>Trying to stop the Jew controlling me through fapping and porn
>Haven't indulged in porn for a while
>It's not easy to resist the urge to fap
What's the best way to maintain a no-fap, no-porn diet without giving in to my desires?
Best way to resist fapping
leave Jow Forums
Hire prostitutes until you get a girlfriend
Find something to occupy yourself with. I recommend Books.
Sports, hobbies, work... Just do something with the time that you would be wasting masturbating.
Also, Jow Forums is one of the worst places to come If you are on NoFap/NoPorn.
Put yourself through unwavering amount of pain until the inevitable happens you either conquer or die. This is the only way to win the internal fight that dwells within the walls of your mind.
Your move op.
Fap once or twice a week. Not to porn. Find a girlfriend, a sext partner -- something. The biggest problem with porn is it is literally conditioning people to be cucks.
Exercise during the times that you usually fap. Go to bed early.
Fuckk...I forgot about fapping. Thanks for ruining my 3 month streak cunt
>retards think not masturbating somehow grants them super powers and improves their life
bro science garbage