Can anyone be Christian

And have an abortion?

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No matter what you are, don't murder your child.

Christcucks enabled this shit though by giving women rights and not enslaving them and beating the shit out of them like the Ancient Romans did.

Those are not true followers of Christ. True followers would never approve of this. You are speaking of false followers.


Why is it that the Christians and the Communists both use literally the same argument to justify why their shitty ideology fails so utterly in practice?

No one can have an abortion.
If women do not want to have children, they should make a sterilization, so they can fuck as much as they want.

>Why is it that the Christians and the Communists both use literally the same argument to justify why their shitty ideology fails so utterly in practice?
prots and baptists aren't christians, if you would bother to try and understand why you wouldn't bother with such a faggot tier false equivalency

bye bitch

christianity didnt fail it decreased in popularity becasue god allowed it too, becasue people weren't hyper venerating his blessed virginal mother, by not praying the rosary and honoring the rosary and the blessed virgin Mary as much as god wanted wants.

communism just shit

Christians already pick and choose what they want to believe in the Bible, so why not also abortion?

>who cares lets just let niggers breed uncontrolled

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