/ATG/ Anti-Trafficking General: City Investigations

This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking various trafficking networks. There is a consistent trend of data showing that networks move though and rely on urban areas, specifically Sanctuary Cities. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc.

Trafficking can happen in many forms depending on the product being moved (human, guns, drugs, rare animals/art, organs etc.) and involve many different groups and organizations. We track all types.

Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.

Newcomers should pay attention to shills targeting these threads with discrediting/discouraging attempts as well as injection of misinformation and bad leads.

>archive of past threads
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/anti trafficking general/

>archive of past threads when generals were known as /htg/

>A summary of the “clock” mapping method you can use in your own city as well as a summary of general trafficking information

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Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:TZe9dm7bJpEJ:https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-report-israel-fails-to-crack-down-on-human-trafficking-1.5440548 &cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Look for these kinds of things to map out the human trafficking networks:

1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))

3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)

Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:

1) [Government]

(For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)

2) [Corporation/Business]

(For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)

3) [Criminal]

(Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children)

4) [Cult]

(Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)

5) [Intel Agencies]

(Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)

6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms]

(Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers)

7) [Hollywood]

(Truman Show breeding/handling operations.)

Another thing to note is the use of human trafficking for organ harvesting and slave labor (think Qatar for instance).

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Info on South American politics and the Drug Trade:


- The Red Command (CV) is a narco-terrorist group with similar thinking to the Mafias of the Northern Hemisphere. To corrupt the Government, to dominate strategic locations, to take advantage of the Scrapping of the Public Forces, to create routes of flow of arms and finally to implant its regime in its areas of dominion.

Reuters article of December 13, 2017
- archive.is/Auq3d

While the Sao Paulo Factions export drugs to the Middle East in exchange for weapons and ammunition in the midst of a trade agreement with Hezbollah, the Rio factions fund Marxist Guerrilla Movements in Paraguay.

And yes, Paraguay is on the verge of a Civil War, with several insurgencies all over the country. At this very moment, the Brazilian Army and the Paraguayan Army are holding Joint Exercises for a "Future Battle" at the Frontier.

The Red Command seeks to strengthen and establish a Parallel Government within the Society of Rio, offering to the poor population what the state can not offer.
>financial condition
>luxury for anyone entering the faction
>weapons to lose sight of
>the false impression of power

Therefore, just as ISIS is in Europe, the Red Command is in the Southeast / South of Brazil. Flamboyant and subversive propaganda charms young people. Especially the poorest.

The difference is that the Red Command, although not admittedly stated, has Marxist roots, while ISIS ... Well you have an idea of the ISIS funding.

The Question is that:
>using a Miami-Bogotá-Asuncion-Rio route, the Organization's leaders are buying more and more rifles from all possible models. And they are not few.
>among these rifles, 50-gauge weapons and Anti-material models are coming
>and this really does not stop happening

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Here is our current list of companies suspected or confirmed to be engaged in illicit trafficking activities.

Confirmed/heavily suspected companies:
XPO Logistics Network
Lineage Logistics
Veolia Transdev
Tyson Foods
Pilgrim's Pride
List of charter bus companies (work in progress)
China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO)
Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL)
Planned Parenthood
Global Horizons Manpower Inc.
Avalon Apartments
Poly Technologies
Toys for Tots
>ATF weapons trafficking
Richmond Cold Storage
Mayo Clinic

Suspected companies:
ITS Technologies & Logistics, LLC (ITS)
ConGlobal Industries
The Boeing Company
YRC Freight
Seattle Bulk Shipping
Laboratories Northwest

Albanian mafia and trafficking info:
Chinese Triad and Tong trafficking info

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Here was our final map for the DWS District in Florida.

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From last thread - Chinese organized crime locations.

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 中华会馆

62 Mott Street


Hip Sing Tong 協勝堂

16 Pell Street


Hung Mun Tong/红门塘 aka Hung Mun Association/洪门协会

211 Canal St., New York , NY 10013


Tsung-Tsin Association of New York/崇正总会 aka Tung On Association

1 Division Street


Don’t you think the Tung On should have their “charity” status revoked?


Tung Goon Association

3 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002


On Leong Tong 安良堂/On Leong Chinese Merchants Association 安良工商会

83 Mott Street


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>Ong, who headed the Hip Sing Association, controlled gambling, extortion and robberies on Pell and Doyers Sts. and the Bowery through the Flying Dragons, the indictment charges. Chan, the alleged dai lo dai of the Ghost Shadows, ran the rackets on Mott, Mulberry, Bayard and Canal Sts., it charges. Lai together with Clifford Wong, convicted Tung On dai lo dai facing life controlled the rackets on East Broadway, Catherine and Division Sts., the indictment said.

This is the current Satellite Dot Map for NY. I'm currently working on Truck Stops right now.

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>Triad societies originated in 17th century China when the Hung Mun came together in an attempt to overthrow the Qing dynasty in an unsuccessful bid to restore the Ming dynasty.

>The gang wars that left New York littered with bodies BEFORE the Mafia's Five Families ruled: How the tit-for-tat Tong wars brought bloody but well-dressed terror to Chinatown

> The tong enforcer from New York had a few swings and handed the baseball bat to the gangster from Philly.
>Three tongs, the Hung Mun, the Hip Sing and the On Leong, operate in Maryland.
>Chief among these leaders is Calvin Chin, chairman of Gov. Parris N. Glendening's Advisory Committee on Asian-Pacific American Affairs.
>He insists that the tongs are benevolent social clubs for Chinese men
>He initially denied even knowing Mui
>But it was Chin who signed a $250,000 bond in fall 1995, when Mui was arrested and charged with Chung's murder

They’ve gotten smarter since then, now they appear to outsource their dirty work to black gangs. Seems like ethnic Chinese might only get involved for enforcement reasons.

>Quincy Adams, who prosecutors say is one of the leaders of the trafficking ring, orchestrated a chain of guns that moved from Florida to New York City, usually beneath Chinatown buses.
>Authorities began investigating that trafficking ring in 2014, and discovering that a startling number of weapons were packaged and stored underneath commercial bus lines, most of which dropped off in Chinatown. In other cases, traffickers would pack guns into luggage and then store the luggage compartment of a Chinatown-bound bus, according to the original indictment.

>Harry Mook, past President of the Hung Mun (Chinese Freemasons Association) and a member of the 14K triad, and Peter Yee pled guilty to two RICO counts charging them with operating a money laundering enterprise that laundered and attempted to transport to Hong Kong over $1.6 million of the proceeds of illegal gambling and drug dealing in New York and Chicago.
>The 14K coordinated with Abu Sayyaf in the 2000 Sipadan kidnappings
>Mr. Ma was instead a member of the 14K triad, federal agents say, a Hong Kong group founded more than 60 years ago by 14 leaders of the Kuomintang nationalist party.

Here’s the thing, all these associations are either aligned with mainland factions or will be in the future, because all Hong Kong Triads (14K, Wo Hop To etc.) switched sides in the 1990’s.

>Partners in Crime - How Beijing is teaming up with Hong Kong's gangs

>In 1993, Mr. Lai was appointed to former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo's Asian-American Advisory Committee, and yesterday, prosecutors said that Mr. Lai's personal telephone book included the private number for Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.
>Cuomo, who appointed Lai to his 16-member Asian American panel in 1993, said he did no background check on appointees.

Look at who else Giuliani associates with – representatives of the CCP and Kuomintang factions in the United States


Their infiltration of the communities they reside in includes the legal systems.

>The criminal information alleged that respondent [suspended attorney] was involved in a conspiracy to conceal drug money, which also involved “current and/or former officials of organizations known as the Hip Sing Tong Association and the Hung Mun Association.”

There's no rush user.

Thank you, bless you. These threads are among the best things on this website.

Huh, I guess that's about it for Truck Stops in the NJ area of the map. Not too many.

Glad you appreciate them.

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Did anyone see that melt down near the end of the last thread lol? What a basket case and genetic dead end.

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bump. had any luck finding and arresting traffickers?

There was a bust of some Chinese sex trafficking operations in DC recently after we investigated it. Usually takes months for things to be investigated by law enforcement.

“Beginning in June 2011, the UCLA Medical Center began a collaborative relationship with First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.
The director of the Chinese hospital is Dr. Zheng Shusen, a transplant surgeon who is an alleged perpetrator of forced, live organ harvesting, according to a U.S.-based NGO that collects data from hundreds of Chinese hospitals where organ transplants take place.”
UCLA Medical Center is just east on the 10/405 from the LA MDC

great to hear! keep it up

Here are some shipping company names I keep seeing come up that should be looked into (not saying any of them are particularly suspect).

Harbor Freight Transport Corporation
JB Hunt Transport Inc.
Old Dominion Freight Line
ABF Freight

Very interesting.

Thanks, we will.


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For the local crime bust overlay
Albert Einstein Medical Center (Philadelphia) and Hackensack University Meridian Medical Center (just west on the I95/I80 from the Bronx) both use organs from this broker (((Levy Rosenbaum)))

>links not archived

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Added Rail Yards to the NJ side of the map along with some additional Cold Storage that I noticed was missing.


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Thomas Jefferson University hospital (Philadelphia) also involved

>In 1993, Mr. Lai was appointed to former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo's Asian-American Advisory Committee
Andrew and not Mario but pretty sure they share a few connections.
“In August 2016, Governor Cuomo signed legislation to authorize 16 and 17 year-olds to register their consent to donate at the same time they first apply for a driver license, learner permit or non-driver ID. Since the law took effect on February 14, 2017, a total of nearly 21,000 New Yorkers aged 16 and 17 have become active in the New York State Donate Life Registry.”
Dept of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, DMV Executive Depity Commissioner Terri Egan, Senate Majority Leader John J. Flanagan, Senate Health Committee Chair Kemp Hannon, Senator David Carlucci, Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard N. Gottfried, Assemblyman Felix W. Ortiz, and New York Alliance for Donation Executive Director Aisha Tator were all praising these changes.

I guess it's best to never volunteer for any kind of organ donation program.

>Animu_Smug (36).png

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Especially not if you have RH-.

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Americans are too pozzed by mountain dew and pizza hut to fight back against the blood sucking child rape syndicate they call the jewish White House.
Trump knows kikes did 9/11. He knows they will never stop dealing drugs, harvesting foreskins and entire cocks and vaginas from trannies, and he knows they'll keep sending white males to Israel to die in the desert.
Trump knows they'll eventually ban radical anti 2A laws.
Trump knows about the pedophiles in Hollywood, SF, NYC, and everywhere else.
Trump knows theyll keep sending young men for petty shit like drugs and petty theft.
Trump knows they'll always keep the federal reserve, and keep stealing money in pentagon black budget laundering, and always raise taxes, and always keep giving out welfare and food stamps to non whites, and always keep the borders open.
If Rabbi Trump wanted to oppose and abolish any of these crimes he would have.
Trump will always keep sending money to various international aid funds, including countries such as Pakistan and African nations and Israel.
Trump will never disclose area 51 and the top secret projects that would make petroleum oil fortune 500s obsolete.
Slavery will always exist without use of force against tyrants, which are your supposed so called leaders, all of which engage in child pornography or the tolerance of it to some degree (virtually all of congress/senate/white house and military brass staff).
5200 pentagon employees were arrested for child pornography.
A fraction of those 5200 PENTAGON employees were charged.
You are fucked.
You got coup detat'd. Sorry.

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Documentary List:

>An Open Secret (2014)

>Boys For Sale (1981)

>Conspiracy Of Silence (1994)

>The Monster of Belgium / Belgium`s Child Sex Ring Coverup

>Welcome To The Truth (2014)

>Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited The Hidden Cult

Synagogue Of Satan

>Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones (2000)


>True Detective (TV Series 2014– )

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The FOUNDING FATHERS quite literally predicted this would happen and gave you unlimited access to weapons to stop it.
Meanwhile young american WHITE men are getting high, fat. and drunk all day, jerking off to jewish porn, and playing videogames or watching football and other nigger sports.
Your goverment literally legalized sodomy as marriage and castration and excesion of childrens reproductive organs.
Do you think the founding fathers would tolerate cutting off entire teenage cocks and vaginas and leave the KIDS necrotic wounds like a Frankenstein horror film?
Do you think Eisenhower would tolerate jews killing 3000 people in NYC?
Do you think Roosevelt would tolerate Hillarys treason of leaking top secrets to foreign goverments for money? For literal HIGH TREASON.
I don't, but Trump does tolerate this all.

Last real president was JFK. He tried to bring back greenbacks instead of FED notes.
He tried to investigate israel for stealing nuke tech.
He tried to stop the cocaine.
They killed him because he was an American and not a Yes-man.

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9/11 is so obvious that it's a normie grade school tier meme.
Everyone knows tap water is hilariously bad.
Everyone knows about the pedophiles at least in mainstream hollywood.
Everyone knows to naturally hate bankers and the fed and income taxes.
Normies aren't actually unwoke, they are just leaderless.
Nobody needs to go further than wikipedia to see israel sunk USS Liberty.
The 9/11 bombers names are on millions of websites.
Sivan Kurzberg and his brother, Paul, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner, and Omar Marmari.
Everyone knows arresting people for pot is bullshit but people are still in prison or out of jail homeless on a felony.
Everyone knows we could have a wall around Mexico built in a year.
It's not gunna happen with a jewish government.
Heroin, Coke, Meth and rape and murder and homelessness will dominate your cities with synagogues and freemason lodges in your country.

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Israel spends 4 billion dollars on human blood each year. That is per capita by far the most of any nation on earth, including ones who are at war (and actually fight like men so bleed for their clay, instead of sniping pregnant women like kikes do). They receive 95% of all umbilical blood that is harvested the world over. They have been charged and convicted of this terrible practice for millenia, well into modern times.
You can escape a vampire by dropping a coin on the ground.
Elizabeth Bathory (Bar-Tolmay) was a Jew.
You can get a map of the rise of vampire mythology spreading through Eastern Europe, a map of Jewish expulsions and their resulting migrations, and the two match absolutely perfectly.
There have been literally dozens of child saints who were canonized simply for meeting their end at the hands of evil kikes.
The set and setting of pedogate rituals matches perfectly with JRM (Jewish Ritual Murder).
They do this stuff because they have a host of genetic diseases such as Porphyria which can be and are treated by drinking human blood, as heme can survive stomach acid, meaning that they feel "better" after drinking blood, probably more so after drinking kiddy blood.
The list really does go on.

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Shocked to see the Truman Show handling as one of your categories. Waiting for someone to talk about this kind of thing on here.

I was trafficked across the U.S. from the midwest to California for this very thing. It was horrific, but by the grace of God and the good of my family I was able to return home unscathed. I almost died a few times. I'll never forget it.

Thanks for making this thread, user. I love you.

Leafs are probably the one thing that make me doubt the concept of intelligent design.

shut up rabbi go rape your youngest nephew in the mitzvah

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They unironically scapegoat victims and hoodwink perpetrators for all their crimes.
Jews sell their own criminal evidence as profit.
Money is just prostitution coupons/tickets for the jewish bread and circus.
They sell the drugs and the prostitutes and the blackmarket organs and whatever else.
They blamed 9/11 on arabs and made us clear out israel for them in doing so.
They blamed slavery on us and made us pay for their ancestors slave merchant ring.
They continue to poison our wells and collect our sons foreskins to eat.

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Sorry to hear that user, can you tell us about any locations in CA that you were in that we could look into?

In Israel slavery and human trafficking isn't even illegal!
They literally have child prostitutes all over Tel Aviv.
They bring in poor women from Asia and Europe and Africa and sell them as young children whores.

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Israel where slavery is still practiced today.
The trend in Israel is driven by the sex trade and the human trafficking that comes with it. There are 15,000 prostitutes in Israel, Rebecca Hughes from ATZUM’s Task Force on Human Trafficking wrote in The Times of Israel, entering the profession at an average age of 14.
“By the 1990’s Israel was established as a destination country for trafficking, and international sex trafficking victims had replaced the local market,” Hughes wrote. “Israel’s flesh trade was booming and making between half a billion to three quarters of a billion dollars a year. It was a particularly desirable market for traffickers because the purchase of sexual services was, and still is, legal in Israel. ”
“Throughout the 1990’s traffickers acted with impunity and, according to the Hotline for Migrant Workers, smuggled 3,000 women annually into Israel,” she added.

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>In Israel slavery and human trafficking isn't even illegal!

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>In the recent past, Israel was faced with a severe phenomenon of human trafficking for prostitution. Since the mid-1990's until around 2005, women were "imported" to Israel from poverty-stricken countries and forced into prostitution by criminal groups. According to police estimates, 3,000 women were trafficked for prostitution in the year 2003 alone, and there were 300-400 operating brothels and escort services. Other sources believe that these numbers were even greater.

>In 2010, not a single case of trafficking in women was reported. Since 2011, there were a limited number of women who were brought to Israel for prostitution; however, it appears that the circumstances were very different than in the severe cases of the early 2000's.

>In these more recent cases, women are fully aware that they are to be "employed" in prostitution. They arrive with legal tourist visas, and come to "work" for short periods of time; they are not faced with the horrendous conditions of the past which included violence, threats, seclusion, withholding of passports, and complete denial of liberty; they do earn money.


meanwhile, you didn't show us reality just take better care so your victims don't speak. Going from 3000 cases per year to 0 is impossible, not to mention your officials participated in enslaving those woman in the past


>The deteriorating situation led the US State Department to rank Israel as a Tier 3 nation in its Trafficking in Persons report, the lowest ranking. Tier 3 nations faced potential economic sanctions. The report was a wake-up call for Israel’s government, which passed a comprehensive anti-trafficking law, and was upgraded to a Tier 1 state.


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all you have to do is google "Israels and child trafficking"




webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:TZe9dm7bJpEJ:https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-report-israel-fails-to-crack-down-on-human-trafficking-1.5440548 &cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

This is what Jews have done for centuries. they are slavers - more jews owned slaves in the US than Americans They owned the slave ships.

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Close your eyes and imagine the worst city you can think of.
Full of degenerates and flaming homosexual trannies and junkies.
What is it? LA? NYC? San Francisco? Berlin? Paris? London?

Now what do these common themed places have corelations/causations with?

They got caught kidnapping kids, doing child sacrifices, inciting factions against each other

Forgot some points: Usury, loan sharking, slavery & whoremongering.

Currently: International finance, these huge huge political orgs like EU, deliberately destroying nations. Inciting blacks against whites in African nations, wanting asian countries to get BLACKED, all while insisting on keeping Israel ethnically pure.

This is some horrible, vile evil shit that people will get angry about once they find out.

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My main stopping points were these: First, Denver, then when I got to California, I was in San Francisco and LA. I ended up going through Sacramento, on to Portland and Seattle.

I ended up stopping in Sonoma County, CA at the end of my trip before I was able to get a bus ride back home.

Incidentally, Sonoma County is a Redwood region, and also the place where Polly Klaas was from. She was kidnapped and murdered in a high profile case in the 90's. My father actually knew her grandfather, who was a colleague/conspiracy theorist.

/ATG/ will ignore this because they are controlled opposition shabbos goys.

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That's interesting, what parts of LA were you in specifically?

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I was all over it. I don't really know much about the city, so I can't tell you much, but I did have a trip through Hollywood which included the infamous Mulholland Drive.

/ATG/ will ignore this.

/ATG/ will ignore this.

/ATG/ will ignore this.

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It seems now that your initiative is to just spam the thread.

I should also note, the entire time, my mind was in a haze, and I can't remember a lot of my trip, which lasted around 3 weeks.

Oh yea, I know about the spots on Mulholland. Thanks user the grooming stuff can be tricky to track but we do try to look into it and disrupt whenever there is an opportunity.

Any names you remember of individuals?

Theres nothing wrong with rabbis raping little boys systemically.

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Now you are just spamming purposelessly, very amateur

Good point, especially if you’re near Philly apparently

More Dr.’s in Philadelphia implicated but not named

Taking organs from live “brain-dead” people: Nassau University Medical Center (Director Michael Goldstein), St. Barnabas Hospital, Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, Staten Island University Hospital

Tissue bank Regenerative Technologies Inc (RTI), Tutogen, LifeCell getting tissues from a surgeon working in poor communities (Harlem, Bronx, Newark, Philly) harvesting tissue with faked permissions through a funeral parlor

ISIS selling organs

tfw the eternal leaf was actually a yellow devil in panic mode all along

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The entire purpose of this thread is investigation of human trafficking and I've contributed sources corroborating everything I've said about jewish child trafficking.


Yeah you were probably drugged most of the time (one reason we mark hospitals and medical centers).
Do you remember the type of transportation you were on while trafficked, or anything about the traffickers?
Very sorry this happened to you so thanks for talking about it to us. Glad you escaped

Cool thanks.
We’re looking into NYC and Chinese trafficking right now so you could help on that front or leave

Lol shut up faggot I've been here longer than you and everyone else here LMAOOO.
There is no "help or leave" mantra.

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Stay mad Chang your spam just spreads our information to more watching eyes.

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>Meanwhile in Tel Aviv

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speaking of chinks.


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How the fuck is that person breathing. I know the kikes are organ harvesters but wtf

Imagine being this happy.

What could motivate such kosher happiness in a man?

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She's probably lights out. Maybe tranquilizers or something.

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Go eat a dog chinko, nobody wants you here.

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tory ... ATG threads us full of antipedo anons...
we need to work together

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Notice this so called anti trafficker has no room in the agenda for jewish inquisition.
Notice how in every archive of /atg/ when i mention jewish trafficking they fall silent?
Think about it.

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These ATG guys are jews bro.

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Jews were mentioned right here Chimmy Changa.

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we should raid the jews with the mohel herpes memes

yet jews are always a client at the very least...
les wexner was a jew

How do i make a wiki to use for my own investigations? I don't know if i'm making a website or not but i need a structure like that.
t. late 20s boomer.

So was Jesus

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We should raid them with military grade thermite.

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Yeah Jesus was the last good jew alive.

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He was actually kind of a kike since he was a massive cult leader. Didn't even really die on the cross.

He didn't boil in excrement for eternity but thats what the cult leaders of the Talmud believe.

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only a kike would talk like this

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You're the one obsessed over a kike religion shabbo.

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Jesus beat the jews...
Jesus exposed the useury...
Jesus fucked up the jews profits...
Jesus was not beholden to the kikes...

sounds like gods son to me

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Kys you fucking dirty kike faggot, how do you really fucking insist on being such a huge enternal satan loving FAGGOT! KYS NIGGER-KIKE

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No Jesus was weak in one aspect...
He refused to conquer his enemy

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The day of the rope

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Tory we need ATG canada...

You guys really do get heated over a tome of Jewish folklore.

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In thousands of years Jesus Christ will still be revered and you will be nobody
Mock Christ continuously and see where it gets you.

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in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be gone nosed-demon. i command you to disperse.

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We need to quit infighting and focus on fucking with the organized pedo networks....
We need to oust trudeau and the liberals in canada

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How many kids has Jesus saved?

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Jow Forums is COMPED so we can't get anything done online.
Jow Forums is the best website for redpills and it is ran by jewish mods and CIA niggers.
We can never defeat jews from behind a computer screen.

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All of them.

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