This kid is getting annoying

sup Jow Forums

aren't you guys sick of this little shit Desmond Napoles brainwashing kids into changing their genders and mutilate their genitals just because that same exact faggot had said that they're something that they aren't, like multi dimensional 3 spirit faggot. or some other made up gender.

kid has been clearly brainwashed by everyone around him, and the LGBT faggots are responsible for that especially.

my point is, if he keeps telling kids to be something they aren't, they're gonna spread that shit outside of their 4 walls and the next thing you know, tranny death rate will go up 60% or even higher, all because of some kid.

what does Jow Forums think? should we troll him so he'll hopefully get pissed and whine about it on TV news? the goal of that would be to make him go crazy and make sure his ''website'' would seen as innapropriate.

share ur opinion lads.

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>this little shit Desmond Napoles brainwashing kids into changing their genders and mutilate their genitals
he's mostly a victim but yeah, troll the fuck out of him
is the site up yet?

We are all going to burn

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im pretty sure it is, i didnt visit it.

maybe we should start here? create profiles and fuck with it?

yeah. definetly, but i hadn't managed to find his website.

There are so many laws for protecting minors online, the site would not stay up for more than a week before getting v& by some state government. Then this kid, his obviously degenerate parents, and anyone dumb enough to have helped them build the site, would get arrested and tried for a litany of crimes.

I wish him luck. Or is it her? The left doesn't even know what pronouns, or regular nouns to use anymore.

He wouldn't be our primary target. The site is probably run by his parents, he's too young to run a social dating site. And it's their fault, so it's ok.

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Fag here
I think the LGBT community needs to be eradicated, it's obviously a front for pedophilia

THIS, too.
That site would become a grooming ground for pedos in a matter of days. "An online social club for trans kids", for fuck's sake, do they really expect not to get v&?

No bc child pornography will be on their platform and shutdown. All I see are future felonies for the fascilitators.

he's a fucking child
this is sociopathic

yeah, a child who brainwashes other children into becoming something they arent

I realize that
I hate how (((they))) always try to pretend all this shit came from the kid, this is such a blatant attempt at normalizing pedos

Why the fuck are 10-year-olds dating, trans or not?

Surly he will kill himself when he's old enough to realise he's a puppet

Someone needs to shut IT up!

someone needs to fuck off back into closet.

Trust me, id sign up for conversion therapy if it were legal. The LGBT community is a dumpster fire that will tear itself apart. You just have to sit back and watch.

the trash takes itself out.

I'm surprised that authorities haven't moved yet against them... this is really a blatant attempt at normalizing pedos.

no it's a child, his parents should be arrested and he should be put in protective services


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its rather hilarious to watch