So he killed himself because he was dirt poor. What a fucking disappointment.
So he killed himself because he was dirt poor. What a fucking disappointment
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He didn't kill himself. Hillary Clinton and Israel had him assassinated. Black Cube did it.
I know my man OP be making BANK, 1.2 million is CHUMP CHANGE to my nigga OP over here
>Creating some trustfund roastie
I figured it was a hit, but I wonder why.
>implying his roastie ex wife won't force his daughter to sell it
I wouldn't be suprised if this was true.
yeah i'm sure he has nothing better to do than kill people on hillary clinton's orders
1.2 is fucking NOTHING for a worldwide celebrity.
Suicided for sure. Heard he participated in an animal sacrifice ritual with Darron Aronofsky (maker of the MK-Ultra programming film Black Swan, starring Monarch project associate, Not-even Importment).
You know how I know you are poor and retarded and under age 18? Because you have no idea what a trust is. Bourdain was worth $35 million when he died.
What the fuck was he spending his money on? I'm going to wager drugs and diddling. I
Not only that.
>Jewish trust fund roastie
No proofs, but I think he was a pedo and did us all a favor of killing himself. Goes to all these 3rd world shitholes that are notorious for child trafficking and child prostitute.
>1.2 million
>dirt poor
>MK-Ultra programming film Black Swan
Better sauce that spaghetti
>$1.1 million mortgage
wtf did this kike spend his shekels on, surely having some meme tv show on CNN would at least bring in some big bucks, he's a kike after all.
You mean he didn't donate his estate to his favorite charity? Why would somebody be interested in passing wealth to those of their genetic lineage?
It's obvious to me. If you can't see it, I can't help you.
>Bourdain was worth $35 million when he died
can you read?
I heard he cooks a mean suicide.
He killed himself because he was investigating pedos
He was some wannabe beat generation guy who wanted to spend all his time in tangiers drinking tea, alcohol, and hookah. A hedonist like him only cared about having enough money to enjoy low-tier rich person experiences without having the actual finances to back it up. Plus, he could have churned out a few more books in his retirement to make a million or two each, if he ever needed money.
Sometimes it concerns me how stupid Jow Forums is in terms of reading people and understanding their motivations.
$1 million net worth for a guy who had like 3 shows and had the easiest job on the planet. Yeah, that's fucking pathetic.
How the FUCK is that even possible? The guy spent a quarter of his time on all-expense paid trips. I guess he blew it all on drugs and alimony(?).
>leftists killing leftists
1.2m is nothing you fucking retard
Bourdain was a kike who talked openly about literal white genocide.
Press S to spit on his grave.
CNN tried to scrub this video from the internet because of all the negative comments but luckily some based user saved it.
To be fair, given his exposure, I thought he'd be richer.
His agent did not take good care of him.
I get it, but he successfully angled for a job that let him do that shit for free. There no excuse for him to less net worth than my parents who worked middle-class jobs their whole life, and just retired.
His entire gimmick was traveling to exotic places to eat the food and do touristy things. Shit ain't free and i doubt he was highly paid for it.
he and kate spade were both killed by HRC
he was just one of the many many leftists and i didnt think he ever really thought about it so he was probably thinking again as he was growing old especially since he was getting exposed to the "mean clinton group" or whatever he said
No one watched his show except for maybe me if the travel channel actually bothered to show something travel related that moment. When travel channel isn't showing reruns of stupid ghost shows and mysteries and the museum, chances are they either show no reservations, or bizarre foods, which are generally travel related.
Are you seriously suggesting a Jew chosen to lord over the peasants on video only has one bank account?
mobile phone casino
Never like the idea of a guy who smokes touching my food. He was pretty disgusting.
I know a lot of cooks st restaurants probably smoke also but I don’t see it or know about it so I just hope for the best.
The excuse is that he simply didn't care. 1.2m net worth at his age was fine, and like I said when he was done making television he was planning on churning out a couple books to make a few million in the event he ever needed the money. This guy was a pure fucking hedonist, the only way he would feel motivated to up his net worth is if things got to the point where he couldn't travel and eat well anymore. That is all he cared about.
You seriously think he paid for his own show's budget? Do you think actors buy their own costume too? How do you think the media business works?
Then why didn't he leave these phantom bank accounts to his daughter too? Jews tend to actually care about accumulating family wealth. It's WASPs who leave all their money to alma maters and golf clubs.
>MFW my net worth is larger than a world famous celebrity
the bulk of his wealth was placed in trusts and llc's
stay right there
sad thing is that the (((people))) that controls the trusts and llc's are not related to him.
Bro if you're 60+ years old and you're net worth isn't at least $1million in some parts in the U.S (New York and California) you're in for a shitty retirement.
Let's not forget that this estate doesn't include the $1.1 million outstanding mortgage. This man was reaching his retirement years and literally had nothing to show for it.
You think he only traveled for television?
I'm saying he got that job because he made a lifestyle out of traveling places and eating out, that shit aint free.
By his own words it was all worth it, but it definitely doesn't help you create tangible assets.
I think this really reflects poorly on CNN
I mean, what the fuck are they able to pay someone with the name recognition of mother fucking anthony bourdain? $5,000 an episode?
be a Michelin chef with various restaurant holdings for 20 years
be a television series celebrity for 10 years
....only have $1M in assets at 60.
How fucking mong can you be?
It says more about Anthony Bourdain. He could have demanded higher wages but didn't want to, he wanted to work for CNN.
5k is a little misleading though, CNN undoubtedly covered all of his expenses and likely gave him practically full creative license for the show, which has value in itself.
Fuck dis nigga...
Fuck muffugin captcha bix mood et al.
P.s. Why dey hang dis here nigga?
20+ captcha??? Fuck yo niggas
I'm half his age with 3/4 of his net worth
this nigga was living large
$250,000 in cash? isn't he supposed to be jewish?
.2 million
>>dirt poor
if you don't have more than $1M in holdings when you're 60-something, you're a fucking idiot.
(((CNN))) literally short changed their only star employee
>he has 1.2 million in assets
>he has a 1.1million mortgage
>his net worth was 100k
I am 4.5 times richer than Bourdain was, holy fucking kek.
You don't know Bourdain. The dude didn't give a fuck about having a ton of money and being an elite celebrity. He wanted his show. He wanted his books. That was it. The entire time working for CNN he even dropped hints of "I just want my show to continue and my crew to still have jobs so I'll play ball with CNN's propoganda bullshit" earlier Bourdain in all the other shows was VERY libertarian. He talked about hating liberal, vegan, New Yorkers.
But he was always, always very non-material. You can tell, he never cared for fancy cars or big mansions or luxurious vacations. Hell, he got paid to travel the world. He just cared about finding good food and finding good people.
The money probably wasn't a reason. If you're looking for a reason besides life long depression, that you can watch in his eyes building up over the years, I'd point to the bizarre ways his ex-wife and girlfriend were both acting before he died.
>Sometimes it concerns me how stupid Jow Forums is in terms of reading people and understanding their motivations.
Yeah and you're a great fucking example since you have no clue what you're talking about with Bourdain.
Insane. Thats the average amount of retirement a desk worker has at that age.
Where did he blow it all?
You're assuming the house is totally worthless for some reason.
boipucci probably.
And literally.
>the bulk of his wealth was placed in trusts and llc's
The OP article is listing his estate for probate. That would be the discovery for disbursement. If there was other money he had, it would've been included. Jow Forums is shit because 90% of the posters are do-nothing teenage NEETs who don't know shit about anything
shut up Jeff
you know damn right the employer holds the power over the employee
whatever they paid him, it wasn't enough
>advocated for less whites in an episode of his show
>he was CIAd
Gtfo mossad, no one buys your bullshit anymore
I also correctly assume any value (i.e. asset) of said house is included in the 250k of personal property mentioned.
If it still has 1.1 million due, that means his daughter just inherited a 1.1 million dollar debt out of the 1.2 million estate.
Death tax apply in this case? I am unsure how the tax law changed it.
Buddy if your net worth is 450k you need to take time to understand finances better or you will never end up as prosperous as you could.
If you have 1.2m in assets, then buy something worth 1.1m and have 100k cash left over.... you are still worth 1.2m total.
>The dude didn't give a fuck about having a ton of money
thats evident because he pissed it all away (moron)
Has to be drugs
Bourdain was a coward and a piece of shit and doesn't deserve to be honored or even discussed.
He literally wrote books and made television shows about how to travel the world and spend money.
I don't see why Jow Forums's mind is so blown that someone enjoyed the money they earned.
He more than likely had off shore accounts too, if you have over $2MM in liquid assets then it is reasonable to diversify your banking, especially if you travel and do not want an international paper trail. When you die only the shit they find can be passed on, anything buried 6ft under your garage is going to stay there until a pipe floods your basement.
he might have equity in the house
unless theyre counting the equity as part of his assets
>a mortgage is somehow an asset
>take financial advice from me
He died a cuck. There are photos of his girlfriend holding hands with another man just days before he killed himself.
>what is equity
how do you not choke on your own drool at night?
>Black Cube
How dare you utter such a blasphemy goyim!
Before i google the details. You think Anthony Bordain owed 1.2 million dollars on a home worth well under 250k?
But where did all the money go, then?
The article is bullshit. He had all his money in a trust which is not reported in his will or probate. He has many many millions in his trust.
I thought he was a chef with multiple restaurants, but seems he only worked in some fancy ones.
But yeah, CNN advertises the hell out of their shows, you think he would have more money.
Supposedly Don Lemon makes $125K a year and has a $3 million net worth
I consider that very well-to-do.
MGTOW really is the future
>He more than likely had off shore accounts too
what do you think the OP article is disclosing?
It is probate for disbursement of his estate. Do you think it would include ALL his holdings?
Yes it was free. Even better, he was paid well for it
you're right
he sounds like a typical boomer described by Jow Forums
is Jow Forums, dare I say it, always right?
thats a smug pepe if ive ever seen one
"Personal property" is vague. I have to assume that includes any real property since it isn't mentioned anywhere else by itself.
How do you know he wasn't underwater on it either? Either way the mortgage is a real debt which will be satisfied out of the estate if need be.
Are you trolling?
He has 1.2m in assets which is $425,000 in cash and savings, $250,000 in personal property, $500,000 in intangibles like royalties and residuals, and $35,000 in a brokerage account. Let's say he liquidated all of that and turned it into 1.2m in cash.
He pays off his 1.1m mortgage and owns the house, then has 100k in cash left over. He is not worth just 100k now, because he totally owns a house worth 1.1m, therefore his networth remains the same at 1.2m.
No it wouldn't. Trusts not reported in probate. Trust are non-probate assets.
re-fi after re-fi after re-fi
You just said they constantly playing his show
>Supposedly Don Lemon makes $125K a year and has a $3 million net worth
News is failing hardcore, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
>my house is worth 1.1 million because that what I took the mortgage out for!
It was good seeing you retards wiped out in 2008.
Good possibility goy.
>dan gets busted
memes and shit posting
>bourdain gets outted as pedo client
will enjoy those that worshiped him angst
>fucked nose abrahms and spielberg get caught
will go to church
>But he was always, always very non-material. You can tell, he never cared for fancy cars or big mansions or luxurious vacations. Hell, he got paid to travel the world. He just cared about finding good food and finding good people.
So he'll never be Guy Fieri
>the whole point of offshore shit is to avoid taxes
>implying he would tell anyone other than his most trusted friend or family that
Underwater in this housing market? How fucking retarded are you. The fact is if the bank came and took the 1.1m to pay off the mortgage, guess what, the bank doesn't own the house then. The legal estate of anthony bourdain does you FUCKING MORON.
If he didnt care, wheres all the money? He cared enough to spend it. He probably spent over 20 million
>he entire time working for CNN he even dropped hints of "I just want my show to continue and my crew to still have jobs so I'll play ball with CNN's propoganda bullshit" earlier Bourdain in all the other shows was VERY libertarian. He talked about hating liberal, vegan, New Yorkers.
Yeah, all those anti-trump anti-america pro-hillary spastic outbursts on radio and twitter were just theater so he could keep his shows.
sure buddy.