How does it feel knowing that Florida will be a blue state very soon?

How does it feel knowing that Florida will be a blue state very soon?

>Amendment 4 will allow felons to vote
>There is overwhelming support for it
>Florida has the highest percentage of voters disenfranchised for felony convictions: 10.43%. The amendment would increase the amount of eligible voters by 1,487,847.
>Most of those disenfranchised are likely to be from demographics that vote overwhelmingly Democratic

Attached: Florida.png (800x800, 31K)

Attached: florida2.jpg (1066x232, 46K)

>>There is overwhelming support for it
Among the measures with the lowest voter support was Amendment 4, which would restore voting rights to ex-felons who have served their sentence

Its the least popular one dumbass

Correction: Murderers and felony rapists would not have voting rights restored. However, the number of new voters will still exceed 1 million.

Attached: florida3.jpg (603x629, 78K)

Attached: florida4.jpg (1004x596, 63K)

About one in four African Americans in Florida are currently barred from casting a ballot

Wouldn't have made the difference in 2016 and it won't in 2020

>Democrats have to import new voters because they can't win on their shitty policy
Nothing new here

They are US citizens. These laws are only significant in racist red States like Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee. They are blatant minority disenfranchisement laws