Jow Forums complains that western women are corrupted and beyond the point of return. While some may have reached full roastie status, there are still at least 70% or even post-millenials that can be won over to become conservative.
Point of this political thread:
Exploiting a women's emotional side to convert them back to becoming conservative from the cum dumpster liberal have been indoctrinated into.
Some lines that have worked to promote conservatism/redpills into liberal girls I have met:
-Imply society wants you to have sex with alot of people and you just want to love the right person
-Explain the for profit motive to dating sites such as tinder
-Expose dangers of being too promiscuous
-Talk of being a strong, loving father
-Explaining social issues in a way that could negatively affect future off-spring


Attached: Mentally-ill-roastie.jpg (207x244, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

According to the Bible, women are the property of their husbands. The practice of a woman having sex outside of marriage is an abomination of society.

So is shitposting on a Taiwanese nigger hate BBS but I don't see you stopping that you triple faggot, enjoy your virtuous trap porn spam


Who said I was a christ-cuck? Christianity is better for society than mohammad's religion or Shekeldaiaism. Women want to be owned by a strong man not a cucked liberal

come home white man

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What anons could have with the right game and romantic red pills

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Maybe if they're already chad

Christianity is fundamental. Islam is destruction of Christianity. Judaism is destruction of Christianity.

The only way to get women back on our side is to reform divorce laws, remove no-fault divorce concept, to severely limit or eliminate government support for single moms.

Boom, done--women will become happy little docile agreeable creatures again.

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