Modern Technology Hate Thread

>repairing your device will void your warranty unless you bring it to our ((certified)) repair centers

>sorry you need a proprietary tool/software that is not available for sale to the public to fix the property you own

>sorry we stopped supporting your product after 2 years, just buy a new one I guess

We unironically need to go back to “the good old days” regarding manufacturing

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>durr why is a complex machine with 2 billion transistors more difficult to fix than some shitbox from the 80s?

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I buy everything used and let someone else be the sucker.
By doing this I also support the local economy instead of helping a big (((american corporation))) stash their money overseas.
Planned obsolescence permeates every consumable but you can out jew them.
Buy used, buy quality stuff.

The sunsetting is software-based, tard.

modern technology has led to women becoming more degenerate and whorish

Not just women, but humanity overall.

>I’m too much of a brainlet to understand how technology works.

Yeah, it’s too complicated to change the ram or a battery on a MacBook. That’s why they solder or glue them in permanently.

You're doing God's work out there user.

What ever happen to our agrarian roots....

Attached: Agragrian republic.jpg (2541x1962, 1.42M)

>>repairing your device will void your warranty unless you bring it to our ((certified)) repair centers
Yeah, act like a retard and modify you device beyond what it was supposed to do and you won't get service you fucking idiot.