No black person has ever been inside the international space station

>no black person has ever been inside the international space station
Really makes you think

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Can you imagine the smell in that tiny space station after a month or two?

They act like the bitch will get chicken grease all over the console or something. That's ridiculous but not my problem lol

They're just trying to avoid the TAR WARS.

Do not let niggers into space. Keep the infestation confined to Earth.

For the good of the human race.

>no link to the article

also - January 19th
eat shit
It's literally nothing

chimps were some of the first to space. no hate.

Why are you so fucking angry?

Chimps are usually smarter than negros.

Blacks can’t into space easily

>bitch screaming for days on end "WHO BE DONE STOLE MY WEAVE?!?!?!?"

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Niggers stink tbqh. Nobody wants to be trapped up there with nigger stink and no way to escape.

Nigress are mentally unhinged. I guarantee you it was her unstable temperament that got her pulled.

Even Nigger men can not stand Nigger women

>no black person has ever held WWE’s flagship title belt
Really activates the almonds

It wasn't but okay pleb

I'm actually feeling pretty good

She got pulled because Putin found out she was CIA. He suspected her of being an Obama loyalist Deep State operative.

I say launching niggers in space should be done by any means necessary.

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>it wasnt because i said it wasnt

go steal a bike

She'd probably mistake the Earth for a giant watermelon and open the hatch to go get it.

why did they pull her?
Did she have a court date she couldn't miss?

She was pulled last second, no one knows why, this was a major incident months ago. Again, okay pleb. Not like I care anyway.

Not much worse than with Russians and the noise in their flying space tractor module.

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i bet you have no idea who Dorothy Vaughan is. Shes more intelligent than all of you fucking racist morons.

Exactly. Without her, people wouldn't be in space from America.

I know she didn't go to the ISS - good enough

You dumb shit, the ISS didn't exist when she was alive.

lul the iss would not even exist if it wasnt for her contributions of nasa

Are you kidding? Of course we do! She's the sister of Thomas Sowell who invented peanut butter!

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hmm i wonder who has the "mind virus" here

You know exactly why she was pulled, when doesn't even matter. She's a sheboon, that's enough reason right there.

Also, Katherine Goble.

The US could have beat Russia first if they weren't distracted by racism bullshit. They had the scientists and the knowledge but they didn't want the Black women on the Fortran or doing the calculations and this is how Russia beat the US. It's why Russia always beat the US.

She cute

It's gonna explode within a week.

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exactly. they contributed so much but "lol stupid smelly niggers not on ISS" people ignorant about facts because it supports their own racist agenda


incense and essential oils?

Why are you defending niggers and posting with a confederate flag?
Fucking spastic

did you guys know shakespeare was black too? amazing right? cant believe all these racists keep teaching us all the wrong things

thats a cool picture dude but its easy to just look at media instead of actually reading into what these people did

You can't steal hubcaps in the ISS.

>no black person has ever been inside the international space station

Oh yeah? Then explain this webm Fritz.

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>it wasn't
>get called on it
>backpedal like a fag

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do they make her wear the glove when they shake hands?

It's "she's cute' you fucking retarded nigger.

They didn't contribute shit. Die groid.

Learn to spell my language you disrespectful chimp.

Those "people" aka groids, didn't do anything.

Top zozzle, sauce?

Dorothy Vaughn was a law abiding citizen, working for NASA. The only library near her was a racist segregated library she paid taxes for. NASA had just got the Fortran computer but couldn't program it. The library had a book on the Fortran system. She went to check it out but the librarian wouldn't let her and said she was not intelligent enough for that whites only book and recommended a child's math book to her. She stole the book and taught herself how to program the Fortran computer and showed up to work early, put the paper in it, set it up and configured it to do calculations. She later trained a team of women on how to interact with the Fortran computer in the event of error.

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Why not, do all confederates hate black people? Why are you talking about american politics from germany?

That flag doesn't mean what the Jews want you to think it means.

jergins lotion?

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>she stole the book

Instant death penalty. Niggers aren't allowed to read human language.

Dumbass nigger probably tried to steal the abort rocket thinking it was a hood ornament.

>She stole the book
of course she did, she's a nigger

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I've only known I'm a nigger thanks to Jow Forums, why msm lie to us?

Purely for safety reason. Space is black and she couldn't be seen against the background. They just realized that last Tuesday or so.

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Im not sure if you meant to reply to someone else. But im agreeing with you. She has contributed more to our country than anyone on this board has.

>no black person has ever been inside the international space station
We've been sending monkeys to space since the 60s

thats actually makes perfect sense, can't believe i didnt fucking think of that before


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You better be glad she took that book, you faggot neck beards. Her configuration of the Fortran computer plotted the window and course of descent that prevented a few astronauts from dying. They should have let her check it out, racist motherfuckers were so backwards Russia beat them.

Yeah but on the downside we missed out on an MTV Real World moment where NASA has to spend millions of dollars to send a rocket up early to get this woman off of the space station because someone mildly irritates her and she goes absolutely ballistic, endangering the crew and space station both.

it must be painful being that retarded.

Chimp out in Haiti because of high gas prices and planning to murder all white people, including church missionaries.
If I were a white astronaut, I would not go up there with someone who may chimp out at any perceived slight.

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That's Haiti, you troll

Umm precisely?

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Something's up there. What aren't they telling us?

Goddamn. Not even safe in space.

Man, ignore these faggots. They love the attention. We know the truth. That's all that matters.

From January 19, 2018

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>crime statistics only target the one population of people
It's crime compared to the entire nation, all peoples, and blacks commit the majority. Stay in school nigger

Never relax.

that nigger did not program the Apollo guidance computer.

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Perhaps niggers can invent the wheel, tame fire, then work their way up matalurgy, combustion engines, manned flight, space travel, then build their fucking own.

Am I the only one sick of these black parasites hanging onto our necks like a fucking millstone?

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These first black titles actually are saying blacks are dumbasses who took millenia to catch up with eurasians.

check mate racists

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they wont risk wasting money like that

>dat bot

So they can rest that nothing will be stolen in the ISS

And you can't just open a window to air it out either.

>Her configuration of the Fortran computer plotted the window and course of descent that prevented a few astronauts from dying.

They haven't caught up, we drag them along and clap for them. Its like the special olympics.

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I just worry that the line between being funny nigger hating trolls is being blurred with what people really believe.

So you are saying a computer that is clearly not cutting edge, but was simply opted for and was obscure enough to not be common knowledge, was simple and easy enough to learn how to program in a couple of days/weeks at most, and was such a simple machine you could borrow a single library book to learn how? Are you telling me the actual NASA scientists then were simply too busy with actual work they didn't feel the need to procure the book themselves and learn it instead were happy for a woman to go to her local library instead?
Or that it was such a simple unimportant task they KNEW they would have more than enough time to do it later on and simply let the sheboon do busy basic work so the other women could be occupied as well?

No one is debating the sheer scale of work involved. But giving the credit to what in effect is a glorified tech support personnel as if she had any personal effect on the space program is pure subversion. Her job is replicated in tens of thousands of other companies constantly every day.


It is.

They Unironically avoided crashing the space-station.

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coconut butter. black women always smell like that. and il be honest, i love the smell