state of civil war and no clear chain of command)
This, a gay ass riot. Nothing more. Countries that do end up in Civil war have more violent societies. There is not enough will to fight in the US. You don't even kill each other on the rallies. You just scream gay shit, and wear costumes.
The one that the European Union is currently building, Germany has told its puppet states that they can no longer rely on the US about 7 months ago.
Although nations like the UK are actually demilitarizing, it’s prpbably the best before Muslims take over their goverment & call for a jihad.
>Be a American private
>Get sent to European theatre
>Get dronestriked in the ocean en route
>Literally everyone dies
A massacre. The rural and suburban conservatives wouldn't even be the ones doing it, though. The liberal urbanites pets would chimpout and burn the inner city and outlying areas to the ground. The suburban and rural conservatives band together (because they have continued to foster a sense of community while liberals are rootless) to protect themselves. You might see RWDS in areas where people have had enough of the chimp out. The military would be ineffective to stop the spreading chaos, and police would be overwhelmed quickly.
>se cites, barricades at infrastructure choke points, lots of dead Liber
They'll believe as soon as the bullets start flying. The achilles heel for the right would be that they could easily be infiltrated by the 20% of their own people that are on the brown team. The Mexicans have what is essentially a garrison in every town in the US. I don't think it would be as easier as many think.
It won't be a civil war as much as society colapsing like a Mad Max movie. There won't be two sides to it. There will be another big disaster like Katrina in the US and that area won't recover. Rioting will spread further and further and terrorist attacks will grow from that.
A huge LARP
Tiny if true
>lots of dead liberals
It wouldn't be cities vs rural areas or left vs right. It'd be more complicated than that. There would probably be multiple sides.
You mention the urban chimping out, but one thing I rarely seen mentioned here, is just how many US leftist are niggers. There's a good chance, that as soon as shit started to break down, that the nigs would just start shooting at the closest people to them, that had shit worth stealing. That would be white leftist, and kikes who mostly live in cities.
Why would it be bad then?
>we’d then be forced to join the European Union
Some user posted a thread yesterday about some 1997 movie called "The Second Civil War". It was supposed to be a comedy, but it honestly seemed pretty prescient.
>US tries to import every dirtworlder who has a bad day
>Government factionalizes along racial lines
>Nigs fight spics for control of California
>Chinks overrun north east
>Last white bastion of Idaho declares borders are closed and threatens secession
>Government sends in troops(mostly white) to force Idaho to take in poor refugee children
>Massive battle between white Idahoans and white soldiers while spics blow up the Alamo and nigs take over LA
Basically despite the minorities being the cause of all the problems, it still ends up with whites killing whites, because the (((house))) always wins.
a bit like this, user
Yep. The nogs are only "woke" as long as the issues benefit them personally. They aren't intelligent enough to look at the big picture. They have no ideological underpinnings for chimping out like Antifa does. They will immediately start targeting white "allies" and even each other to steal their shit. We have seen it already in small riots.
Lone wolves taking up sniping positions and picking off subhumans.
There would be no military involvement outside trying to stop the fighting, the US military isn't going to fight itself nor turn on the Commander in Chief. If it happens it'll be more like a series of very destructive riots.
>UN/NATO invading
With fucking what? What meaningful military force do you think they have that doesn't come from us? Plus, the Navy would stop them with almost zero effort.
True however whites know how to use long arms, most minorities primarily own handguns and cant shoot for shit
>polfags actually believe all white people will magically gather together and genocide non-whites
like really lmaoing
Yeah, that's actually what I was trying to get at. Liberals live near the inner city or within it (gentrification), among their pet minority who wouldn't think twice to loot their house if the chance came.
Look at all the recent black riots. Most of them had no idea why they were out. They just wanted to take advantage of the chaos to loot and steal. When one small group has a reason to riot, the rest of them follow. If the reason is big enough, you end up with the LA riots except everywhere a high number of blacks live.
We dont have artillery shells for IEDs just laying around like other countries
It'll be a low enough level of violence that it never burns out. There's no clear geographic split so organized fighting is much more difficult. Long-term misery rather than a short and highly destructive civil war like the first one.
NATO??? Those fags wear pink and are armed with semi harsh language. 2 ten year olds will wipe them out!!
Could be the first war in history, where a force is destroyed almost solely by infighting.
How to fuck with the normies
Get a bunch of people together. The more the merrier.
Go together to see a popular movie.
All laugh every time someone gets hurt or killed.
Pew pew pew
It doesn't have to be all whites. We already know about half of whites are too cucked to be anything but victims of either side. But the whites that are organized have a much better chance of winning than the random street gangs of niggers that don't even have an objective beyond Gibs Me Dat.
Farmers stop sending food to cities, people go hungry, city/leftist surrender quickly.
NATO is obsolete. The United States should withdraw before the EU bleeds our coffers dry.
A shitload of dead blacks.
A lot of dead leftists
Farmers have plenty of fertilizer and metal lying around, though.
We've already seen some aspects of this with regard to people factionalizing, somewhat on racial lines, and that has caused some riots (especially with regards to political rallies, public speaking, and police issues). Those are very small however, but if it keeps going on like this we may see larger conflicts. Look at what is happening with regards to how the government is trying to handle illegal immigrants. Its caused liberals to flip their lids. I've seen liberals actually call for taking up arms because they believe Trump is approaching going full Nazi deathcamp style.
So not quite like that movie depicts it, but the ideas are the same. Racial strife and government intervention in some racial related issue causing riots and infighting.
>Be a cool sniper kid xD
>Snipers are so cool all my years of CoD have trained me for this
>I can take out them niggers from vantage points in the inner city!
>Inner city is abandoned because of excessive strat bombing
>Wait for fucking days
>See something approaching
>It's a fully armored APC
>Oh nevermind then I could have other chances at a later time
>It has a thermal camera mounted on it
>You're spotted straight away and gunned down
The South Will Rose Again!
Nice 1 /b/!!!
It wouldn't be an alliance of X states vs alliance of Y states, like the last civil war. The current divide is basically between rural and suburban folks vs neoliberal city faggots.
And yes, it would be an embarrassingly one-sided conflict. Cityfags will starve to death and succumb to complete anarchy as the besieging rural conservatives with military grade weapons look on and laugh at their well deserved suffering and humiliation.
Coincidentally enough I have a few in my garage
The thing is, conservatives wouldn't be the ones fighting against the government, it would be the marxists because the US government explicitly outlawed communism in the '50s
Ok nogunz fag. Good luck getting a loicense for your assault spoon.
true american detected
haha ok kid
start by necking all the drumpfkins
LARPing college age faggots throwing firecrackers, blowing air horns, and smacking each other with sticks.
You will be stomped into bloody pools if you try, it's like you dipshits learned nothing from Portland
Before any larger civil war erupts there will first be a smaller and more intense civil war within the military itself. I can't picture any unit larger than company size that will not have a serious crippling issue with loyalties.
The niggers would be raping and murdering anyone with a white skin who wasn't armed i.e libshits, while being shot like fish in a barrel by conservative Whites. Keep your guns at any cost, Americans.
Faggots are hyping one another up for it. Its just going to take antifa faggot suicide bombings something and an equivalent reprisal from the right. Then we would get major happenings and very comfy civil war as libcucks starve to death in the concrete prisons.
PINK assault DILDOS!!!
that's maximum bet, peoples are to idiots to start anything this days, we are locked with this type of society many years from now, sadly.
It would look like a few thousand 50yboys getting their shit kicked in by a couple dozen million conservatives and libertarians.
If Trump wins in 2020, California will try and leave the Union. At least that's my guess. It was talked about briefly after the election, but the liberals shut up about it when they heard the Russians were behind it.
I can bet you all the boomers and christcucks that keep telling everyone "no no, stay on your knees, turn the other cheek, friend", will push their way to the front of the line when it's time to write Constitution 2.0. They will never be allowed to sit at that table though.
30 year old boomers expecting pitched battles with niggers and dykes are going to be in for a rude awakening when their buddy gets his leg blown off in front of them and they're stuck with ptsd for the rest of their miserable life
Good, they will be completely fucked, and when it gets that way, the federal government will purge it off the cancerous liberalism that's been plaguing California for 50+ years
Civil wars are between states. Cail, New York, etc.
So military will be local and international forces.
Its a government at war with its self.
Boomers are twice that age by now you ignorant double nigger. The youngest Xers are in their 30's by now.
Look at Western Europe. The civil war has already started.
>20 year old lib cuck boomer thinks people who kill themselves over being called the wrong pronoun could actually fight a battle.
Yes, but they're mostly independent of each other and their ordinance consists exclusively of semi automatic weapons. How would they stand up against an air force, or an organized army with artillery? How would they communicate with each other and coordinate their attacks?
lol no
One of these antifa faggots are going to kill a politician. That's going to kick off a mess.
It would be a bunch of lefties starving in surrounded cities
It would be a miserably failed uprising not a civil war.
>civil war
Fuck off Soros
Millions would die
>thinking some suicidal tranny who had their dick cut off isnt perfect suicide bomber
>30 year old boomer doesn't know 30 year old boomer meme
I don't see this happening. This would require an agreement among several States to take up arms against rival States, and also the entire United States Army. There does not exist, nor will there ever exist, enough political will in enough States to garner the support needed for another American civil war.
They would absolutely not call it a civil war. They would call it just about anything but. They would try to make it look like Waco, or Ruby Ridge, or what the Bundy standoff almost turned into.
With the amount of former veterans on our side, we know it'll be bloody. It's the left in their smugness that think it will be easy.
Ever been to a stateside airforce base ? They are extremely vulnerable to infiltration by forces already within the country. You can ground every aircraft by shooting out landing gear with deer rifles from outside the fence. US military air power is focused on external threats not the thousands of people in the town or city that surrounds the base.
>he’s never heard of guerilla warfare
We would if Civil War broke out.
This ain't going to be a bunch of farmers with their shotguns against city folks.
We would have everything the military has at their disposal if the circumstances were right.
How? Here's how it could pan out:
They almost did. The guy at the baseball shooting almost succeeded. I don't think a civil war would have started as soon as it came out that hey was a liberal, but I think tensions would have been extremely tight. The same way the left screams about Charlottesville because some fat bitch got hit by the car and died, the right would actually get a legitimate reason to be upset. Charlottesville was a riot, whereas the baseball game was a totally peaceful day, so the shooting couldn't possibly be justified in any manner.
Have you already forgotten?
You sit back in the hills taking shots at semis on the interstate.
Massive increase in prices for all goods.
Massive drop in supply for all goods.
Uncertainty would tank the stock market.
Lessened confidence in the future ability of the nation to pay its debts would cause the value of the dollar to plummet.
Massive drop in quality of life.
Hoards of adolescents who don't read history wondering where their second civil war fantasies went so wrong.
How would the patient hunters that camo themselves operate alone and act as the largest decentralized scout sniper team ever not be raising all sorts of hell.
Something like this.
The Mexicans woulf be more willing to kill. Their propaganda machine has more forcefully injected them with antiwhite rhetoric than the current anti Mexican propaganda, though it has been changing with Donnie in office
Everyone I know owns at least 2-3 guns except for libtards. We all own ATV's and dirt bikes etc except for the libtards. We all know how to clean fish and wild game, except for libtards. We all have training, except for libtards. We own all of the businesses and are all of the plumbers and construction workers etc. We all love our country and think it patriotic to go down saving what our Founders created, except for libtards.
What the fuck do you think would happen?
The limp wrist on that "punch"
Liberals killing each other for food in the urban areas while conservatives sit comfortably while blockading the interstates
Unless California somehow convinces 2/3 of the House of Representatives and the Senate to amend the Constitution, this won't happen. Alternatively, perhaps they could declare war against the United States. This also won't happen.
>American education
Talking about a civil war is boomer talk. That was was planned for years to make it happen. They had to build a southern army just to fight. It was hardly spontaneous.
There will be no civil war unless it's convenient for (((them))). We'll have continual erosion of white rights, gun control, further communism and low level constant attacks against the european population that can't afford to move to areas with "good schools"
The 30 or so military bases in Cali and dozens of National Parks would still belong to the US. Cali would be 1/3 of it's current size as a land mass.