Does Jow Forums support the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

>inb4 murder of the unborn is okay because blacks do it more than whites

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Abortion literally is a good thing for society. It has helped America tremendously

No keep it. Only the weak degenerates in society kill babies, thus proving their lack of ability to create productive members of society. Its way to cull the herd.

Says the jew. Fucking die.

I want it overturned so your leftists have something to fight for again and leave the guns alone. also its a good kick in their onions nuts that would produce epic salt.

>muh society would be better with more poor brown criminals running around
Spotted the jew folks, pack it up.

What possible reason do you need an abortion after the 5th month?

The only plausible one is you failed to trap a man with the baby.

Yes Roe v Wade should be struck the fuck down. Of course it should.

Late term abortions are fucking barbaric and not allowed anywhere else.

Hahah s o y changes to onion

I'm unsure.
On one hand, it kills babies. But on the other, it gives women a choice.
I'm torn.

I do not support abortion. I considered having one because I was scared at the time. I am here watching movies with my 11 year old and 9 year old daughters. I can’t imagine making the other decision. So close to doing it with my first daughter, I thank God everyday we didn’t do it.