The Democratic Party

What went wrong?
They used to be the rational of the two

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>They used to be the rational of the two
Fuck off retard. They have always been the nigger spic feeder of America.

oh yeah dude the party that started a civil war so they could be slavers were totally the more rational of the two

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Nah man, only since the 60s

I noticed a change in the force as soon as Jon Stewart left the daily show.

he sensed a change in culture.

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b-b-b-b-but they're they party of minorities and women!!!!

>Democrats are the real racists

Go back to r/The_Donald

absolute power corrupts absolutely

Yes, they are. Deal with it (you can't)

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I said fuck off

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The problem isn't that the Dems have gone too far left. It's that they've gone unabashedly corporate. At this point the Republicans, despite being more ideologically corporate, are in practice actually more anti-establishment.

What the Dems need to do is create an anti-corporate, but non-socialist and pro-free speech version of the Sanders/Ocasio-Cortez branch of the progressive movement... basically old school liberal New Dealers.

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>non-socialist socialists
You fags try to pull this con all the time.

keep screeching rat

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it's probably gonna be a Wisconsin'ish Democrat like Tim Ryan.

but the dem house will need to burned down first.

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>They used to be the rational of the two
Um when are you claiming that was? I can't think of a time since about 1910 when that was true.

They were anti war pro science in the 80s-90s now they're the fucking war hawk party that denies genetic science

>"Trolling liberals epic styyle! xD"
Stop trying to call the Dems racist on a racist board and fuck off back to Jow ForumsThe_Donald

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The redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cuck, basedboy, faggot, , it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.

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Good one. Made me chuckle

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Trafficking took over the party

But the Democrats ARE the real racist. How much more evidence does anybody need?

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They are just waiting for the demographics to turn in their favor in a few more years.

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elaborate further pls
agreed. They are afraid to alienate anybody, too much calculation and political cynicism on their part. They need a strong liberal who will not back down from his values for a 4% vote in Iowa or shit like that. Macron comes to mind first

I fucking wish they were actual communists

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they are both the same and deep down you know it

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then you belong in the 1920, like your ideology

>They used to be the rational of the two

They were always just LARPing as it. The arrogant asshole who thinks by calling people stupid he's suddenly smarter. That's been the liberals for years. They offer absolutely nothing besides "DUR REPUBLICAN IS DUMB REDNECK! ME NOT REDNECK! BE ME!"

This is true dude. The left started catering more and more to fucking literal 13 year old girls on tumblr. They're so desperate to be seen as young, hip, sexy and cool they just copy teen's blogs for policies. So when identity politics started to spread from the Internet, they went full balls to the wall with acceptance of it. Guys like Stewart seemed to have to quietly step aside for the louder, dumber group of emotional appeals.

To me it just proves how full of shit the Bush years was. How much the "Republicans are dumb and irrational and emotionally driven" was just a bunch of projecting drivel from the people who pull all the same logical fallacies but are conscious and fucking proud of it.

There is a difference between dumb because you're not exposed to a lot of differing knowledge -- Republicans/conseratives. And dumb because you HAVE been exposed to knowledge, but simply choose to reject or take it out of context depending on one's own personal emotions -- Democrats/liberals. One's innocently ignorant sometimes and goofs up; the other just straight up denies fucking reality with a childish temper tantrum.

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The DNC tried to become America's conservative party, which is the role of the RNC.

Yeah nothing more rational than hundreds of years of importing third world nation destroying savages cause they're too Jewish to pay a white person's wages.

there are no Dems on this board only leftist commie shills, so fuckem.

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Nah, you just got hoodwinked. "Tolerance" was a dog whistle for white demographic replacement.

Being all-inclusing means becoming a breeding ground for both your best, and your worst. Over time, the worst snuffs out the best, because the best aren't willing to stoop to the worst's level. Then the best leave, and all you have left is the worst.
Karl Popper was right, but he lacked the vision necessary to connect the fucking dots.

A lot of this. The country doesn't want socialism, but liberalism or social democracy properly applied could definitely be a winning platform.

Why don't you vote for them then? Or is racism bad?

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