So what are Jow Forums's thoughts on LaVeyan Satanism? aside from the fact that I don't believe in any kind of magic, I think they have a pretty comfy outlook on life.
LaVeyan Satanism
>1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History
>The Sabbatean-Frankists: The Luciferian Sect of Judaism
>Sabbatai Zevi & Jacob Frank
Edgy hippie looking to make a buck founds a "religion".
Literal meme satanists. I got his shitty pamphlet of a book, it's not worth it even as toilet paper.
Go full Luciferian go home.
Lol it’s retarded LARPERS
MAGICK Is absolutely real and the cia knows. It’s how the ufos work (consciousness).
The human brain doesn’t generate consciousness
Everything lavey said was ripped from ragnar redbeard
satanism is stupid and jesus is comng back very soon
Anton LaVey was a jew. Satanism is just something the kikes created to make people hate Christians.
Anton Lavey is a filthy kike
All Jews practice satanism
Amen to that. Satanism (or any religious stance for that matter) without the occult is like a car without an engine.