Molymeme RIPS Sweden apart

holy shit I've never seen such a cucked country in my life

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cmon m8 some of us have shit to do

do your shit while listening to molymeme, this is epic

yeah i'm sure this is a real objective piece of work from mollymeme.

> 3 fucking hours

Gonna go rub one out and go to sleep instead.

Goodnight user!

he just reads qoutes he chose him self.
waste of time

I already know Sweden is a fucked shithole. How does a 3 hour video help anyone? You're preaching to the choir.

I managed to listen to all of it...

Well nothing new.. Sweden is Cuckistan top tier

>3 hours for what boils down to "Sweden cuck xD"

No thanks;

Fucking cult leader for weak minded idiots,
>look into the eyes not around them

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he goes into detail and quotes all the stats and all teh comments from party leaders, officials and so on about past events and the incoming elections

Is this irony I sense? Irony is not an argument

I watched about half of it, can confirm there's little new in it if you are a woke Jow Forumsack. It's aimed at clueless normies that don't know anything.

they need to give it swedish subs and sned it to normies, especially elderly normies

This is good though, we need normies fully exposed to the things we know about these places

Sweden was once a socialist country . Now it is a capitalist country !984 corporate tax %50 .Now in Sweden %25 . Notice the change? Big mining controls the government in Sweden.

>Ben Shaprio OBLITIRATES Libtard Apartment With FACTS And LOGIC

no - once you have seen one of mollymemes "investigative" works you have seen it all.
I have no love for Sweden but, the guy is a quack and is not worth listening to.

for example?

Clueless normies will not watch 3 hours of some random YouTube faggot

they might

Molymeme is a Zionist shill, unironic gatekeeper, cult leader and literally Jewish. This fucking leaf should mind his own fucking business.

every single call in, every single radio show, every single time he utters a word, its in fierce support or defence of his chosen ideology. In some cases I agree with him, but to cherry pick and use every opportunity to push is libertarian quackery, its just renders everything he says open to question. It sounds like propaganda.

when did he cherry pick, for example?

Do you understand what a useful idiot is?

You know, its nice to have some proof and numbers and not just baseless yelling

There are many Swedes who on some (escalating) level agree with his points.

I have not watched all of it yet, but I'd like to just write about a problem with some Swedes I have met:

Many Swedes who travel the world, consequently meeting a lot of different people of different colors and cultures, mentally (well, in regards to philosophical mentality) start believing that they're actually global citizens and that they are the apex of human culture - rejecting borders, religion, race, their own history, and they get a feeling of genuine MORAL superiority over other Swedes (who are nationalists, who are cautious of high migrant influx). These could be some of the smuggest most condescending people I have met. I seriously think that they are struck with some kind of modified version of White Man's Burden. I think many of them get a sense of achievment, for example, by 'embracing' interraciality (I don't think I oppose interraciality myself per se, i.e. I don't think it's always bad and I think most people kind of agree), globalism, justification of demeaning behavior toward people believing in national citizenship and ethnic belonging (that would be "passé") and the mind set of "any nationalistic sentimentalism / not being a globalist = unculturedness, weak moral/ ideological compass". People like this like to identify as globalist capitalists, basically, mini-Soroses.

I myself have traveled the world and been in contact with many different people, but I am not like that...

I want caution, peace, and a slow and steady process when it comes to immigration, to minimize the social friction and increase the integration; not obsessing over GDP increase, while actually neglecting the originally residing people's emotional well being, etc. What I mean, to people saying "So, what? You'd rather have immigrants and refugees die than let them in to Sweden?!" that, that is the wrong question and that I reject that view of the situation.

>3 hr infograph video
1.5 hrs in, and he's packed the facts and stats in every minute. Pretty comfy if you like sharpening your arguments.

Just speaking my mind..

>I don't think I oppose interraciality myself
Sweden confirmed

I think it's a pity that you seemed to ignore everything else, but I know people disagree with me on that here and I understand how people think. If you read what I said, I meant it as I don't think it's categorically bad no matter the context.

Most of what you said is known if you stereotype people, so the fact that these egalitarians are smug is no revelation.

There is another part that should be addressed
>I want caution, peace, and a slow and steady process when it comes to immigration,
Take it from an American, fuck slow immigration, you need to start deporting before they out fuck you and elect themselves.

>These could be some of the smuggest most condescending people I have met
That's libtards for you

The US never had slow immigration except maybe for a while in the 30s

You read that wrong; the US fucked up importing blacks, and now we're having a national mexican invasion mostly due to laws enacted in the 60s.

It's not too late Sweden, send them back.

Yeah this. This shit could really be compressed or at least time stamped. 3 hours of SWEDEN YES!

>to people saying "So, what? You'd rather have immigrants and refugees die than let them in to Sweden?!"
The correct answer is yes, they should die in place or be shot illegally entering. The western world is not their baby sitters. They need to fix their own problems and stop having 15 kids during a perpetual civil war in a desert. All that worldly haughtiness you accuse your countrymen of, is also not possessed by the drooling hordes they want let in. They will not integrate, but they will suck the government dry, they will breed like rabbits until they are the government then it's lights out.

hey, meribro, you realize that this
>I want caution, peace, and a slow and steady process when it comes to immigration,
is a cautious kike aproach who sees that the overdrive approach is gonna fuck things up for their plans for destruction of white nations and their world domination illusions

This is infuriating to watch, and I don't even live there.

How people from sweden can watch this and not go into a wild rage is beyond me.

If immigration should exist, should it not be slow and cautious? Binary thinking à la "JUDAISM/ NOT JUDAISM" is the wrong kind of thinking, assuming you're thinking that I'm some kind of hateful globalist...


if you don't see the problem of inducting any shitskin of any kind into your nation, then we have nothing to discuss, you filthy hasbara
drå åt helvete, förradare!

Molymeme at this point is basically an outed Zionist, so fuck him.

>t.Barbara Spectre by any other name


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silence gay

This is the good kind of molymeme vid.

Don't punch right dick head. Fuck! That's why we lose. Fuck you

Correct answer is wanting to murder all the race traitors.

That’s not an argument!

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>he cant handle a truckload of redpills

Molymeme goes all out and its not for weaklings to enjoy

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But Germany is more fucked then us?

Totally epic bro! OMG it's so epic! Memeflags need to be banned

integration does not work.

You can download and run 3rd times speed and it's 1 hour only

Molymeme goes deep, buckle in and grab a beverage

Too late anyway. Mudslimes birthrates vs native Swedes, it's simple math.

Not to burst your bubbles but all your shithole countries are allready lost to.