Remember when we conservatives weren't retarded?

remember when we conservatives weren't retarded?

Attached: iotbw.jpg (300x470, 31K)

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Blacks and Arabs are far more likely to get intimate with their family members usually Uncle and niece

Atleast whites have the courtesy to ask for consent before fucking their niece


Remember when you weren't 12?

This. Incest occurs most frequently in the Middle East.

Blacks can not even know if they fuck their sisters because none know who their fathers are.

lulz you triggered kike?

Attached: 1523913701355.jpg (1196x676, 673K)

>whites fuck their cousins
[citation needed]

Attached: 1512105648173.png (1134x650, 419K)

Niggers fuck their own kids all the time you dumb fuck.

Knew some fat nigger who got molested by his uncle.