We now know why Anne Frank died: overly strict U.S. immigration law
This is insane.
The modern Left have descended to obscene lows. I wonder if some heavy violence might be inevitable.
Wow this is a whole other level of Jew.
I'm a dumb Burger, fix my link please.
There are tens of millions of basic normie Americans who believe that kids were caged under the evil Nazi Trump (no part of which is close to true).
There is a war going on. Only the conservative side doesnt see it.
yes let's just let every literal disease-carrier into the country
there are millions more who think anne frank and her family were gassed because of how the story is taught to us in school
I never understood how her father lived longer than her
kikes just dont stop
10 feet higher.
Didn't she die of typhus in a hospital bed?
Everyone dies.
Silly goy, she wouldn't have got typhus if you'd've just let her in. She simply be an American.
but anne frank is fiction written by her dad.
What a coincidence that after 75 years (((they))) have suddenly discovered that keeping illegals out of the country supposedly killed Anne Frank, at a time when (((they))) are trying to stop Trump from keeping illegals out of the country
>Didn't she die of typhus in a hospital bed?
Impossible, why would the evil Nazis have given her a hospital bed when she was sick instead of just gassing her like everyone else?
Putting parentheses around coincidence is an oxymoron at this point.
Wait I thought her dad actually wrote the diary and was exposed as lying
But if she got in to America how would her dad write a fake diary?
she died to disease and her family lived lmao
Well for one, this guy Is right
Fuck those kikes
Anne Frank would've become pregnant if the Confederate States had won the Civil War.
>drumpf killed anne frank
womp womp
"Good, Im glad she died, I'd fuckin do it again!"
Sarah Silverman
Yeah, fuck laws. Fuck nations and property and freedom and rights and everything. Let’s all just live as indigenous peoples. The Earth can sustain, what, a few hundred thousand of us living like that? Perfect. So who do we kill first?
wtf drumpf is LITERALLY hitler holy shit
Don't care. Shit happened 80 years ago. Drop it.
Well Trump is a Y*nkoid so I guess he kinda did.
America had no civil rights back then, it hardly seems fair to be letting in people who look white with Euro accents that would make blacks and Mexicans of the day cry.
Oh well, what's done is done.
Uhhhh... No.
>tfw a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels will never emerge from their hiding spot to find a company of Confederate infantrymen resting on the side of the road, playing "Oh Susanna" on a harmonica. Perplexed at the strange square flag the color guard clutches tightly, cherishing it as if it were a sacred relic, Anne and Peter curiously reach out to touch it, which the soldiers allow. As they feel the wool banner run through their fingertips, they do not know its meaning, but can nonetheless sense the importance it has in the hearts those who carry it.
Most excellent, good sir
Lincoln killed Anne Frank
Damn it as i only date jewey looking nerdy girls I could have sodomized her great grand daughter
Daily reminder that Anne Frank died from Typhus
Why does the dad have to be peter her room mate was a man in his 40's Fritz Pfeffer. If i could time travel only by jumping in another body for a while i'd jump in his and fill Anne with love (with Fritz Penis)
Reminder that locking someone in a glorified hogpen and them dying from the easily foreseeable results of negligent mistreatment is still considered murder.
They tried in the late 30s, there was a backlog with others like them
Tried again in the early 40s, but the office that had their files were bombed
So POWs were murdered?
Didn't most die of disease as well?
What better way to stop disease in the 30s and 40s than to burn anything contaminated?
Spotted the Jew
It's easier to immigrate to America than almost any other first-world country. Why does nobody ever call out Canada for being "rayciss"?
>So POWs were murdered?
>It is estimated that at least 3.5 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million. This figure represents a total of 57% of all Soviet POWs and may be contrasted with 8,300 out of 231,000 British and U.S. prisoners, or 3.6%. About 5% of the Soviet prisoners who died were of Jewish ethnicity.
>The most deaths took place between June 1941 and January 1942, when the Germans killed an estimated 2.8 million Soviet POWs primarily through deliberate starvation, exposure, and summary execution, in what has been called, along with the Rwandan Genocide, an instance of "the most concentrated mass killing in human history (...) eclipsing the most exterminatory months of the Jewish Holocaust".[7] By September 1941, the mortality rate among Soviet POWs was in the order of 1% per day. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), by the winter of 1941, "starvation and disease resulted in mass death of unimaginable proportions". This deliberate starvation, leading many desperate prisoners to resort to acts of cannibalism, was Nazi policy in spite of food being available, in accordance with the Hunger Plan developed by the Reich Minister of Food Herbert Backe. For the Germans, Soviet POWs were expendable: they consumed calories needed by others and, unlike Western POWs, were considered to be subhuman.
tl;dr yes
>opposing arbitrary cruelty directed against innocent men, women, and children makes you a Jew
Fuck off sodomite. I am a follower of Christ, now and forever.
Exactly, you are a (((Christcuck))) follower of Rabbi Yeshi bin-Mariam. The gas chamber is down the hall and to the left.
Eat shit.
She and Fritz really didn't get along though.
Also in ideal circumstances, the father would be a proud son of the South.
Because most of Canada is uninhabitable shithole. 80% of population lives along US Border.
Plus, Canadians are actually more racist than Americans but we're not a super-power.
>jews keep milking the corpse of a young kikette dead 70 years ago to play their tricks on the goyim
This ZOG timeline gets disgusting by the day.
>jews keep milking the corpse of a young kikette dead 70 years ago to play their tricks on the goyim
>This Union timeline gets more disgusting by the day.
4 or 5 months ago, Frame Game Radio said that this would be the next step. Apparently keeping the holohoax fresh in the minds of the goyim is proving difficult. That he provides insight into how his people operate is quite a gift for us lowly gentiles.
holy shit
did they not know that during that time the UK did the same damn thing
we didn't need any more goddamn mouths to feed
our slums were overflowing as it was and we were in midst of a goddamn depression
holy shit
Wow, what great timing for this (((history))) to be discovered!
What horseshit.
Every (((Allied))) nation on the planet wouldn't allow the Jews refuge in their nations. (((They))) used the captured Jews in Nazi occupied Europe as a propaganda tool to get dumb white Goyim men to travel half way around the world to fight their war for them.
If you don't believe me go look for yourself. Not a single allied nation wanted to give them refuge. Hitler begged someone to take them and when no one did, he went to Palestine and asked the Arabs if they could create a state there and the Mufti of Palestine told Hitler "You send them here, we will kill them all"
I've never felt such a mixture of humor and rage before
this is weird bois
I'm not Jeff Mangum so I don't care.
Womp womp
>Frame Game Radio
Is he a good jew, Jow Forums?
If it wasn't for Americas imperialism, Spain would still be ruled by its rightful king.
No gibs in Africa and can't guilt blacks with the holohoax
don't lefty jews know that shitskins don't care about the holocaust and the 6 gorillion? crackas killing crackas and all.
as for the rest of us we've had that shit shoved down our throats our entire lives. who gives a fuck.
we have just witnessed peak kikery
I think this would make a great litmus test for US citizens that need to be exiled immediately.
what the hell
>he doesn't know
>Omg guys, the frog god Kek has blessed us. We arze crusaders and shiet.
anyone who was thought to have been a socialist was turned down.
>he didn't even bother reading the verse
Today I learned
>typhoid = immigration policy
If we just had got rid of our borders Anne Frank could have lived.
Apologize you monsters!
If the Confederacy had won, Anne Frank would've lived.
Apologizes Yankees!
America barely has 1.5% jews and we are nearly at "peak kike". Everything is about to fall apart and explode, especially the economy, and race relations. Imagine if we had let in a few millions and they were 5%. We would have already had a Holodmor or Wiemar by now.
Besides it's not like they have a lot of genetic diversity. I'll find you a dozen that look just like her in Jew York City. A lot of them lLOVE the white thundercock before they settle down with Schlomo Shekelbux.
>I wonder if some heavy violence might be inevitable.
Isn't that obvious?
Did I say a dozen? I meant TWO dozen if you don't mind a little penis.