How to fix Brazil?

Hard Mode: No genocide.

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>solve the problem without solving the problem
fuck off

Genocide... oh wait... you said no.
Okay, how about... Genocide?

I am a creature myself and I don't know a single person who has a job.

Genocide automatically means exterminating me as well. So please no genocide.

>Hard Mode: No genocide.
its not genocide when its clensing

>I am a creature myself and I don't know a single person who has a job.
How many people do you fucking know? How do people live without a job?

Pls send milkies and brap to me

>I don't know a single person who has a job.
You kidding? Well there is your problem.

>no genocide
slavery then

I would colonize her uterus if you catch my drift

Crime, welfare scams and in poverty.

Very common in Brazil.

1 step - Take all Brazilians and take them to the north of the country.
2 step - Take as many Japanese as you can and put it in the South of Brazil.
3 step - Take the remaining Brazilians and play in Africa and do not let them leave.
4 step - Tell the Japanese that the country is theirs now and they can do whatever they want.

First you have to send all the Brazilians north to avoid contaminating the Japanese. Brazilians are like a kind of highly contagious global disease.

If the Japanese can be what they are with an island with no natural resources, imagine what they could do with this country that is Brazil.

>No genocide

Let me guess... you live in a favela? Rio? Yeah, I know about welfare scams. People get pension for no reason, bolsa familia despite not being elegible and more gibs

Open bounty of five thousand monkey dollars to any man or women who sterilizes themselves, five hundred monkey dollars for every abortion a woman has. Remove all restrictions on sterilization and abortion.


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Move all Brazilians onto giant, man-made island. Send island across the ocean towards Africa. Burn down all the cities and buildings now totally unoccupied. Build giant walls around Brasilia and Rio and repopulate them with white South Africans.

I have the perfect solution
Start a War with another country

Draft the poor niggers & mutts to fight as soldiers and die in Battlefield

White males and Qt girls are exempt.

Rio de Janeiro is so fucked up that even if someone wanted to get a job they could not. Thanks to civil servants and this shitty populace who loves to vote for a socialist bandit.

Bolsa SenpaiĆ­lia is the main reason why the nigger and mixed population is growing extremely fast

Genocide. I like playing on easy mode.

Kill every nigger there

It is very hard to find job in brazil. it's not our fault.

we have way too many poor dumb and uneducated peoples here. Our productivity is too low and there are too little jobs for the less educated brazilians. And brazilians won't understand the point of their job and will just stroll around if you don't scream at them to work. It is just like Empire of Dust.

This is why I've resorted to prostitution and being a tranny at night, so that I can fuck rich businessmen for money and earn a living far greater than any job would give me. I can also live the fantasy of being a woman every night instead of every Carnaval. To watch rich men's face burn with desire as they watch my wiggling bunda has to be the greatest pleasure of my life.

It is very common in Brazil. The prices of trannies are higher than hetero prostitutes.

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Militarize school from grade 1-5 (age 5-10). Maybe even 1 more year. After that they either choose a military branch ROTC, regular civilian school, a trade school, medical school, advanced STEM school, art school or private courses with state testing. All will teach regular highschool courses but with relevant selective classes.

Trade embargo. Seal the borders to keep them all in. They will rip each other to pieces. Only the strong will survive.

Impregnate big booty zambas with white seed from North America

This sounds like a great solution, actually.

How can I get a cute Brazilian bf? :3

Genocide is the only way. And it's not restricted to us, as the US and EU need it asap as well.
Just wipe out the leftists and we can have a functioning and harmonic society for the first time in history.

sterilize all the catholics

Well, whatever you need to do to pay the bills I suppose.

these are a whole new level of stereotypes. I don't believe in a single word you've said

In Brazil the options to survive are basically:

1) Be a civil servant (that's what 99% of the middle class population wants to be)
2) Being a funkeiro
3) Being a soccer player
4) Be a businessman making contracts with the government.

Anything you do in the private sector will be simply to support the public sector bums who work absolutely nothing. If anything is left for your subsistence.

Brazilian men are the most homossexual in the world according to overwhelming data.

The beans and rice that we eat are filled with urine with anticonceptionals, as our sewage system is very primitive.

The result is that everything that we drink here has at least 4 parts per million of urinated estrogen. We also eat a lot of carbohydrates meant to weaken our masculinity.

If the Government can't genocide directly then let them kill/ genocide themselves

Like the Movies Purge

or as Hunger Games, fight each to death (Battle Royale)

Attached: Purge.jpg (393x500, 57K)

Brazilians also shit in trash bins, so that is important to know if you want to bring one into your home

Sterilization, Brazilians are riddled with nigger admixture. So the only way to fix Brazil is through the process of a genocide, or mass scale sterilization.

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Sure, if you're up to the task, come get them hoes.

Why not just...Leave Brazil? Shit like this puts things in perspective for me. All those bitching about life in the US when you Brazilians have it way worse off, no offense

>Hard Mode: No genocide.
That is INSANE Mode

Send all the niggers to fight against Israel. The ones who kill many jews become honorary aryans

WTF! Black people are not even human.

>notice me senpai

Jow Forums is so uncreative.

They can't think of any solutions that does not involve killing millions of people.

What about just killing wait, that's genocide isn't it...

>Encouraging half breed nigger mixed monkeys to leave Brazil
You're either a shill, or a low t beta cuck who suffers from anal prolapse euphoria.

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>Jow Forums is so uncreative.
>They can't think of any solutions that does not involve killing millions of people.
Hey if its not broke dont fix it

We already had that in the past.

Brazilians were too dumb to understand it. Now the greatest educational debate is if girls can come wearing short shorts and cleavages into class, and make out with their boyfriends during class.

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>You need capitalism and free market so entrepreneurs and investors will provide jobs and opportunities to poor people
>Socialists overburden and demonise entrepreneurs, don't pay investors and say that's a good thing haha
>100.000% inflation
>Why is there no jobs in our country? >:(

Impossible knowing that the average nigger IQ is around 75. It's better to just let them chimp out and not waste resources

White countries need to close their borders and deport the shitskins and stop all aid to shitskin countries. The problem will resolve itself.

Yea dude I'm a shill. My main purpose today was to find a Brazilian tranny and convince him to emigrate to the USA.

And how am I going to get out?
If it were that simple ...
To get the greencard in the United States, for example, I need to have $ 500,000 to start a business and hire at least 10 Americans.
Unless I come in illegally. And that I do not want. Only the Brazilians who will take the problems that exist here to your country that will do this.

Genocide is the only solution.

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get the attention of the CIA, those niggers'll do it for free

Well that easy, you just with a little gen.... damnit!

Balkanization or apartheid 2.0

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Did you miss the part where it's THE FUCKING SOLUTION? It's no coincidence that it's the most definitive one, since allowing the scum to live would make it all more complicated, or it'd be all for nothing.

1) Import huge amounts of huwhite genius/chad semen
2) Fertilize all women with it.
3) Repeat until monkey mixture is less than 15%
4) Enjoy civilization

>They can't think of any solutions that does not involve killing millions of people.

We're trying, we're just a little blocked right now, or something.

And maybe you need to open your mind a little, and consider how nice the world could be if Jow Forums were allowed to kill millions of people.

As a burger you can go practically anywhere, but shitholers have trouble getting permission to go anywhere that isn't also a dump.

Brazil will never be a good country. Just try to find a single country with as much african population as Brazil that ended up being a good country.
It doesn't matter which form of goverment we have, we will always suck. Look at USSR, they were commies and it is one of the worst systems but even with that they could invent many things and give good conditions to its citizens because of their genetics. Now look at African and Asians countries with free market and many resources, even with a capitalist economy they can't succeed
Only 5%~10% of Brazil's population is european, we are lost. It is not about government, it is about genetics.
If you take a look at all the europeans that came here during the 1900s you will see that most of them worked hard, got good jobs and made their families honestly without commiting a single crime. On the other side niggers have been here for ages and they are still living in favelas and commiting 90% of the cimes

Are you pure german specimen? Jewish diaspora here. Will marry you and produce super german-brazilian-jewish children

Solution = Genocide

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As a mutt to a mutt, do you ever look around and panic when you realize you happened to have enough of a percentage of white in you to know that when the white countries that muttize past a certain percentage the world is going to explode and you'll probably be killed in the genocide white survivors raze the earth with?

Sterilize anyone with african dna, import sperm from people with IQ's above 100, wait for 3 generations. There, Hueland is "fixed".

Split into two countries. I guess in Brazil this would be one black country, and one brown country

How about death by Oonga-Boonga?

Bring back the racial whitening program you used to have

>Hard Mode: No genocide.
Have you tried killing everyone that doesn't agree with the leadership, and starting over with whomever is left?
The middle east does it all the time, and no one bats an eye.

This guy gets it, Solution = Genocide

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that's legit

All the time. I am part of the problem.

You are the problem user

Remove all welfare.

problem solved.

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Kill yourself now, kike

Does forced sterilization count as genocide?

worst culture in America.

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That would work, but the US would nuke southern brazil, cuz that's what we do.

Europe was white since always. It was dirty poor until the industrial revolution. There's even a Rousseau quote from the early 18th century talking about how Mediterranean people laughed at the pathetic Northern European skin tone.
But then, after the industrial revolution and introduction of liberalism Europe triumphed and whole world fail to follow its pace, and here we are.
tl;dr Europe was white since always but only became rich and civilised after the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century

Lots and lots of gas

According to the UN yes

Lower taxation to 0
It's not genocide when they do it to themselves

>Remove all welfare.
This. Let Niggers starve to death

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>what's 2+2?
>hard mode: not 4
Fix Brazil by building a wall around it so high and impenetrable that none of the monkeys can escape. They'll mostly eat each other for a few decades and then you can send the whites back in.

fuck off faggot

>They'll mostly eat each other for a few decades

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>Bring back the racial whitening program you used to have
This is the reason Brazil turned to be Luke this. We sacrified pure europeans just to make niggers less niggers.
Se could have done like the USA and segregated everyone.

Brazil seems like hell on earth.

Even tho they were poor and dirty, they still had the best living conditions among all the other people.

Bro, this would be impossible in Brazil without a genocide.
I also think the best thing would be to end the wellfare and reduce as much as possible the size of the state to improve the economy. Also apply death penalty for various crimes such as robbery, drug trafficking ...

As the vast majority of people who practice these crimes are blacks it is only let natural selection take care of the rest.

this is proof that niggers have smaller brains

Then crime rates would soar, making it worse than already is. And unlike the chad americans (obviously not all), we don't have guns. Hence why genocide.

It pretty much is.

In two decades, you'll see how it feels like.

Unironically I woke up just an hour ago because people were crying and talking really loud on my front door, apparently a girl went to a club and entered in a stranger's car and someone there told it to her boyfriend and now he's about to kill her

mongrelization is happening every in the western world. You will probably be the whitest country after argentina by 2020. Gods speed.

>Then crime rates would soar,
Death penalty for robbery and drugs then

...oops it's still genocide.