Is this satire? Is he a real 'gangster' from the 'hood'?
I really can't tell anymore...
Is this satire? Is he a real 'gangster' from the 'hood'?
I really can't tell anymore...
Stop shilling this niggerskittle already
this fucking spic gets posted on Jow Forums every single fucking day. piss off with your advertising.
>rainbow faggot colors
>gangster from a real hood
Rap is gay nowadays, since the late 90s at least after they killed Tupac and Biggie
No, he's a fraud
>rhymes nigga with nigga
Rap used to take some small amount of talent.. today's shit is just embarrassing.
The music industry no longer bothers with curating and developing talent, now they just pump and dump YouTube musicians.
If these guys don't chart within literally days of being signed, they dump them and try the next attention whoring faggot with >10k followers.
That's why almost no real new acts or bands have been signed since the mid '00's, and everything sounds equally shitty.
>his girlfriend is there with him
that video was retarded as i imagined it'd be
aren't these all just rich suburban kids playing pretend?