Most transsexuals will eventually commit suicide

The nature of things does not change by will.
What I mean?
That a bar of iron does not turn into a wooden bar at will or a dog will not turn into a lion because he wants to. The nature of things is according to their constitution.

The man who wants to be a woman will not turn into a woman because he wants to be a woman and not a woman will turn into a man because she wants to be a man. Nature informs what that is within its genetic load. The most that the person will be able to be is a mutilated man with the appearance of woman or a mutilated woman with the appearance of a man.

What happens is that the transsexual suppresses this information that is in the unconscious and in the subconscious putting the conscious below the two. And how does he do that?
Having that the whole time reaffirm your condition of the opposite sex. The name of this is neurosis. Everything for the transsexual (and for the homosexuals) gravitates around sex because he needs to reaffirm that condition.
This causes a kind of pressure cooker of his personality.

The problem is that at any given time, after 10, 20, 30 years, this comes up and when these things go up to consciousness comes at once only causing great psychological disorder.
Basically the guy looks at the people next door and sees other families having children and realizes that he ended life alone. It raises the question of how he led his life up to that point and realizes that he has lived a lie all his life. As he has no way back in time and realizes that if you continue living he will have to continue living a lie he end up committing suicide for not being able to live in this lie anymore.

Attached: thalita zampirolli.jpg (620x753, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why do memeflaggots make a topic about traps or transsexuals and then post an actual female as .jpg?

is this some kind of tactic?

Attached: 160059815.jpg (400x400, 28K)


OP here. Look at my flag then.
If you think this in the photo is a female then I have bad news for you.

Post Brazilian trannies with thick veiny feminine penises pls

Thalita Zampirolli.

Attached: Thalita Zampirolli 2.jpg (598x746, 126K)

she cute

Post op or pre op?

Bro, it's a man, I told before.

I think post op.

That's patently false. MOST will not kill themselves.
Only 45% will.

That's less than half

Attached: Thalita before after.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

What if I told you there's a 45% chance I'm going to fuck your mom, in the ass, with 100% of my cock? Is that less than half fagatron?

I know that traps are gay and all but I'd hit that

>Thalita Zampirolli
Please have a cock.
Please have a cock.
Please have a cock.

same difference

and this is ok
but they should be put down at a young age
am i right?

Attached: download (9).jpg (300x168, 9K)

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In that case the pic totally undermines what you said because this person has succeeded in becoming a woman. I suspect she can't possibly have started out as a normal man.

Look at this photo. It's him before the transformation.

>Everything for the transsexual (and for the homosexuals) gravitates around sex because he needs to reaffirm that condition.

Ding ding ding. This. This needs to be said more often, I've been thinking about it a lot all day. For a group of people who make huge public displays about how secure they are... They are actually all very insecure and looking for sane, hetero validation. That's what all the "acceptance" shit is really about. They're not sure of their sexuality and chooses and they want us, everyone else, to reassure them.

And they FORCE us too. They FORCE US to call them what they want to be called. Or force us to serve them in business. Or take creative projects, characters, etc that have nothing to do with sexuality and suddenly turn them gay and about nothing BUT sexuality.

I wish there was a way to convey that to this community. Tell them "look, if you guys were really okay with all of this, you wouldn't need huge public displays like pride parades and you wouldn't need to have so many positive cultural 'rolemodels' either. You keep harping about how you need characters and politicians and images of people like you everywhere, that's not what someone secure in their being asks for, that's someone looking for validation on over-sized scale."

That's a conversation that needs to be had here instead of just indulging their increasing insanity and delusion.

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y they kill themselfes. and the ones surviving will be on antidepressants and hormones for the rest of their lifes. it's sad that (((they))) can abuse mentally ill people and making a profit out of it without consequences at all

All left-handed people have guilt, and their guilt is repressed. When guilt is suppressed it is transferred to an instance of the mind called the subconscious. In the subconscious it manifests itself in the form of a projective charge.
That's why they're all the time with the accusing finger pointed at everyone the whole time.

Fuck that no one is forcing me to call a tranny a woman or a girl and i wont i wont speak to them and if i do i surely wont be using proper pronouns or whatever the fuck pozzed pc bullshit term. I will use real terms fag homo tranny freak etc. They can try all they want i grew up in the late 80s fags are gay and both terms are slanderous because fags are gay and its the opposite of cool good or anything socially acceptable. So what i might say is dude why are you such a fag that shit is so gay and you should say that too they can sperg out and reeeee all they want tough shit canada can take them if they need pronouns or whatever kikery

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At least some trans are white unlike like ShityItaly where Italians and their genetically identical Berber-Arab diaspora form the majority of Italy
tl:dr Italians aren't white.

jesus cunt i'm trying to eat my fucking lunch

Attached: youfaptomen.jpg (900x900, 676K)

Attached: 45percent.png (716x724, 255K)

I'm eating my dinner and I literally had to stop. For fucks sake

And your girlfriend is getting fucked by a emu


Attached: noselfawareness.jpg (640x656, 106K)

The rejection is already happening. There was a protest at some UK pride parade by some lesbians against transactivism going on about how trannies force lesbians into a relationship. Basically making the argument that men as women were still oppressing women lmao


I disagree, I think most decent looking transexuals don't commit suicide, rather the gross autistic SJW ones almost entirely commit suicide..

There's no way you can tell me the girl in OP's pic isn't living a far better life than the gross thing in my post.

Additionally, I think people who get convinced to chop your dick off and mutilate yourself (which is something only a sick person could be convinced to do) are more likely suicidal.

Additionally, it'd be interesting to see the stats between FTM and MTF. I'd wager FTM kills themselves left and right because they're disgusting, and women already attempt suicide way more than men, but these women just got the testosterone shot to make them competent enough to do it.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Bro, the problem that the transsexual of the photo I posted may be even worse than this one in the photo because he managed to appear to be a hot woman and this can not last forever. When he grows older, in addition to having to deal with the fact of not being a woman, he will still have to deal with the fact that now his looks look horrible.
The photo you posted has always been ugly and will continue to be.

Plus I do not know where you got that women commit more suicides. In any statistic men commit much more suicides.

And that's you're right. That's the point they don't get, they don't have any right to FORCE ie use the government to make people call them what they want to be called. The tranny can ask politely for people to role play along with them and if they say no, the tranny has to accept it. Once they get the government involved, their in the wrong period.

Strange most trans in this show are niggers

Most trans on this show are niggers. Once they release they are trans they hate them. I agree, most will kill themselves.

Yeah I'm looking at that picture and thinking "so where's the cock? "

The OP is ... suspicious... Not incorrect, but it's not like we didn't know this shit: most trannies are ugly faggots who kill themselves when they realize how badly they fucked themselves over all because they had a fetish and got shit treatment.


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>end up committing suicide for not being able to live in this lie anymore.

To bad it takes them a while to get to that point. They should just off themselves sooner rather than later.

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Is that for real before and after for all those fags?

top left and bottom left
holy shit

100% the truth


Also 100% truth. Thank you seriously for stating what needs to be said, and eloquently enough to boot.

Attached: Rawwr.png (675x396, 453K)

Funny to see members of the same ridiculous acronym arguing with other acronym folks. But at least they are speaking truth although what OP said still holds for them as well what with all the “pride” parades.

What saddens me, but what I never really put 2 + 2 together about (which
Have all mentioned)
Is that these people reduce their entire personhood to their gender and/or sexuality. It’s a sad, sad state to take a person - their likes and dislikes, their personality, their relationships, their good or bad deeds, etc - and reduce their identity to a gender, a sexuality, and a pronoun. But I think OP nailed it on the head as to why they do this, because they need constant reassurance and that’s why they can’t handle the truth to the point of calling it violence because it cuts deep through the shallow existence they have created for themselves and they don’t want to deal with the mental and emotional pain of reality.

No. He has succeeded in looking like a woman in a photo. He is not a woman.

I think it could just be that you can't sew it back on.

fuck you

Attached: opisfag.jpg (600x639, 44K)

I just realize I dont have a trans* filter setup!

So that’s a dude?

You know what lessos are like. I can't wait for that to happen here. Hopefully it will end in punches thrown at Madis Gras.


What happens if you put on in the other?

Attached: 1530809766013.jpg (1428x640, 228K)

click bait
deceitful and sneaky


stfu faggot.


>tfw lurk in blogs, Twitter accounts, subreddits and random forums about pro & anti TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism) drama
You should watch the brawls on YouTube. Pure kek.