Is he with us?

Is he with us?

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He is KEK.
We roll the dice.




holy shit

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checked. Praise KeK

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please let the war start.

Can you fell him?

I feel him.


kek is a mossad psyop

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not everything is MUH JOOS, hymie

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Oh fugg :DD

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Fuck off with this childish and dead meme

mine got

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isn't he always?


The numbers align.

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Kek smites you

Kek is always with those on the path of righteousness. Stay true. The Frog God abides.

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Yes but gay (((mods))) are tasked with shutting down any threads that might amass power.

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Isn't he the god of chaos and destruction? But I guess without we'll never have order.

Hot damn. He is here

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Digits confirm. Kek has spoken. Praise 'em.

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