The one thing I hate about the alt-right is the adherence to obviously false's extremely obvious to any sensible person that no religion is true, and that the bible is a work of fiction.
(the holy spirit isnt real the holy spirit isn't real the holy spirit isn't real...etc)
Going after roe vs wade would be a major turning point against trump...PLEASE don't do it, it will cost the entire country. I don't like abortion but it isn't a big deal...
no, trump support and MRA who thinks the SJW movement is evil and manipulative. but what i9m saying is true. religion is the major flaw of the alt right.
look, the bible obviously isn't true. there isn't a sensible debate, it just isn't/ jesus/god/jheaven don't exist, never have, and never will. and that's just how it is
Ethan Ross
It was a big deal to this little baby you fucking monster. A society that murders it's innocent wont make America great again.
Asher Powell
Where in the goddamn hell is this roe v wade shit coming from? Your own ass? I have heard Trump mention it once
Parker Young
God is real. You're a fag.
Levi Gomez
Making murders of convenience illegal has nothing to do with religion.
Austin Gomez
Religion supersedes race, nazi retard.
Isaac Hughes
It has everything to do with religion idiot. A fetus isn't a human. A caterpillar isn't a butterfly.
Sebastian Johnson
I don't recall that being uttered by the POTUS.
Just because I said so.
Logan Phillips
Nope, race > religion. Talk to Niggers. They'll take Black Muslims over White Christians.
Reminder that undoing roe vs wade will grantees 500,000+ more non-white births per year. Working on stopping white abortions is the goal. If non-whites and leftist whites want to kill their babies let them. Do not support their killing of babies but do not stop your opponent from killing themselves.
The chance Trump will try to undo Roe v. Wade is probably close to nil.
He wouldn't even be able to do it. There would have to be a case appearing before the Supreme Court for it to be overturned.
Perhaps he could pass an executive order banning it, but I HIGHLY doubt he would do that.
I shake my head at any liberal who is upset about this scenario. Not sure why people think it's even possible.
Liam Russell
A fetus is a human though...
Jack Martin
Just like a caterpillar is a butterfly!!!
Easton Myers
Once Roe is down, I actually think this will be easy as simply pointing it out to Republican voters through the new internet channels. Because Democrats are 100% ideologues on the issue in a way the Right is not, they'll take ground where ever we give it. So it should be easy to come up with a patchwork of laws where abortion comes out of the coke machine in black areas but is difficult in white areas.
John Morgan
Yeah Trump should listen to a loser
Nicholas Fisher
Anybody? Hello?
Mason Wilson
Only time I've heard Trump talk about abortion was actually on the campaign trail, so the idea that this will undo Trump is pretty unlikely. I support abortion because it's a great form of abortion, but killing a baby is obviously a detestable thing to do. I doubt it'll be overturned and I hope it isn't
Camden Evans
Did you mean to say eugenics? Yeah I don't care about abortion either because niggers get proportionately more. Plus any woman willing to kill a baby doesn't deserve to be a mother
Alexander James
No idea. Its so weird. As soon as Trump made his Supreme Court pick, all new networks ran "Trump undoes Roe v Wade" as the headline. Super weird
Ethan Wilson
>The absolute state of christcucks Abortion is eugenics and anyone opposed to it is a nigger lover
They actually are two different states of developmentof the same species. A caterpillar isn't a butterfly in the same sense a toddler isn't an elder.
Ryder Smith
I support abortion for only one reason. That 80% of them are commited by niggers
Carson Long
Fuck off Austrialian retard. Abortion is the only way to keep the nigger population in check.
Christian Sanders
It would just increase the black vote in the future.
We need to abort black babies
Carter Martin
What the fuck are you talking about? Trump is pro-choice, and seeing as his SCOTUS pick is a woman, it's probably safe to say she is too.
Also, when did ANYONE in the Trump administration even mention Roe v Wade? All I see are the news outlets spinning their bullshit over nothing.
Colton Nelson
The only people who have mentioned repealing it AT ALL are the Dems who are using it as a scare tactic. That's not even how the court works, an very specific type of abortion case would have to make i's way from the lower courts all the way up to the Supreme Court for them to be able to do anything
Fetuses inevitably become people dumbass they don't come out canines or plants
Parker Mitchell
>trump is altright When does school start?
Jayden Reed
Speaking of abortion, those are some mummie tiddies
Gabriel Morgan
It's a crime that she isn't already a mom or that I am the father
Justin Johnson
Trump supporters don't have a clue and they don't care. Back in the aftermath of the parkland shooting, he changed his stance on gun control 3 times within the course of about 8 hours and every step of the way there were legions of cultists to cheer him on