Do Redditors actually exist in real life?

Do Redditors actually exist in real life?

I live in a small town in Northern Ontario, when I go to Reddit for gaming news I check out what's going on in the rest of the site and its like I've entered some bizarro world of hyper liberalism. Are Redditors what liberals in major cities are actually like?

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you have to remember reddit is used globally. I don't think all of them are like that just that the more vocal ones are the freaks you see. I've met a guy who used reddit and he was an atheist Palestinian who was a drug user.

You know that guy who always says the most retarded things that make you cringe internally?

He's a redditor.

You're a redditor.

What is this? What the fuck is that?
You know what the problem is? The internet has too many walls. It prevents people from calling out that freak. Hey dude, you look like an ugly chick. You are not passable, turn back!

Ah fuck it.

oh theyre in for a nice treat once that youthful optimism and naivity wear of at about 25.

When we start playing in minecraft, should we put redditors in the ovens before jews? Only serious responses please.

I mean, at least jews create something positive by being good baddies. Redditors are just cancer. Small-minded bugmen who think they can hide their lack of brains by fellating things that is associated with ''smart people''.

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How's WaWa?

>Are Redditors what liberals in major cities are actually like?
Yes, the *average* person in a major city. Cities are big enough that you can eventually find someone with the same views as you, but the average cosmopolitan city resident is exactly like the average Redditor.

Reddit is the most retarded echo chamber of leftist/liberal place on the internet (to my knowledge, Facebook would give it a run for its money if it was more directly political).

I live in dc, a true liberal bastion, and while folks are mostly useful idiots for marxism around here redditors are not reflective of the real leftists i encounter daily. People in dc have no fear expressing any leftist nonsense they want but nothing approximates the wackiness of Reddit. Reddit is some kind of ultra retarded freak show that I've never seen replicated in real life. Sure, people around here got excited about Mueller but I haven't heard him talked about in months. Few ppl talk about trannies and I'm not sure how many trannies even exist or if they are largely a lefty invention to create an outcry movement out of nothing. I've never heard anyone say they hate white ppl or any of the crazy stuff that gets reposted here from Reddit. In short my belief based on anecdotal evidence is that Reddit is either mostly bots or paid posters, or is simply a collection of the most mentally ill ppl on the left.

damn dude I was actually born in wawa

The list will be.
Don't forget it again.

I see people like this from time to time in my not-so-small blue southern city
they always have a vibe about them that instantly disgusts me
they're almost always either quite overweight or scrawny and clearly haven't demanded anything physical of themselves a day in their worthless lives
they usually have a lot of bullshit identity paraphernalia like trendy haircuts or tattoos but have 0 actual substance because they're weak as shit
I'm in a position where I get the chance to interact with and observe many powerful community leaders and I can say with certainty that even the highly liberal community leaders consider the type of person likely to be a redditor as completely beneath them
inb4 larp

Whenever big video game news breaks it totally dominates reddits front page. The population of the website is 90% teenage white males from big metro areas.

the first person i met who was unironically a redditor was a skinny ginger and a chubby chaser

also this
reddit is 90% teenage white males that have never had to face an actual challenge in their life and are living in an insulated bubble
most of them will adapt by the time they actually have to compete in life
the remaining 10% are disgusting entitled freaks that any rational person knows to avoid instantly

>excited for my 20's
I cant immagine why.

>Gets shot at and bombed by Jews daily.
>Loses faith in God.
>Does drugs.
Yeah makes sense.

>then jews
>then the rest of the undesirables
(in minecraft)

Do half elf vampires with 25 charisma and 20 inch dicks exist in real life? Im half convinced redditors and libshits are mostly RPing their internet existence like its some game.

If Jow Forums is all hardcore LARPing nazis then who is to say that the extreme left aren't all pretending all sorts of crazy shit. Never once met somebody half as whacked out IRL as the average plebbit, twitter, tumblr, deviantart, MSM junkie is online. And I've known some fucked up crazy people

Been to canada one time. My family drove 4 hours to WaWa and saw the huge Canadian goose there. Then we drove back lol

>looks 50
I wonder why she's so depressed and suicidal..

>He browses plebbit

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that's a dude

I know a few actually. they're kinda like that super fucked up feminist girl that you know that's only a feminist cause she so obviously has serious issues due to uncle touchy
wouldn't surprise me if lots of them are LARPing for the "fame" tho

eh its pretty good for certain things, not politics though. Holy shit its like a fucking parody of insane liberals.

Reddt is also heavily shilled

Sounds like an awful trip, there are some cool highways around there I guess but the goose is in major need of a paint job and obviously not that exciting anyway.. It's a pretty dead little town.

It was alright. Bumpy back roads, almost merc'd two moose. Found some country bumpkins that ran a gas station as a hobby. Chatted them up. I got rose colored lenses on for it, but it was a drive

That creature is protected within its domain, there's an entire hierarchy of faggots which exist solely to prevent reality from encroaching into that thing's consciousness.

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>going to reddit to see anything thats not gonewild

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Wrong Twitter is the largest leftie echo chamber on the web as far as the big 3 corporations go.

It's not like the entire website is full of liberals.
It appears that way because the owners are strongly biased towards liberal content to appear on the front page.
Also there's strict, biased moderation in the kinds of subreddits that appear on the front page at all, for example, when another truck of peace attack happens and you write of "truck of peace" in a thread on Jow ForumsEurope, you get insta-banned.
Regardless, I've seen many, quiet redpilled people on even those subreddits. Even though the mods and owners do their absolute best to try and suppress convervaite thoughts, they aren't really successful. They are only successful in making it seem like the entire website is full of liberals through biased selection of featured content and post deletion.

What the fuck is that? Any rational person would feel nothing but pity.

>Do Redditors actually exist in real life?

My cousin is one. Constantly talks about things he's posting, the number of upvotes those posts get, posts that he thinks are interesting, etc. Nobody in the family has out and out said that he's autistic, but he shows a bunch of signs of being on the spectrum. Didn't speak until he was like 2, and then when he did start speaking it was mostly echolalia (repeating what others say multiple times), was completely obsessed with elevators and escalators until grew up enough to get into video games and speedrunning.

I'd pity him if he weren't so obnoxious and lacking in self-awareness. My aunt and uncle are pretty strict and trad, but it only seems to have done so much.

>The internet has too many walls. It prevents people from calling out that freak. Hey dude, you look like an ugly chick. You are not passable, turn back!

Maybe it's just because I live in California, but that seems to be society in general. Everything you say here needs to be pathologically polite, lest you risk offending somebody's delicate sensibilities.

Kek, maybe because you live in faggotopia. Come to Tx, literally last night I was in the grocery store and somebody said the aisle smelled funny, I said it was the blacks that just walked past us. We both laughed and walked away.

this would be a good pasta to describe them
it got bad around 2014 and really bad from 2016 onwards, i check few non popular leddits for happenings and stuff and they are bretty bad as well these days

I'm in rural Oregon. Sometimes I have to travel to Portland. It's a really nice city, but it's practically undeniable proof that reddit exists in real life and they are really as awful as they seem like they would be.

I might do just that. I'm so tired of living in liberal shit holes. This place is going to shit.

Redditors are like cockchafers, once every 4 years they roam the streets trying to elect a new leader.You can try to trap them by using upvote bots and onions products.

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Haven't met an autistic one, but all the ones I know like to tell stories about the posts and comments they've made.
Usually with reference to the thumbsy upsies they get or the frowny downies someone else has.

Remember that the internet misrepresents the vocal minority. Look at the comment or thumbs up/down ration with respect to views on YouTube. Most people are normal, quiet observers. The internet allows mentally ill people to broadcast their insanity and pretend it has merit. Just do what you would do in real life: ignore it or make fun of it. Just remember, even if you’re outnumbered online, they’re still outcast losers who have just congregated in their festering cesspool.