ITT: only countries that didn't elect a NIGGER as president

let's start boys

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Now I am a straight man, who has had sex with a lot of women, but I'd rather ride the cock of a fellow Aryan until he ejaculated deep in my anal cavity, than ever touch a black girl. Anyone else know this feel?

I think America is the only country in the world that elected a nigger and has internet access.

That's pretty graphic, dude


Yeah, well, we are still the greatest country on earth you dumb little spic.

Reporting for duty

you complete basturd. knowing that Ameritards can't use memeflags legally, you make us admit we hired a Nigger to be POTUS. it isn't fair to us, dealing with William Jefferson Clinton as our first nigger Prez; much less 8 years of that nigger
you forgot Zimbabwe, user +BONUS they also have dial-tone

>>that flag

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Amerifat hiding behind memeflag LOL

>Obama was any more black than he was white
Obama's mom was white, and he himself is a real WASP (stereotypical white person), who likes to do non-nigger things like not ditching his wife and children, or going on hikes.

Obama isn't back he's half middle eastern and jewish.

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Allo boys

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I've seen this exact same comment in other threads. You are a kike shill.

find me 1 nigger in argentinian history


We dont elect a nigger, he just act like one

>Ameritards can't use memeflags legally
Watch me.

Cite the statute you're talking about.


Pretty gay post there.

Forced meme is forced. Neck yerself.

Back when my country was actually a country

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