Long story short, the parents of these two little girls (Dad is white and their mother Korean) had to flee Korea after being harassed by the locals (This is from their blog) who didn't aprove her marrying and having kids with a foreigner.
How do we end racism against whites in Korea ? It's a taste of our own medicine perhaps ?
South Korea hates white people, hapa girls forced to leave the country
Other urls found in this thread:
same fucking stupid thread over and over again.
DESU I'm glad this happened. It teaches white people the consequences of miscegenation.
And, yes, sex between whites and Asians is miscegenation.
Good. Race mixing is degenerate and all mixers should be shot.
i see this a lot on this board, why people think marrying girl of other race is a bad thing ?
ITT: Jow Forums likes it when little girls are harassed out of country.
Based dog eaters.
Hapas are the best of humanity.
The beauty and intelligence of the whites and asians, combined with white morality and Asian work ethic produce the perfect humans
>our own medicine perhaps?
JIDF, when you are using a proxy make sure your copy pasta matches your VPN. So much for that vaunted 'Jewish Intelligence'
They don't hate whites, they just have a healthy suspicion for trends that might lead to their extinction, i.e. whites breeding with their women. I dont hate east asians, but I wish we would have the same reaction to them breeding our girls over here