Hello Jow Forums...

Hello Jow Forums, Power is a online US politics game similar to BLOC (same developer) where you create a politician and run for a seat in one of the 50 states. We need more people to join the Republican Party (tight collection of pol, r9k and other chan boards) and defeat the Democrats (mostly reddit and tumblr). If you are interested then join the discord and we'll walk you through creating an account


If you don't have discord/don't know how to use it, download discord and then click the + sign at the bottom of the channel list and paste the code in.

As soon as you join the discord let us know what state you want to be in. It's crucial to join the discord before making an account since states can either be full (only 4 people per party per state, and it's necessary to have the right in game political positions for the state your in. Positions are nothing more than your ability to get elected in a given state.

Attached: prezelection.png (528x324, 31K)

a comment or shitpost

higgins is a nigger


Attached: Paul_Kennedy.jpg (897x1924, 914K)

Agreed and Big Damn is a faggot

Ok let me begin by pulling on the heart strings of Jow Forums reddit dems spam reported Gop members leading to chaos which we are returning from like a dad to his white children, now join boys lets get this party started

Join Libertarians, GOP has shit leadership

lolbertarians, you better watch you mouth before we cuck you guys like we did the dems.

reminder to join the Democrats, the true white man's party on our glorious crusade against the internationalist GOP regime.