Steve Bannon Attacked in Bookstore, Police Called

Thanks Maxine Waters. You have incited a bunch of leftist faggots to attack people in of all things... a fucking bookstore!

Attached: KFC Manager.png (1561x490, 129K)

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Conservatards proving once again that they're against free speech

>private book store
>free speech

>Retarded baiting.
Check your mirror please.

Attached: Am I retarded.gif (240x180, 2M)

Let them keep it up. It will only drive centrist to the right. Liberals have built themselves up for 2018 midterm. It will be even better than 2016 when senate gets 60+ republicans and they can stop being faggots because of McCain causing the vote to be 50-49.

>assault is free speech

>Thanks Maxine Waters
This, but without irony or sarcasm.

Attached: 6516216516.jpg (750x499, 63K)


>free speech
Fucking cocksucking communist.

Attached: E7852EA6-5CF2-4F7D-9293-B3476EB49F96.jpg (400x400, 17K)

This woman was going Gods work by going after a neocohen shill

This is why you conceal carry



how is maxine waters not in jail for inciting and getting other people to execute violence? seems like a pretty clear case violating the 1st amendment

Oh, there'll be hell to pay for this.

Bannon's literally the last pale light in the west.

Bannon deserves the death penalty. AFTER a trial.

>book store open to the public
>free speech
Fixed, and yes.
That's where free speech ends.

because she's a nigger in power

>Open to public
>Still retaining private business/property status

Explicame gringo
What has Bannon done except bring victory.
He's been in Europe helping to turn the tides in Czechia, Italy and more.

Only a filthy Neolib, Globalist faggot would dislike him.

Why would there be? He has no position in the administration any more. If no black clad agents of the gestapo showed up to some libshit's house at night after they harassed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen or Senior Advisor to the President Steven Miller, what's going to come of fucking with Bannon?

HAHAHAHAH I love hearing stories about right wingers getting BTFO!!!

Going to take the civil war meme to next level.
Drudge, Breitbart to follow

>Anti free market
>Anti globalized trade
>Pro-American labour

Keep telling yourself he's right wing, just because he doesn't fuck traps.


>fair trade
>free trade

As of right now, I'd rather have the former. Fuck the Chinese and their swindling ways. I hope that the incoming financial fallout out makes the Great Famine look like the golden days

This. The rivers shall choke with their dead.

And that's what Trump's doing right now.
If the US and EU worked together and blocked the Eastern hordes, it would be over within a year. The Chinese will tear themselves apart when the economy turns, which is why Xi is building his autocratic power.

Free trade, and all of these treaties just mean anti worker, lower standards of living, and greater goyim competition for the scraps.

tfw. was a card carrying lefty for more than a decade.

Bannon's interviews, especially with the BBC would have been leftist 101 twenty years ago. Identity politics is just another divide and conquer meme.

He's stirring shit up in Europe now. I'm thinking how weird it is that he could be a kulturhero across continents not for unifying cultures but for giving them back each to its owner. That seems new, or maybe like a decolonizer like Che, except with real civilizations and not a bunch of bullshit peasants.

Exactly. And I'm pretty sure he thinks of himself that way.

Everytime I see him interviewed properly, I'm just screaming "yes!" at the fucking tv.

He's very "in" with Salvini and Lega Nord at the moment, and was even in Spain meeting with Vox.

How the fuck all these idiots hate him for policies which will disproportionately help the workers of their own countries, I'll never understand.

>Thanks Maxine Waters. You have incited a bunch of leftist faggots to attack people in of all things... a fucking bookstore!


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