Holy shit how fucking cucked to big [formula] business can you get?
Holy shit how fucking cucked to big [formula] business can you get?
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What does "promote breastfeeding" mean? And why do we need a resolution for it?
Sounds to me like they aren't promoting anything but instead putting restrictions one something else.
That's what happened to the Boomers. It was an entire generation raised on formula and television.
Dig deeper. Big government doesn't put together resolutions or legislation to "endorse" basic biological functions...
This is the carrot to bait the idiots when it failed.
- Q
sorry.. meant to say (((television)))
Good, breastfeeding is transphobic.
I think breastfeeding in public is gross, but doesn't formula lead to obesity? It's one step away from sugar loaded juice.
>What does "promote breastfeeding" mean?
i can only speak from personal experience but after both my wife's children were born she could not breastfeed, they just did not work. The nurses were like fucking breast feeding nazi's, they wanted us to starve the new borns for days before going to formula, i told them to fuck off and started feeding them formula in the hospital. I was shocked at how persistent the nurses were and feel they crossed the line in their determination to force us to breast feed. Almost made we wonder if there is some hidden benefit to formula fed children and the ill effects are made up nonsense to discourage the bottle.
with how much a tub of western made formula can go for in asia i doub't the companies are struggling that much they need the USA to appose breastfeeding.
We're not opposing breastfeeeding... we're opposing a ridiculous UN resolution promoting it. What a complete and utter fucking waste of time and money.