Hitler: 5'8''

Hitler: 5'8''
Putin: 5'6''
Napoleon: 5'6''
Churchill: 5'6''
Stalin: 5'6''

Are leadership and low height related?

Attached: 80d19e9ed6acf2f6c576500101d380da.jpg (960x960, 119K)

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that look like peterspon

5'8 is slightly above average.

>Zuckerberg 5”7
The greatest leader of all time

>Washington 6'2
>Jackson 6'1
>Lincoln 6'4

Leaders chosen by the people are tall alphas, beta manlets can only become leaders by inheriting it lmao

Manlets are always the most driven to proven themselves.

None of those listed in the OP inherited their position.

Hitler: 5'8''
Putin: 5'6''
Napoleon: 5'6''
Churchill: 5'6''
Stalin: 5'6''
Are you retarded?

I fucking hate manlets.

Wait, hear me out. I’m a gentle giant. Ever since I was a little, I was taught the golden rule and took it everywhere in life with me. Being cruel just didn’t make sense to me. Until manlets came along...

Such insecure, hating little men. In a pathetic attempt to get even, manlets pre-emptively treat taller man with thinly veiled spite and sometimes even lash out arbitrarily as their soup of insecurities begins to bubble.

I never wanted to hate little men, but they beat and battered my patience to the point of no return. I remember an ex of mine, such a sweet and wholesome girl, told me in trust that short men are worthless and shouldn’t be alive. I was disappointed in her morals, but alas, I see: All manlets deserve death.

they didnt have 300+ horsepower death rockets to ride like manlets of today do so they were angry

Attached: h2r.jpg (900x600, 378K)