(((Hookup culture))) is degenerate, including men

Especially men.

Menwhores niggers shall be severely punished and send in Angola where they could behave like muh dick muh pussy niggers.



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What do you think of the following statement?


Well, I think that fathers can't be sure of the virginty of their daughter unfortunately.

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Should be the case, but you'd still need to change laws regarding divorce, adultery and etc. Having those laws unchanged even if you get a virgin wife and your marriage is likely to last, you are still at the mercy of a womans whim

That goes without saying.

>What's keeping women in a gynaeceum

begin posting a story about this in a previous that ded.

gonna start telling it again

>second serious girlfriend
>first one was a mess of BPD and other shit
>second one we'll call emily was amazing
>emily was attractive, intelligent, and funny (on track for an Ivy)
>family was also super nice
>dad was a vet (11b in 75th no joke) turned wealthy dude in finance
>little sister was super sweet a grade below / my grade
>we'll call her little sister ashley
>emily also was amazing in bed
>holy shit she gave the best blowjobs and no joke porn became boring after her
>somewhat a redflag but I assumed she was "freak in the sheets, nice in the streets" type
>one morning I go to the bathroom and my dick feels like it' s on fire while pissing
>don't say anything at first and instead just go to urgent care to get some antibiotics
>stop texting her as often and get a bit distant
>only hangout with her at school or with other people present
>one night she decides to throw a party at her parent's gigantic house for her acceptance to her dream ivy school
>lots of people there and I once again act like nothing is weird
>emily introduces to one of her friends from LA
>ohshitdats she's disney channel star
>me and disney girl kick it off
>ask her the usual shit and then ask her if she wants to go to the local rose garden (a few blocks away from emily's house)

difference is that the dick stays like before

checkmate beta fag

Hi manwhore nigger.

t. incel

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>dig a bit deeper on emily and disney girl's friendship as i never heard emily talk about disney girl
>turns out emily slept with disney girl's first crush when they were both about 13
>spill the beans what emily did minus turning my dick into a ghost pepper
>ask her if she wants to go for a drive no joke like the goose from Drive
>text emily that I wasn't feeling well and was gonna go home
>we go crusing in the night
>get to a viewpoint and long story short fuck
>actually end up dating later for a bit but that's not part of the story
>begin getting closer to ashley (emily's sister) as I had been tutoring her for about 3 months at that point
>ashley and I actually start just talking most of the time during these tutoring sessions
>decide to ask her about emily's habit of fucking other guys
>ashley tells me no joke her sister is a fucking whore
>tells me she's slept with about eight guys behind my back
>fuckme x2
>I just get sad at this point
>ashley looks at me and then quickly kisses me
>I kiss her back
>as I leave ashley tells she knows her sister's phone password
>later that night starting dozens of screenshots of her talking to her fuckbuddies, some even about me
>sends me a pic of emily blowing a guy while getting fucked with coke on her lip
>confirmed cumdumpster
>start compiling all of them

is just a retarded word. Rather high 5 me.
what does it change? Have as much fun as i want and later just get a much younger girl to marry that hasn't been used by people like me lol


Gonna keep posting???

>emily's dad and I had become total Jow Forums bros btw pretty much immediately after I started dating emily
>even lets me go shooting with him and his ranger buds
>next day after compiling my photos her dad asks me I want to go shooting
>yeah sure let's do it this weekend
>asks me if I want to make a short little camping trip out of it
>let's do it
>we go out indawoods
>great time overall but saturday night I confront him about it
>first I tell him emily's cheating on me
>at first he begins to feel bad for me
>then I show him the screenshots
>holyshit he's gona goku
>we pack out that night instead of going home the next day like we planned
>drive 3 hours home at 1am
>get there around 4am and he drives to his house instead of dropping me off
>tells me to wait in the car
>next I hear lots of shouting no joke like someone's been shot
>then quiet
>finally he texts me and says I can come in
>her dad is making some pan cakes in the kitchen like all is well
>we start eating them in their living room and he begins talking to me about some more Jow Forums shit that I had asked him about like 5 hours ago
>out of the corner of my eye I then see emily carrying a bag and heading out the door

>what does it change? Have as much fun as i want and later just get a much younger girl to marry that hasn't been used by people like me lol

You hedonist manwhore bitch. You are to be severely punished for behaving like a nigger.

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We should have a puritan space cult society based on Canaan

why am i even waiting for the rest of this shitty story

this fucking larp lmao
go back to Jow Forums

The fuck else are you gonna do faggit

Finish your story fgt I've been waiting since the other thread.

>"WAIT" emily's dad shouts
>ranger mode activated
>emily whines about it being cold but her dad says it's only fucking 50 and she needs to leave the house now
>we finish our pancakes
>ashley comes down a bit later for her morning run and mentions seeing emily's room trashed
>asks about the shouting
>dad replies that emily wouldn't be sleeping in this house until she's no longer covered in filth
>lol wtf that's a weird way to tell your other daughter but go ranger dad
>ranger dad cancels emily's credit card that morning
>next day he tells her he isn't paying for princeton
>start dating ashley about a month after that incident
>emily came back for a bit but she eventually moved out with cokehead fuckbuddy
>last I heard she failed out of community college in portland while working at a papa john's
>eventually ashley and I split when we went off to different schools but I'm actually still close to both ashley and her father
>her father is probably going to show up to my army as well as my graduation
>get rekt emily



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bad story

Thank you user. not really much of a story desu. The girl just basically blew her chance at an ivy league education by blowing guys and railing blow.

>there is nothing alpha about being a slave to your passions
The ultimate "this".
In every philosophy, every religion, one of the basic bitch rules is:
>control your passions or your passions control you

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Nice LARP bro

Nah that's just normal norcal white suburban rich kid drama. We had one girl jump off a fucking bridge after her boyfriend cheated on her. Another crashed her car into the school after taking xanax at night with her friends

Let them burn themselves. When they turn 60 they'll begun to understand what they've done. Or they won't. Either way, they'll get theirs in the end. Be happy being the Remnant.