So what is the final verdict?

How do we save the wh*te race?

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Eat her ass and feet while the bull plows her and maybe some of our cum will slide in from when we licked it up. If you get my metaphor

We implement an eugenics program.


White America has every dicked chimpanzee he really is.

Tbqh I've literally eaten out women irl while my cum was still dripping out of them, kinda liked it. I think I'm up to the job.

We’ll start by eliminating the Romanian gypsyniggers

by breeding 10s of thousands of impoverished SJW whites into the world

allow feminism to collapse, outlaw miscengenation, reintroduce the concept of legitimacy, then finally introduce tax incentives for the mostly white upper class to breed more.

i'm not even white.

The white race will save itself. Once our modern world collapses so will the compassion of white people for shitskins and they will come to rule the world once again. I wonder if the next time around we'll learn from our mistakes today?


we dont , its best for everyone if we just let it die

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You must be jelly pussy tastes like heaven with extra crème on it.

You’re coming with us kike.

Just let cucked/lefty or apolitical whites realized what’s coming for them under the brown horde.
Most refuse to realize this (and the most outspoken anti racist whites are those whose barely ever interacted with non-whites) so basically the easiest way to “save” the white race is to let non-whites to continue with their own uppitty bullshit, let these “anti-racist” whites experience it firsthand and realize it by themselves.

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Yeah sorry but its very likely kikes would get dragged down as well if whites were to die off.
The average brown person cannot distinguish between a white and a jew, maybe arabs, but the rest can’t.

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>How do we save the wh*te race?

By having children. I'll put it to you like this, if someone is complaining about the white race dying out, and they don't have at the very least, three kids, then they are hypocrites.

Right now, Amish are doing more for to save the white race than all these white nationalist larpers that always talk about a race war that never happens. Almost all of those people are single, without children, tattoo'd, jobless, unable to provide for a family, uneducated, etc. They are the epitome of what they hate the most, a Jewish propaganda infected nigger.

thats why we dont allow swarms of savages in and keep those we have in open air prisons .

in that case if you ever jacked off you're a fag as well

White people are weak anyway. Your time is over whiteboys

Wouldn't be surprised

we kill all jews and ban usury

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When did you realize it is up to you to be the leader? I get it. You don't want the responsibility of people looking to you for answers. But you are the one with the answers. You have a responsibility to assume that role or else everything that you see wrong with the world, everything falling down around you, is just as much your fault as it is theirs. Whether it is among your family, your social circle, your place of employment, your church, your local community... Even just one simple action among strangers. It doesn't matter how far you take it. Start acting as a leader and others will follow.
Maybe you're not the natural born leader. It doesn't matter. Like anything else, practice and improve. You may even inspire somebody with charisma and natural ability to do the same. Start considering the benefit of your group in your decision making. Remember that it is not as important to achieve the highest ideals as it is to always strive towards them.

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Geting out of /Pol and actually dating someone

In my country this called faggotry. And you?

Putting a penis in your mouth or fucking a man in the ass is gay.
Whatever you do with a woman is straight.