Left's obsession of caricatures of Trump

Why the fuck are there so many weird caricatures of Trump going around? First it was that statue of naked Trump, then the inflatable Trump chicken, and now the baby Trump balloon.

It's kinda weird to put so much work into crafting images of a man you hate. I hated Obummer and hung around people that also hated him but I don't remember people tattooing him sucking a dick on their leg, like some Trump haters have done.


Attached: TrumpRat2.jpg (600x812, 329K)

Attached: 598bb0304fc3c0be3f8b6dd1-750-563.jpg (750x563, 71K)

Outside alien detention center during First Lady visit.

Attached: 612suu6o344x.jpg (1200x900, 204K)

One of three naked Trump statues exhibited in the USA.

Attached: 1471537375.jpg (1224x1632, 827K)

Nude portrait of Trump

Attached: image (1).jpg (720x794, 394K)

Trump Jack-o-Lantern

Attached: trumppumpkin.jpg (748x498, 409K)

Aforementioned Trump tattoo

Attached: Ci9Kg-rVEAE4cGu.jpg (600x743, 96K)

They made him look like a jew, nice touch.

Just an outlet for their anger.

I wish I could meet this guy
>if sucking dick makes trump gay, then gay is bad, and the person ishomophobic, so he's with trump
>if sucking dick is gay and gay is not bad, then trump is not bad, and the entire thing has the opposite meaning
You must fight them with their own tactics.

They depict him as similar to them because they love him.

It's just there playing cards, that is all.
>Oh you don't like gays? You're just a closet fag!
>You think women these days are shallow? SMALL PENIS! INCEL! VIRGIN!
>You don't think the country should be exploiting the vulnerability of illegal immigrants because they cannot get a taxable job, so they have to work for employers who pay less than minimum wage under the table? Xenophobic Racist BIGOT! NAZI!!!

Most left cucks are pedos...


Because he's a weird looking fuck, he's easy pickings

It’s idolatry disguises as protest.

hu hu picture funny picture like drumf but ugly poopoo hu hu

I literally cant even hu hu so true

small peepee wrinkly butt trumf hu hu

Attached: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Farchive.4plebs.org%2Fdl%2Ftv%2Fimage%2F1513%2F00%2F1513007204881.png&f=1.png (866x900, 95K)

>onions wars
>trump sucking dick

Hahaha Blumph btfo. OMG what a pussy grabbing Cheeto eating idiot. The world is laughing at him and Mueller is closing in like a hungry predator. He should just resign now, and the GOP should confess and let Hillary take over. You stupid fucking rubes have no idea how bad it’s going to get for you. Your 2 scoop ice cream eating conman will be passing notes with Manafort in jail LMFAO.

>easy pickings
>weird looking
>Jordache jeans from the 90’s

Attached: CE3857E2-A871-4A38-8E5E-972DA5C91857.png (300x300, 198K)

Also to point out that a lot of their normie-tier insults tend to revolve around sexual ad-hominem. It kinda makes sense though seeing as they still think like children. Childish mindset= childish insults.

he looks pretty good for a 70 year old, I think

leftists behave identically to the way women socially ostracize anyone they don't like

Funny how the face looks like an Obama caricature with a trump wig glued on it

Agree. Most 72 years old look like shit.

Literally every president has caricatures

Yes but I don't recall giant Obama or Bush balloons.