The Catholic Church is the one true Church outside of which there is no salvation. However, as you seem to recognize, the Vatican II Sect is not Catholic. This situation was prophesied, as the material covers. The material also explains how to become Catholic. You need to become convinced on all the issues and follow the steps to convert:
We're glad you liked the video, but are you promoting marijuana on your own channel? If so, you should not do that.
How many priests does it take to screw in a light bulb?
No one knows, they are too busy screwing the altar boys.
It's important to understand that the Catholic Chruch is not corrupt. It cannot be. Rather, the Vatican II sect is the prophesied end-times Counter Church. Please see our other videos on prophecy, such as the one we just sent. Yes, you can become a true traditional Catholic. Our material explains how. If you e-mail us at [email protected], and mention that you want to become Catholic, we can help you. Also, you should change your thumbnail image to something edifying, such as a proper religious image or a nature picture. Also, you should not promote oldies (many of them are not good) or heretics on your channel.
yes god bless, but if you're promoting marijuana you need to stop because marijuana is condemned, keep the tradtional catholic faith brother keep fighting.
Your claim is ridiculous and false. It reveals that you are either dishonest or not careful in your thought.You are on the road to Hell, and unless you become a traditional Catholic, yes, you will go to Hell. There is no salvation outside the Church, and one must be a traditional Catholic to be a true Catholic/Christian.
Now WHAT could Michael Dimond be doing on Jow Forums?
Problem is that it's nearly impossible to receive sacraments outside of Vatican II. Seems much easier to simply become Orthodox.
Hello, Brother Michael Dimond,
Your claim is ridiculous and false. It reveals that you are either dishonest or not careful in your thought. You joined the Orthodox? You are pathetic. You had a chance to see the truth in our material. Also see our recent video on the Eastern "Orthodox".
Your claim is ridiculous and false. It reveals that you are either dishonest or not careful in your thought. Obviously i am not brother Michael Dimond (nor am i brother Peter Dimond). Otherwise my flag would've been American (instead of templar), since they're American.
We're glad that you found the material. It's crucial to realize that there is only one Christian Church: the Catholic Church. Also, even though the Latin Mass is the true Mass, and the New Mass is not, one can't just go to any Latin Mass or any service that purports to be a Latin Mass.
All paganism originates from noahs children after the flood.
All paganism comes from babylon after the confusing of languages as punishment for challenging god with the tower of babel, after babylon they split up because they couldnt understand eachother anymore, but all kept distorted accounts of adam, eve, the flood, and the origin of creation. Oral teachings and thousands of years separated from each other will do that, thats why theres thousands of pagan religions that are all connected in a way and have similarities all are distorted pieces of truth mixed in with thier own culture/peoples lives.
Meme flags. Almost the same words. I smell a Jewish trick. Remember put your labels before truth and faith in god and Jesus and you burn too.
>exact same words
Bots. Time to sage it down boys.
You are on the road to Hell, and unless you become a traditional Catholic, yes, you will go to Hell. There is no salvation outside the Church, and one must be a traditional Catholic to be a true Catholic/Christian. You should also remove the frankly foolish and unedifying thumbnail you have chosen for your YouTube channel. You should change it to something like an acceptable religious image or a nature picture, for example.
Oh look, the same tired debunked a million times bullshit. Like Easter=Ishtar, even though it's only called Easter in English and is called Pascha in latin - the language of the Roman Catholic church.
>faith in god and Jesus
you believe martin Luther's beliefs teachings , you put your trust your faith in martin Luther not jesus christ or his sacred teachings tradtional catholicism.
I do go to Catholic church but you sir find to much comfort in your label and not enough in god and Jesus. I go to many different churches.
Repent for your faith in men. Or you will burn.
>All paganism originates from noahs children after the flood.
>Repent for your faith in men
who is martin luther
Wrong. I am not protestant. I am not Catholic. I go to many different churches. You on the other hand will cling to your label above all. Have fun with your self worship.
You are a liar and deceived. The Catholic Church teaches that there is only one true religion and the rest are false. The Catholic Church teaches that pagan religions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Voodooism, etc.), which worship various “gods,” actually worship demons, since all the gods of the heathen are the devils.
Psalms 95:5- “For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils…”
1 Cor. 10:20- “But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God. And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils.”
St. Paul says that when the pagans worship their gods they are worshipping devils, and he doesn’t want you to be in communion with devils.
Hitler was not a Christian. Alfred Rosenberg was the head of Nazi ideology. In his book, The Myth of the 20th Century, he promotes the worship of Lucifer. This is merely one reason why the book was placed on the Index of Forbidden Books. Hitler thus put a Satanist in charge of the Nazi party's ideology department, yet some people falsely claim that Hitler was a Catholic. In in a town in central Germany, the head of the district training department said, "National Socialism is an ideology and that ideology is to be found in Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century. He said that this was the official attitude of the party and the Fuehrer, and that it was quite clear that the Fuehrer stood behind Rosenberg for he had entrusted to him the ideological training of the party. See Was Hitler A "Christian"? Was Hitler "Catholic"? NO! Hitler also praised Martin Luther in the book, Hitler's Table Talk. He stated that, "Luther had the merit of rising against the Pope and the organization of the church." He said that, "Italy and Germany achieved their unity against the will of the Pope." Hitler call Luther "a great reformer" in Mein Kampf. Hitler said he was fighting for a new political faith. This new political faith was the so-called "positive Christianity" that Pope Pius XI said was being used to "de-Christianize Germany and lead her back to barbarous paganism",
not an argument so i win.
>What is the reformation
You act like Catholicism has never changed.
What is going on here?
proper religious image or a nature picture. Also, you should not promote oldies (many of them are not good) or heretics on your channel.
>You should also remove the frankly foolish and unedifying thumbnail you have chosen for your YouTube channel. You should change it to something like an acceptable religious image or a nature picture, for example.
These are clearly bots
>For God so loved the world that he gave his Large Package which includes everything in the $10.00 Package plus 1 large book and 2 more DVDs for only $20.00 (price includes shipping).
SAGE Jewish bots!
t's crucial that you embrace the traditional Catholic faith. Our material explains how to do that. We also recommend that you pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
It's crucial to emphasize that the false Church is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied, end-times Counter Church, as our material covers.
What you need to do is become a traditional Catholic, which simply means an authentic Catholic who rejects the Vatican II Sect. Catholicism is the true faith, but the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church. What has happened in Rome after Vatican II (and currently with Antipope Francis) is the fulfillment of end-times prophecy about the Whore of Babylon (i.e. the end-times Counter Church) and the Beast.
Paganism arose prior to christianity. Pic completely accurate
No, you are the liar and the blind fool. What we put out is Catholic and true. The fact that you say we might be bots shows how clueless and bad-willed you are.
>pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day
WHolly time travel batman! how is this even possible?
>The Catholic Church teaches that there is only one true religion and the rest are false
yes this is true
>The Catholic Church teaches that pagan religions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Voodooism, etc.), which worship various “gods,” actually worship demons, since all the gods of the heathen are the devils.
yes this is true
The tradtional catholic faith is the one true faith!
>Hail mary
Also know as worshiping false idols
>Praying to the saints.
>Same thing.
Then what's with the replies about channels, thumbnails and other garbage which clearly haven't been brought up or seen in this thread? It's almost like you're copy-pasting past responses into here.
>What we put out is Catholic
Do catholic boys put out? Methinks they would rather keep thier virginity than be skull fucked by the priest.
What if you are Satan and this whole thread is just an illusion?
it hasn't just redefined what always was, nothing but the tradtional catholic faith is true faith everything else is heresy and condemned
Also it's evident you live at MHFM or spend your afternoons spreading their videos, normally that stuff stays on Twitter. I never expect to see it here of all places.
>Paganism arose prior to christianity
Paganism is the distorted history of adam and eve, told by different groups of people why, becasue
All paganism originates from noahs children after the flood.
All paganism comes from babylon after the confusing of languages as punishment for challenging god with the tower of babel, after babylon they split up because they couldnt understand eachother anymore, but all kept distorted accounts of adam, eve, the flood, and the origin of creation. Oral teachings and thousands of years separated from each other will do that, thats why theres thousands of pagan religions that are all connected in a way and have similarities all are distorted pieces of truth mixed in with thier own culture/peoples lives.
The Apocalypse Of Saint John 5:8
And when he had opened the book, the four living creatures, and the four and twenty ancients fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints:
you're a moron
>Methinks they would rather keep thier virginity than be skull fucked by the priest.
any sinner can fuck a child you dont have to be a novus ordo fake catholic to do that.
Have you even read about paganism? Seems more like you have a hard on for xtianity and everything must stem from your obsession. What a rube.
Fuck off Rabbi
You are correct. However, you really should refrain from swearing. It's necessary to become convinced on all the issues and embrace the traditional Catholic faith. Our material explains how to do that. We also recommend that people pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
Join us at:
>Seems more like you have a hard on for xtianity
i am a Christian who follows christ and his teachings
>and everything must stem from your obsession. What a rube
thats tradtional catholic teaching, if you dont believe it you'll most likey burn in hell.
These guys are a legit fucking cult.
>thats tradtional catholic teaching
Well, your teachers are wrong. Paganism existed long before your xtianity.
Your claim is ridiculous and false. It reveals that you are either dishonest or not careful in your thought. Obviously we are not defending the Vatican 2 Church.
>you really should refrain from swearing
I'm just a sinner like any other man, it puts me on thier lvl does it not.
>We also recommend that people pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
i do that and much more sometimes 60 decades a day.
Turn away from your dogma and nonsense. Man needs only to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. No man will stand in the way of God and his children. No pope. No gatekeeper. No. One.
>For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
No christianity began with the true worship of God given by Adam and Eve but especially in the promise of God that Eve's seed would crush the head of the serpent (i.e. Christ would come).
im already a tradtional catholic senpaitachi, about time i got some reinforcements
>For God so loved the world that
he told all his representatives on earth, rabbi/imam/cleric, that it is absolutely righteous to skull fuck innocent children. Now that is some love.
Gospel according to Saint Matthew 16:16-19
[16] Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. [17] And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. [18] And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [19] And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.
It's not ridiculous or false. The mhf is a man made religion. You can point to its founders and it isn't Christ or the apostles.
that's not an argument therefore i wont change my mind or believe you, i'll believe in tradtional catholicism thank you very much.
No, you are the liar and the blind fool. What we put out is Catholic and true. The fact that you say we might be Protestant shows how clueless and bad-willed you are.
what argument. there is no argument, it is fact.
Gospel of Saint Matthew 18:6
[6] But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.
You are Protestants.
i presented my argument and you didnt ergo i won.
You don't even believe that the bible is correct! You think the church, which claims to be based on it, is. A lot of Catholics, not all but most, will find themselves burning in hell one day.
Try studying the Bible yourself for a change instead of being all edgy about muh-Catholicism.
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours by Missler is a good start. I pray for the Catholics because of people like you.
brother what does the faith say about calling others fools?
So, you joined the Vatican II sect? You are pathetic. You had a chance to see the truth in our material. Also see our video on Vatican II: Council of Apostasy. The Novus Ordo sect is not Catholic.
What argument? Facts are that xtianity has not been around longer than paganism.
Question, if the story of the Jews and Moses in exodus is made up as there is no historical record of such a thing taking place than how can one still follow the faith? If a key action of the first covenant is not real than is the faith all just one lie built on another?
You can't ban or censor people from speaking here, cultist. And you are Protestants: the mhf guys admit they were Protestants. They reverted but only after adopting a lot more Catholic doctrines than before. They spend all day calling the Popes Antichrist and the Church the whore of Babylon.
What argument?
this was my argument
Paganism is the distorted history of adam and eve, told by different groups of people why, becasue
All paganism originates from noahs children after the flood.
All paganism comes from babylon after the confusing of languages as punishment for challenging god with the tower of babel, after babylon they split up because they couldnt understand eachother anymore, but all kept distorted accounts of adam, eve, the flood, and the origin of creation. Oral teachings and thousands of years separated from each other will do that, thats why theres thousands of pagan religions that are all connected in a way and have similarities all are distorted pieces of truth mixed in with thier own culture/peoples lives.
>Facts are that xtianity has not been around longer than paganism
wrong christianity started with creation, adam and eve, the flood, the tower of babel, paganism comes and everything else comes from it.
>but that's not REAL Catholicism: The Post
You're on your way to hell, papist idolator. Repent and be saved.
>2 Thess. 2:3-4
>Romans 10:9
>Revelation 18:4
Facts? Like what? Paganism traced itself to genealogical ancestors similar to the Bible. Pagans believed there was a worldwide flood and everyone descended from its few survivors. Do you believe that? You want facts? Read Ovid for what pagans thought and research Deukalion's flood.
Research David Rohl. The physical evidence is there it's just that the Egyptian dating system is off.
some native America tribes taught that the whole world came from upon a back of a turtle and all life came from it.
sounds like an ark to me.
This literally doesn't say a thing about giving a gatekeeper power to decide who ends up in Heaven or Hell. It says Heaven clearly. We're to atone for our sins to Jesus alone and through faith in His word, confession of our mouths, and baptism in the Spirit we are saved.
Could be a distortion of the flood myth but there were other north american tribes with a more obvious version of the deluge.
For flood myths more ancient than even the Greeks, you can look at the Sumerian version and the Babylonian-Chaldean version (king list of Berosus if I remember the name correctly). For the Sumerian just search Epic of Gilgamesh noahs flood.
You have been deceived. There is only one Church, the Catholic Church. Going to many different heretical sects (such as Evangelical, non-denominational, voodoo) doesn't make you a Christian. Only water baptism can do that, as explained by the Council of Trent's decree on the sacraments.
It's crucial that you embrace the traditional Catholic Faith, as we explain on our YouTube channel and at our website,
why'd you guys post on Jow Forums all of a sudden, you guys should stay here and convert everyone.
A "properly" formed Novus Ordo mass is still effective in the sense that the Blessed Sacrament is performed and the Host is the Body of Christ. It might not be as reverant or communicate as much grace as the TLM but it is still a mass.
Sedevacantism is untenable as a theological position.
Personally, i think too much is made by Trad Catholics about all the trappings and not nearly enough attention is focused on the primary focus of self-actualization (in a Thomistic sense). If we were not so sinful then our Church would not be suffering so greatly under the heavy yoke of heretical bishops.
It's possible to find time to pray. If you spend an hour wasting time on foolish Internet browsing, you can find an hour four our Blessed Mother.
It's probable due to the false, Vatican II end-times anti-Church that you don't know how to pray the Rosary. One decade is a portion made up of one Our Father, ten Hail Marys, and one Glory Be. You can find a guide at our website, or at
The Bible is a Catholic book written for Catholics. The heretic Martin Luther removed seven books from it and created the false, man-made idea of Sola Scriptura.
You are on the road to hell. You need to embrace the traditional Catholic faith and enter the only Christian Church, the Catholic Church.
Protestant is a metaphysical void. Can't respect a religion like that. Bad exegesis and not even an attempt at answering cosmological questions and having a rational grounding. No intellectualism.
>The Bible is a Catholic book written for Catholics. The heretic Martin Luther removed seven books
Why are you ignorant of all the Councils of the Catholic Church that did the same thing?
Your statement is false. You are either deceived, or a liar. The Catholic Church compiled the canon of Sacred Scripture and you are unable to name a Council that removed books.
Your lies show the diabolical nature of the man-made Protestant religion. You need to repent and be water baptized in a Traditional Catholic Church.
Actually, you are the Protestant. Are you aware that your antipope agrees with the Protestants on Justification? He also teaches heretically that they are in the Church of Christ, that they can be saved, that they have martyrs, that they should not be converted, etc. You are a totally blind and uninformed individual. We defend Catholic teaching and refute Protestantism. You are following a Protestant Counter Church to your damnation.
Council of Nicaea. Council of Constantiople. Council of Ephesus. The list goes on. At each, books were adopted and redacted. Your catholic church is just as guilty of changing scripture. Behold the truly benighted...
You don't have the authority to interpret the councils, bozo. You have no and never received any authority from anyone, ever.
Lies...all lies. You are a heretic to the core. The meaning of Protestant and heretic are the same.
This utterly false claims is entirely without merit and exposes the intellectual sterility of the Protestant religions.
The canons of all of those councils are available online, and none of them discuss the question of the canon. The fact that there ecumenical councils did not lay out a canon of Biblical books shows how utterly false the man-made doctrine of Sola Scriptura is.
Just listing the Ecumenical Councils doesn't prove anything. In fact, the canon promulgated at the local councils of Hippo, Carthage, and Rome in the late 300s is the exact same canon promulgated by the Ecumenical Councils of Florence and Trent. You are deceived by the diabolical power of the prince of lies, and are in the road to hell unless you convert to the Traditional Catholic Faith. Find out more at our website,
I find it funny that part of the rationale for rejecting the deuterocanonical books is that there were only copies in Greek and not Hebrew, yet the NT was written in Greek and there are references in it to the deuterocanonical books.
You are Protestants. Like them before you, you took it upon yourself to decide what is and isn't Christianity, who is and who cannot be saved, etc. You also spend your days calling the Pope Antichrist and the Church the whore of Babylon.
High Church Anglicans also hold to very Catholic doctrines, practices etc. - much more than many other Protestant churches. But you deny they are Catholics. Yet all you have done is decide based upon your own readings to add more Catholicism. This is why I say you are still Protestants. You can add all the Catholic dogmas and doctrines you like, if you are not in Communion with him and refuse to be in communion with thosr who are, then you are not Catholics anymore.
By him I meant the Pope.
It is not Protestant to resist the false end times Vatican II anti-Church.