Was $250 oil part of Trump's plan?

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Actually, the plan is

What the actual fuck did he mean by this.
And they probably won't do it.

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Of course!

Iran is anti israel anyway

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I'll walk to work

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>Iran tries to fuck with our oil
>We tell Israel that any Iranian land they can get they can keep, so long as oil remains under 40 shekels a barrel
>Iran wiped out of existence the next day

>Thinking America won't start another war for oil

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Well congratulations, gas is 3.50 a gallon. What's the next step in his master plan?

The goal isn't to raise the price of petrol, it's to keep the money out of gulf Arab nobles and Saudi family members, by temporarily raising the price of petrol by inhibiting middle eastern oil, south East Asian and south American oil will become in higher demand and when these routes open up again oil will crash to 50 a gallon due to alternative industries being funded.

No one cares about the price of oil, we only care that the money doesn't end up in northern Chad funding Islamic state and people smuggling.

Be more red pilled. Please.


they couldn't close the strait if they wanted to.

Shit, how much is a gallon? I literally just mean really cheap oil.

Wrong. It will be over 300$, when Trump withdraws from the ME, and the shia-Sunni war start.

Lol. A Russian propaganda farm is the source for this article. Russian trolls are funny.

Cool, looking for an excuse to quit

no shit that's the plan from the start

We don't need Iran's shitty, low quality oil that they sell 50% of it to China to process, since they cannot even process it themselves properly. Iran is a joke country with the economic impact of an African shithole

>Unironically thinking we wouldn't go to war over this if the usual subterfuge methods didn't resolve this scenario.

it's all in thee jews plan to get you driving scooters

Lol. Never. Iran would get "freedom'd" faster than you can say persian pussy pirates.

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>muh Iran is threatening us fellow goys
Fuck off kike

sounds like they need democracy

>Nuke Israel so Iran doesn't even have to build the bomb
>Become friends with Iran
>Get plenty of cheap oil and qt persian girlfriends

>Needing sand nigger oil
Oh sweet sweet summer child. Do you know why the EU and the rest of the world are flipping the fuck out and Trump wants to leave their shitty trades? Because we don't need them anymore.

Enjoy your fat redpill, try not to choke.

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>punishing the world for bending over to the jew easily
i dont see a problem with it. this could unironically be a 4D chess move as a blockade of middle eastern oil could mean that we have a good excuse to lift russia's sanctions and import from non-OPEC countries like Indonesia and maybe even Venezuela if it unfucks it shit.

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>Bomb Bomb Bomb
>Bomb Bomb Iran
and that was Bomb Iran by the Beachhead Boys...

do they need freedom?

>Putting your country between America and Oil

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I'll become poor. I don't care anymore, why would I?

This would actually work you know....

America doesn't do "wars" anymore. Only interventions with "killing as many of the enemy until bored" as the only real goal.

>thinking jews will be reasonable with a huge portion of the most valuable commodity on earth

1 Gal == 3.8 L

They could easily. Just have to put mines everywhere and drive US ships off using many small, fast ships

venezuela freed tomorrow

250$ Oil? Fuck.
Somebody better tell Alberta to get ramp up production from the oilsands, we've got some money to make.

Artificially hiking the oil prices over danger
As if American ships which really controls the Gulf are going to let Iran block oil.
Iran better be prepared for full on death if it pulls a stunt that stupid.

>Implying we started one war for Oil
thats was just normie bait to cover up the real reason we went into Iraq. Because Saddam was the only real military threat in the area at the time for Saudi Isrealia

that sounds not bad

The US doesn't have the capacity and established supply routes that the ME states have, and even domestically it takes time to ramp up production. The only other sources of oil for Europe and China would be Venezuela which isn't a very popular choice politically, Russia which is a geopolitical foe of the US and Canada which is the best option for the US.
The result would be beneficial to Russia/Iran (which will continue selling oil through Russia) and maybe the US but it would do massive damage to Europe and China.

The last time they tried that, literally, half of their navy got wiped out by us in a single afternoon


they're getting 24/7 carpet bombed into the Jurassic, if they do that.

An Irani stunt on the Strait of Hormuz is one of the triggers for WW3.

ya cause everyone know money is everything
alberta oil should have never been touched it's a disgrace to humankind and a true demonstration of the worst greed can do

looks like we fire up our shale and get richer exporting even MORE oil

bingo, the US is set to be an energy EXPORTER by 2024 and by then the entire middle east will be fucked. hope bibi enjoys his rich sandnigger friends turning on him because they're profit ran out

where the fuck did you hear this crock of shit?

>Iran raises price of oil
>everyone starts buying oil from Venezuela again
>Venezuela stops being a socialist shithole

win/win my man

God damn

What will he care? If those nations collapse they are no threat to him.

Step 1. Make oil princes unreasonable
Step 2. The major corporations see that alternatives to oil and gas will be cheaper to produce for them while selling it at the same price or higher because its new
Step 3. Move away from oil dependency
Step 4. Gundams

>Venezuela stops being a socialist shithole
keep dreaming senpai

you're looking at maybe a month tops
shale oil is viable at $60 a barrel, max

You do know the US is sitting on not only the largest oil reserves in the world, but has stockpiled so much fucking oil that we wouldn't need the Middle East for 1000 years or so right?

This basically.

Don't care what you do with oil, anthropological climate change is overrated, but don't send your money to the middle East or North Africa. Doing so is collapsing Europe.

Russia are bad, but they're not middle East bad. Also, Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism is a meme, they're only belligerent like the Chinese are, they basically have spies everywhere terrorising our LEA officers. What the Russians don't realise is we know and know all their people they have here, it's not a good idea to let the common public know how efficient western intelligence is, the current strategy is to keep our enemies over confident.

Ignore the price, focus on Arab oil. Save Europe by buying a Tesla.

You're thinking of a barrel. A barrel is like 200 hundred something. A gallon right now is 2.80

Yes, we are saving it so when the oil countries run out we will dominate the oil market 1000 years from now.

They've improved their tactics, and it was shown as winning during US simulations.
If Talibans can own your (and our) asses in Afghanistan I don't see how Iran could not defeat you either.

I take it you've never read Legacy of Ashes

Kek, you mean $500 oil for the rest of the world. Trump will just slam an export ban and the US will have a functional price ceiling of about $80. Europe, China, Japan, basically everyone else would be absolutely fucked though.

This, the last war we fought was world war 2. Since then all we’ve done is these misguided “engagements” like Vietnam and Iraq. We desperately need another real, actual war. It’s time to end the shitskin menance once and for all

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so many options open.
America can ramp up production.
Canada can ramp up production
We can increase fracking.
We can lift sanctions on venezuela.

You confuse winning some fights with a nations being left pretty much destroyed.

OPEC would shut this shit down immediately if Iran actually tried to go through with this

>ignoring what's being going on since the beginning
Trump's first step was always to become foreign oil independent, this isn't an accident, this is how shit it's done

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forgot my pic

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Could have sworn Iran was a landlocked country

Jews are nation wreckers, all we have to do is point them at the right nation

Good, alt fuel is the future

>preemptively attacking a navy in their own waters is the same as taking it on in a naval engagement

Would this be the trigger to Saudi Arabia and Iran fighting a war?

>south america oil rich
>also lawless failed states
>US makes a move to strip power from the gulf
>tesla not bankrupt even though its never hit any targets and its cars dont work

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Which seems like it won't matter because of solar, water, and wind energies, but if an EMP were to happen later on, having all that oil stockpiled would get things running again.

What is Iran going to do when our greatest ally Israel sinks all of their ships? Nothing. Roll over like a bitch.

Can never predict what will happen 1000 years from now. Better to plan ahead.

Obama's nuclear deal seems pretty good now doesn't it Cheeto loving faggots?

No. There disgrace is that we didn't use the oil money intelligently and invest in the future, we pissed it away, and here we are no better off so we will still need to tap that resource again.

I'm hoping we sell west to Europe, south to US, and east to Japan and korea. Fuck China, they aren't on our side and never will be.

shale has made USA an oil exporter. so this is really really good for us

I'm sure they could. I forget where I was reading it, but it involves sinking cargo ships, mining the entire area and then using silk worms.

We need the gundams so we can drop colonies on shit skins hail zeon

Nigga, we can't even get a pipeline built.

No, you moron. What kind of stupid fucking nigger thinks you've reached a "nuclear deal" where Iran is still allowed to make nuclear warhead delivering missiles and doesn't have to allow any inspectors into their nuclear facilities.

Obama was a stupid nigger and so are you

this would be a cause for war in like 2010 but the energy landscape is much different and the USA doesn't have to care about the Perisan Gulf as much anymore

as they should

retarded americans are led by the nose by jewish newspaper into another war that only benefit israel , ah the gullible goym

>where the fuck did you hear this crock of shit?
>The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history.
Dont you remember when Saddam was launching SCUD missiles into Israel during the first desert storm ? remember how he invaded Kuwait ?

Iran has threaten to block the Strait of Hormuz since they fucking existed. They’d never do this because we could fuck up their entire navy in the span of hours not days.

wtf i love Iran now?

>keeping it under 40 shekels a barrel
good try kike.

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Iran isn't going to do any of that, you fucking herb loving faggots. Stop reading the dribble that these fucking Jews produce for hysteria and create satan controlled Israel

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>rig pigs make a shit tonne of money but piss it away on retarded shit
>government dos the exact same thing

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Nope. US can just turn up the fracking which is much much cheaper to run than opec wells. And I believe he opened exploring in Alaska. We would be stupid not to cease the opportunity to step into the market with the void some bullshit like that creates. And we have the resources to do it imo

this is the whitepill fren

>oil prices rise
>US starts pumping from the thousands of oil wells they capped in 2014
>USA doesn't need to import any oil

Well looks like you are going to pay $250 per barrel for making enemies with Iran. Any cheese dick with half a brain already knows that nuclear proliferation is impossible to avoid. It doesn't matter rather a deal was there or not. Maybe as well be on good terms.

>commiting geopolitical suicide
kek iran will be doing no such thing

>tfw work in oil and gas

Can’t fuckbg wait for 250 dollar oil desu