These people are sick. Because they were born with a genetic defect and society is starting to accept them, they feel emboldened and are now on a crusade to change the natural order of things. The future they envision is a future where everyone is gay or trans and where the only mean of reproduction is babies in artificial wombs or by using artificial insemination. They want to destroy genders so that the entire human race becomes gender neutral. Billions of clones with the same skin color, the same ideologies, the same cultural background. They are hellbent on creating a nightmarish dystonia future where everyone is "equal". The people must be destroyed and stopped at all cost. They are endangering the very nature of what it means to be a human being. Them being afraid that, thanks to modern scientific findings, we might be able in the near future to find a cure and eradicate them from the surface of the earth, speaks volume about their true demonic agenda.
What do you think Jow Forums? Are you for or against finding a cure to all this gayness and degeneracy?
They are hellbent on creating a nightmarish dystopian future where everyone is "equal".
Juan Sullivan
>Seeking a scientific explanation for trans identity could do more harm than good
This is true in some regards. I know the cause of transgenderism and autism, but I would not reveal the cause to the public. It would cause grave damage to society. It is far above top secret levels of damage.
Aaron Phillips
you're a nigger
Brayden Lopez
I definitely think research should be done but in the current climate it is bound to be biased
People like to hate on the jews and point our that they are disproportionatly represented in position of power. But when you look closely, you see a different picture. A lot of these (((journalists))) and media (((influencers))), taking heads, politicians, etc, are gay. I'm starting to wonder if the real issue is not Jews, but the gay mafia. They are everywhere and in very high concentration in San Francisco, where most of the biggest tech companies that control the media and the internet are located. Google is infested with blue haired trans people and lgbtqiapdxyz bullshit alphabet non binary creatures. Videogame reviewers from major news sites are onion material as well if not plain trans psychotic people.
Mason Watson
>I know the cause no one is going to actually believe you so entertain us, what do you think it is?
Angel Adams
the transgender thing is more near and dear to "their" hearts than you realize. they're already all trannies
i think transsexuals are a good example there is actually no free will, that everything decision you think you're making 'freely' is really a deterministic outcome based on your genetics, experiences etc. so basically a transsexual has no choice if you believe in math or god and shit.
Tyler Murphy
Case in point about the media being controlled by fags. I'll post a couple of examples that come to my mind. they are really over represented. I'll start with Kotaku.