A daily reminder that Israel already is multicultural

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Wait I thought you would appreciate us for excepting multicultural enrichment


i’ll give you a bump
but how many of your minoritites hold a relevant government office

15% of the parliament aren't Jewish
Only one minister isn't Jewish(Druze. they are more patriotic than most Jews)

It took me 10 seconds to look up that there are 18 Arabs currently in the Knesset.

I think he meant ministers

we are pretty much all the same at this point
exept the ethiopeans they are fake jews

>exept the ethiopeans they are fake jews
I'm more worried about their unstoppable chain migration

they all need to go back welfare leeches and thugs this is what they are

>be me
>already in the process of converting to Judaism
>plan to become a rabbi
>live easy off welfare benefits from the jewish community fund
>plan to travel to Africa and convert as many people as possible
>all will have the "right of return"

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converthing to judaism can take 10 to 20 years
good luck my friend

I mainly had positive experience with them
If it was that simple Israel would have already been a second Congo

Yep. Also cutting your dick that as adult ain't that fun

btw it would be easeir to just ask tyrone next door in your mom's room to convert

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The Arab Yemeni Jews are also fake. They were native Arab converts to Judaism from the 4rth century.

Also Jews racemixed with converts from the diaspora regions in Rome and Persia

One major difference - WE ARE FULL

i hate them they act like animals and they think we owe them something
motherfuckes need to be greatful they are not sterving in africa right now

Why won't you leave your door open at nights

Where do you live may I ask?
If not specifically than generally


>80% Jewish
>oy we're multicultural!

Meanwhile Whites are being replaced by foreign non whites. Get saged Jew.

I'm not surprised it's a shitty area

It's 74

we are all mixed but we all have somewhat of hebrew blood in us unlike ethiopians they are just niggers

not shitty its beautiful some people here are shit but the vast majority are good ppl

I've spent lots of time in the Negev. Beautiful place but most people are dumb af excuse me


fixed your broken chart

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Don't project. We don't own slave you fucking white boy

>implying all americans aren’t already cut

what do you have to do to convert

Don't do it. It's gonna fuck your life

Not enough. You need more arabs and niggers - embrace diversity, it is your strength, don't be weak and afraid, just let them in.

It is a bingo! Is that how you say it? Bingo?

You're not diverse until Jews are in the minority.

everyone knows diversity means anti white not even amounts of representation, silly goyim

>Ethiopians are fake Jews

Is that why you clandestinely sterilized them?


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learn how to pray basically

Fucking based.

>all the triggered jewsponses
kek, too bad it's probably not real

Aren't there a lot of rabbies that make fake circumcisions? They don't check your dick tip at the embassy.

It's not enough. Those illegal Africans/Sudanese numbers need to go up about another 56%.

nah but seriously, I don't think Ethiopians are originally Jews, but it's the same as with many current Jews. maybe more converts then peopel of Jewish decent, but even that will be solved in like 2-3 generations with marriage between different groups

>*dabs unironically*