This will end all the balloon threads

simple. to the point.

Attached: priorities.png (720x1100, 927K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Instead of food we should send condoms

They could use all the plastic in the balloon to make millions of condoms.

it wont work user, they dont believe in shame for themselves, they are above moral judgement, unless the bbc or cnn tells them to

Attached: resort.jpg (246x205, 7K)


How frustratingly true.

Attached: butthurt.gif (628x1008, 425K)


okay, so how do we spread this?

Same could be said of any Jow Forums user. When has anyone on here helped anyone but them selfs.

Like Jow Forums cares about nigs or cares that we dont care. Cant shame the shameless.

#priorities #resistDRUMPH. I don't know. is there a hashtag for the balloon?

Attached: dilboy.png (569x382, 371K)


Can anything be projected onto it?


Attached: super autismo.jpg (800x681, 103K)

I assume if someone has a projector.

the hashtags are #trumpbaby and #trumpbabyballoon

thing also has its own twitter account with 20k followers

what would you project on it?

They will eat the condom instead

I'm helping.

Attached: screen.png (637x603, 520K)

I for one helped the whole world by donating and voting for Trump.

They spent more than 20k on a fucking balloon?

That's a lot of money for a europoor.

Yeah. But it's about RESIIIISTING!!! and TAKE THAT DRUMPFF!!!

What's funny is that Trump will either ignore it or show that he can laugh at a joke at his expense. The only ones who will be triggered are SJWs once they realize it won't get the reaction they were hoping for.

If President Trump responds to this balloon in a positive manner what the fuck are they going to do? It's not actually insulting, it's just silly.

yes and yes.

He is just going to laugh about it.

Attached: 1529796242339.png (629x960, 717K)

Maybe we should send bullets, then?

would look good if he matched everything they raised to do it and donated it to a cause to show what they just spent their money on.

nice . . do you have his email? You should send him that idea.