Jews owned 95% of the slaves in South

>Jews owned 95% of the slaves in South
>afraid that the North is coming after their shekels so they trick angry, uneducated Southerners into rebelling over something vague like (((state's rights)))
>South takes the first act of aggression in Fort Sumter
>Get absolutely destroyed by the North, lose an entire generation of young men

What is the South still proud of this?
Are they just stupid?

Attached: confed.jpg (2550x1645, 636K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You say they got recked by the north, but the war went on for 4 years....


is that really the point?

You're source?

real talk, are you from the south or the north. if from the us. because i find that people tend to be biased based on where they are from on the issue lmao

>Jews owned 95% of the slaves in South
Sauce faggot



>South takes first act of aggression in Fort Sumter
fake and gay

do a little research yourself, fool

Attached: the_jews_1.jpg (754x515, 468K)

Yankees are still butthurt that the South fought them much better than they thought they would.

Well, you got this completely wrong. All the northerners weren't making money off USA's most profitable export, cotton. So, they outlawed slavery and destroyed southern farms. Hence, the (((carpetbaggers))) invading the south after the war.

You know who owned 100% of the slaves? Rich people.

Throughout history it's always been the rich that are the enemy of the people.

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I suspect this to be the case.

>Jews owned 95% of the slaves in South
The 78% figure is a lie too
Stop making shit up it just makes everybody here look dumber. Fucking shit you know how difficult it is to debate as it is without you retards posting this faggotry?

>Rich people
(((rich))) people

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Niggers owned slaves, too and they were regarded as the worst slaveowner.

most slaver owners were actually black.

>he says as he posts a sourceless infographic

>What is the South still proud of this?
You must be a spineless pussy if you don't understand. I'm not in or from the south, I'm in NY. You have a lot of nerve calling anyone stupid considering your cliched view of the American civil war. I'm thinking it was European powers meddling in the affairs of a young country's internal politics. But you keep repeating the story line you were fed in eighth grade.

Yes. In most cases the rich are jews in large part because of their predatory nature and their use of usury and other schemes.

Yep the south was pretty spineless.

What Americans don't get is that the Republican Party's war was as much against the Northern States as the Southern ones.

I think their rootless culture and penchant for subverting existing social structures (so that they don't have to spend time building it themselves) helps too.

TN reporting in to let y'all know it the jews and yankee fags. Once all our monuments are removed we will rise again to make America great again.

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>Yep the south was pretty spineless.
I would love to see your reaction to the feds marching across your property (probably don't own anything, but theoretically) killing your livestock and burning your crops. I can see it now..."yes sir whatever President Lincoln wants, you want to fuck my wife, sir?".


Remember most of dixie was getting low wages due to slaves. Proud to serve the dixie Jew

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Holy shit I'm sick of the retards on this board. You fuck up then move the goalposts to hide your fuckup. I redpilled plenty of Jews on Judah P Benjamin but spergs like Patrick Little who source Louis fucking Farrakhan might as well glow in the dark it's so pathetic

>Gets tricked into starting and fighting a war for aristocrats personal gains

>we will rise again to make America great again.
The south is plenty rich and part of America, so here's some advice...get over it. Only Southerners still harbor any ill will.

I bet dindu mutt.

Attached: dixiemutt.jpg (663x550, 260K)

>>Gets tricked into starting and fighting a war for aristocrats personal gains
Oh see, I didn't realize the Union Army kept their activities restricted to Antebellum plantations, my impression was it was a scorched earth kind of thing, so it was defend your shit or get rolled over.

>Only Southerners still harbor any ill will
Dwelling status: SubBasement

The point is they were militarily effective but many factors played into their defeat.

Yeah I see nothing wrong for the traitors.

Ain't my duty to judge your mental status but I'd recon you won't be on the winning team.

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No you!

you lack a bit of freemasons behind that story

I'm an American when I went into the Army I went to basic at Dix (union) AIT at Aberdeen Maryland (on the fence) and permanent party at fort bragg (named after a confederate general).
Then you are a tool of the establishment...
And international bankers.

>Being a traitor while in the military.

Attached: Lincoln, A true yankee.png (1224x3128, 1.07M)

Fuck it hail zion then
God bless dixie

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I'd say that you're a little confused. It's more like 95% of Jews owned slaves.

>Jews did Confederacy
Close, but not quite. (pic related)

t. Proud anti-pedophilia Southerner

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the point is as:
"land of the free" (people escaping monarchy)
self determination... 15_16th century

Independance from the crown 18_19thcentury, no more taxes... the new world grows

the north is in debt of bank (((interests)))... the south is rich and prosper...
slavery= if you can't pay your debt to someone, this someone can argue you're to be his slave until debt is paid (justice system) jury=fellow people's decision (fair)
Black people owned slaves too... common thing...(slaves) *no metal chains... just reciprocity to a debt and not without end of term

Paying taxes on your work (sweat) is forbidden if you are not a corporation...(isn't there a constitutional mention about that?

Basically it was a war between [S] freemen and corporatism [N]...

Being taxed on your personal work is like a cow being milked...

Never thought of it that way before

Jow Forums will tell you that it's okay because if the south had won then they'd have a 60% white country that would magically deport the negros even though the plantation owners were against repatriation of blacks to africa.

Anne Frank would be pregnant if the Confederacy had won.

You literally cannot refute this.

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South took the first act of aggression