>Elon Musk submarine

>Headcam footage

>Former SEAL (Thai) dies during rescue efforts

>4 boys confirmed rescued

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Other urls found in this thread:

Experienced scuba diver here. Those kids are as good as dead.

>we’ve not done anything useful yet

t. elon

Certified first poster here, those kids are dead.

Honestly come to think of it. Imagine if you were alone with a dozen soft thin young boys and trapped deep inside a throbbing cave with no escape. I wouldn't fault him if he helped to ease their minds with a gentle back rub. I mean the stress of it all must be unbearable, honestly if he helped them with some stress release then he was only helping them out. Good lord, the humidity deep inside that cave must be terrible, so sticky and sweaty. You know all those sweaty slippery bodies make for a natural lubricant.

What happens in the cave, stays in the cave if you know what I mean.

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hows the weather looking lads? if it doesnt rain the other boys will live

>Boy: We are thirsty.
>Rescuer: I know. I know. I understand. We come. Ok, we come.
>Another Boy: (in Thai) Tell them we need to sip.
>Rescuers: We come, we come.
>Boy: (in Thai) We haven't sipped. We have to sip.

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Repost from a Thai
When they were first found:

>Boys: (In English) Hey you, thank you.
>British Rescuer: How many of you?
>One of the Boys: Thirteen
>Rescuer: Thirteen. Brilliant
>Boy: Yeah. We going today?
>Rescuer: Not today. It's two of us. You have to tell them. We are coming. It's okay. Many people are coming. We are the first.
>Boy: What is today?
>Rescuer: What day is it now? Monday. Monday. You have been here 10 days. 10 days. You are very strong.
>Boys: Inaudible (talking among themselves)
>Rescuer: Ok. Get back. We come.
>Boy: We are hungry.
>Rescuer: I know. I know. I understand. We come. Ok, we come.
>Another Boy: (in Thai) Tell them we are hungry.
>First Boy: (in Thai) They said they know.
>Rescuers: We come, we come.
>Boy: (in Thai) We haven't eaten. We have to eat.
>First Boy: (in Thai) Already told them.
>Rescuer: (in English) Navy SEAL will come tomorrow, with food and doctors and everything.
>Boys: (in English) I am very happy
>Rescuers: We are happy too
>Boys: Thank you so much.
>Rescuers: Ok!
>Boys: Where do you come from?
>Rescuers: England, UK.
>One of the Boys: Wow. We really go deep.

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Reminder not to trust professionals itt.

Why did they take the healthiest boy out first? That sounds backwards

>Chiang Rai provincial acting Gov. Narongsak Osatanakorn said the four healthiest boys were taken from the cave first. The rescued children have been taken to the hospital, although their condition was not immediately clear.

First for Elon Musk is a sloppy ego-driven car salesman trying to market with the corpses of little Asian boys.

Licensed oxygen tank dealer here, those tanks they're using are too small to go the distance of that cave.

i'm a professional diver, the kids are screwed

I thought they already rescued 4? oh yea, they did


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>Elongated Muskrat

I'm a professional pessimist, those kids are as good as dead.

I don't know what he expected to do, he has zero experience with cave rescues and came up with stupid, naive "solutions" in a few hours to a complex problem that people have worked decades on.

Certified master cave designer here, those kids aren't qualified in cave opeatoring and surely will be disbarred.

I'm a professional cave diver and I can guarantee you they don't have a chance.

I'm a registered sex offender, these kids are hot

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Cus they could manage the trip out. The sickest need Musk's pocket rocket

A submarine doesn't need babysitting by divers

Kids will be scarred for life


They brought out the dead bodies and swapped them with other gooks, they all look the same anyways.

it means prepare for about 30+ deaths of rescue personnel as the cave floods and shit hits the fan

Why did they rescue the healthiest first? They know the rest will die?

Oh so the other 8 confirmed dead? What about the coach?

I’m a professional cave and those kids don’t have a chance.

This! He saw this as a self-promotional opportunity.

No they will be brought out by Musk's pocket rockets you foo

Why doesn't musk just grease up a wetsuit and slip in there himself?

I'm the professional and they're not cunny.

Kid cave here. Those divers are as good as dead

It's still a submarine though, it just uses human propulsion instead of a motor. Next you'll tell us a kayak isn't a boat because it has to be paddled to move.

Grug professional caver small Grug is kill can't do it

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Professional excite-bike track builder here, those kids are going to eat each other

rescue the healthiest to see how they can make adjustments for the weaker ones. also possibly for the less healthy to get more nutrition/energy.

karen here from pedophiles weekly, can i quote you in my article?


t. 30 year old boomer here, those kids just need to give that cave a firm handshake.

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his ego has become so massive he thinks hes a super hero or something kek

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no.. the healthiest can withstand being moved an diving easier. the others will be moved after they are fed and are in better condition.

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>One of the Boys: Wow. We really go deep.
Cheeky bastards. I hope they make it.

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What a hack
Admits he's not done anything whatsoever to contribute, yet is still perfectly fine attention whoring over it.

>that 12 year old boomer that gets stuck in a cave

>Boys, you must make your way through these caves to the large intestine or you will surely die.

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Im a professional kid and those caves dont stand a chance

article here. You may not publish pedophiles in your Karen.

I'm a professional Somali these kids need to come to the West end collect gibs.

Is there a way going caving in a save way? It looks interesting but going with unixperience people and no one knows im there would kill me. However climbing and press myself thruth tubes looks challanging.

Pirate here, thar be treasure in that cave!

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you guys like caves?

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Ok I just thought nobody is getting healthier because of the oxygen levels dropping

Experienced experiencer of experiences here, experimentally experiencing experimental experiments...these kids are as good as cadaver specimens, i.e., dead.

Professional cave here, the water is as good as gone

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I hate this faggot and all the worshipers
kill them all

No I actually have no fucking idea people went through small ass wholes in caves like complete tards.

70% water here, the cave is full

I'm a professional breather, oxygen is what kills you you retard. They won't start getting healthier until most of it is replaced with carbon dioxide.

Graphic designer here. I’m not qualified to make an assumption of the welfare and mortality of those children.

Professional carbon dioxide molecule here. That cave wont fit enough of us in there, those boys are as good as dead.

I'm a professional pizza delivery driver, those screwed are as good as boys

Stalagmite here, those kids just need to hang on

Professional dog fucker here, send in lassie to find the well

post credentials pls

Professional helen keller impersonator here, haksi3nsjd9eje93bejsow02j2bsbeibehsjsi3b

Professional candleja.

professional CNN reporter here. Experts on the scene said " ..........................." NA, just kidding, we made this shit up. Anyway, tune in and watch 5 hours of retarded commercials

Master bater here. Thai boys amIrite?

well this has turned to shit
>muh professional maymay
fucking cancerous redditors have done it again

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Oh look the boys are making it out of the cave. I thought they were all going to die? Goes to show Jow Forums is just full of paranoid, negative, delusional, losers. I'm sure you're right about that other stuff tho.

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Kek. I'll take credit for starting it. Been spamming it for the last few days because I actually am an experienced diver and those gooks are dead.

what's wrong?

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Live stream up

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Professional NEET here, those kids should stay in the cave

If course its a fucking leaf.

Lest we forget, there's still 9 down there and a professional diver died during the process.

Oh, and they sent the strongest first.

Check back in a day or 2. My professional odds making skills say 50% dead

>“Some people dive caves to publicise their business, or get their name at the end of a cave, but I'm only interested in the cave, where it's going and how it ends. I suppose that's what motivates me - I don't know why, but that's it.”

Pedophiles are fucking immature assholes

Experience Kid Here, the only loser that died was a scubafag


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>Time Crisis
Anyone else have this shit on PS1 with the gun? Not the arcade obviously but still tight.

Thanks for proving my point further

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fuckin why?

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It's just a pol tradition at this point to larp as an expert on a topic.

checked em ladyboi's

funny thing is that in the ancient times caves were the Earth's womb.
so the old hunters took their children inside to iniciate them.
they do creepy stuff and then they go out like a new rebirth.
now they are not more children but real men.

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Scuba Steve here, are you ready for an adventure?

>ruin entire thread

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still looks comfy compared to climbing Mount Everest

Silicon Valley in a nutshell

CERN-certified quantum particle here, sorry to inform you but these kids have died an infinite amount of times in an infinite number of timelines.

Hell yes. You didn’t cheat by just putting the gun up to the screen, did you user? You stayed at least 6 feet away didn’t you?

Professional cave here, those chances don't stand a kid.

>t.Professional cave

did little Timmy get out of the well yet boy? did he? huh did he?

fall in a hole where no one will ever find you vs freeze to death at the top of the world
i'd rather climb the mountain whip my dick out and die a frozen Popsicle so future generations can worship me

Elon has saved them!!!!!!!!!