
There is simply no reason for a mere civilian to own an assault rifle. Ban them, confiscate them if necessary.

Look, I know that guns have been obtained illegally in places like France, England and Norway that have strict gun laws. But honestly, at least those countries are trying. The United States is not. What's worse is that gun owners and the NRA aid mass shooters by refusing to compromise on gun control by banning assault rifles.

No right is unlimited and immune from reasonable regulation. Assault rifles must be outlawed for civilian ownership. Yes, this would require Americans who own those kinds of weapons to give them up for the good of their fellow citizens but that's a small price to pay for the prosperity of this nation.

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Let's pretend I'm a burger for a moment, a lot of them have German ancestry anyway;
>Looks at constitution
>Right to bear arms shall not be infringed
>shall not be infringed

The dudes who came up with the society you live in

Hunting, pest/vermin control, sport shooting, antique firearms collecting, personal protection.
And don't fucking give me that "lol bongs can't even have a butterkinife" shit.
I'm in Northern Ireland (Best Ireland)

>From the Police Service of Northern Ireland: "Open carry of loaded weapons is legal in NI, and you can own handguns. Also, unlike the rest of the UK, you can apply to own a weapon for the purposes of personal protection, and if such a licence is granted, then you are allowed to carry it concealed in public.

>liberals first have to get their liberal pet niggers and spics to stop the gun violence
it's always liberals and democrats trying to solve a problem they cause by blaming everyone but themselves

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You can't yell "fire" in a movie theater.

There are plenty of regulations on your "rights". Grow up and get used to it.

>fascist government
more like communist government
better dead than red

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I don’t want to fight the “fascist government”... I want to shoot fucking communists. The only question is which state is going to legalize that first?

>No right is unlimited and immune from reasonable regulation. Assault rifles must be outlawed for civilian ownership.
Yes rights are immune and no you are not getting my guns faggot. No your shitty opinion does not TRUMP my rights.

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So education time.

That phrase about fire in a crowded theater was written in a court decision to jail people calmly handing out antiwar pamplets on the street corners of NY City.

So it's a shit example that from it's very first use was used to shut down free speech.

2nd. A right, by it's very nature is untimate, and not subject to the permissions of others.

That is why "positive rights" are not right, and the ibly real rights are the libertarian negative rights.

And who is capable of disarming such a populace?

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Fine, I'll rob you with a pipe bomb in hand instead. Feeling clever yet? Guns being available and portrayed unrealistically scary keeps the weird kids from blowing up their schools, instead of shooting them up. Remove guns and they'll find another way to express their anger in a way that gets them killed (which is the ultimate goal of school shooters)
resulting in many more casualties.
Failing the point I made above, I want "the great equalizer" in play for women who aren't stronger than Niggus Maximus as a 130-160 pound woman is gonna have a hard time protecting herself from a heavy 260-300lbs thug.

You know how I can tell that this was written by a Leftist? Because of the signature in OP's picture. Only a Leftist would think so highly of himself that he can speak on behalf of 300+ million people.

Get off your high horse, cuck. Sage.

the fact that you demand someone take muh guns is reason enough for me to have them

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pic op related.

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Wasnt there a assualt weapons ban under clinton in the 90s? Im just wondering as you never really hear either side discussing it and what it did to crime etc


The mistake that the Left makes is that they believe rights are something granted by the government which can then be restricted or taken away by government. The reality is that rights are INALIENABLE. They are yours by birth. The role of government is not to grant, restrict or revoke them but to PROTECT them. To protect them from communists who believe they can simply take them away for the “greater good”. There is NO GREATER GOOD than the rights of the individual for without the individual, there is nothing. No family, no community, no society, no civilization. Nothing but death and destruction.

meanwhile liberals are suppressing speech and attacking people on the streets, but were so paranoid.

That just makes your reply not bump the thread you 'tard. Fucking newfags.

it isnt about fighting a rebellion war. It is about discouraging the government from taking control of the citizens through tyranny. An armed citizenry means the government is less likely to go out of control. It is also about the ability to defend myself.

That being said, the people who jack themselves off with their machine guns are retarded. Plain old handguns, shotguns and rifles are fine.

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The fun way is to buy lithium online in quantities and put it in the schools sprinkler risers.

Light a few road flares and watch at the springlers shoot out a fast jet of hydrogen gas causing a fuel air bomb explosion breaking the pipes and all the people in the school too.

Or worse yet bombs in the schools fire drill gathering area.

Light a small fire, pull the alarm, all the kids gather in one spot.... Boom.

Guns are not the problem, people will always find ways to kill each other.

Black people and a lack of fathers are the problem

Maybe you will understand this comparison:
If somebody shoots at somebody over here, even without killing him it would make headlines all over news for literally days.
In america it wouldn't even make a difference.

Please define "Assault Rifle" without googling it faggot.


Grow the hell up. This isn't about YOU it's about the rest of the country as a whole. Kids shouldn't have to be afraid of going to school because YOU refuse to give up your guns.

>burying my head in the sand

You don't need a gun to protect yourself. Martial arts, tasers, pepper spray, or a bat/stick all come to mind. Stop being lazy.

The FACT is that all rights are subject to regulation.

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I see no line banning SCUDs in the backyard homo faber.

This coming Civil War, I will feel nothing but the rush of blood to my throbbing dick as I watch the necks snap from the ropes.

It means "Your thread sucks, I want you to know it sucks and actively attempt to deny people the chance to see it. I also won't entertain you by bothering with anything beyond the most brief dismal possible"....all in one word.


fuck off

Like the baby beheading made headlines?

You just cannot be wrong. Eat hot lead if you want a life without humans that mean you harm. I need a gun because they exist. There is no undoing guns, and what's worse if you remove them the void will be filled with something equatable. Nature finds a way.

That's because it didn't have an effect on the crime rate.

All the criminals use hand guns.

It was rather an embarrassment for the left and they don't want to dwell on the numbers.

There was and it did jack shit.

>There is simply no reason for a mere civilian to own an assault rifle.
What even is an assault rifle? I own an AR-15 and it's definitely not an assault rifle. No automatic or burst capability. It's genuinely less comfortable to use than any of my guns that lack pistol grips.

I am a law abiding citizen I go to church and own a home. Just tonight I when I was driving home from my mother in-laws house I seen what I can only assume as being a criminal surrounded by 5 or 6 cops that all had weapons drawn 2 of them were holding ar-15s.

So you are trying to tell me that even though the police need them I don't?

Because yelling "fire" in a fucking cinema can, and probably will, get people killed.
You know there are more people killed in self defense than in murders right? And that more murders are done with knifes anyway? Wanna ban knifes too? Take a look at the UK and see how that works out.

> i decide what guns are for not you

Come and take them. We'll kill every last one of you."fire"-in-a-crowded-theater-19421.html

Read the whole thing. especially the last paragraph.

Any scary BLACK rifle I don’t lake and know nothing about.

If a man tells me to give him my gun, I'll give it to him one bullet at a time. We are not gonna repeat history, dammit.

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I remember going to a lefty screening of a 'rape culture' film at my university. At the end of the screening during discussion, the fat feminist in the room got really triggered when my friends and i used citations, numbers and statistics. She said something along the lines of "WHY DO YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT NUMBERS. ITS NOT ALL ABOUT NUMBERS. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE ALWAYS ABOUT NUMBERS."

Basically it ended up being "feelings are more important."

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Party's over, nigger.

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When the day if the rope comes, you will experience us IRL. You should really start to think about bending your fuckin knee.

Attached: But We Banned Guns.png (701x743, 300K)

Leave the country... Have a good time. But the vast majority of the American people do not support you...

Attached: David Hogg - Gun.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Okay but here’s the thing.
>US govt can’t use military on its own turf without declaring martial law
>can’t use drones because PR nightmare when you hide in a group of civilians
>what do you think the purpose of a gun is, and why do you not think it’ll be used in that situation.
I know this is a bait thread but seriously what do the Zionist’s think is going to happen? Yeah conservicucks and other NPCs is will turn in their weapons, they aren’t real and never really owned any anyways. Everyone else will fight.

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Scids are covered under the NFA and FFA rules.

They are totally legal but regulated.

You would need a $200 tax stamp on the weapon as it qualifies as a destructive device.

To fire it you need FAA flight clearance for a rocket launch.

If you do that you can build and fire scuds on your scud range in Arizona all day long.

Attached: PJW gun.gif (300x169, 612K)

Riddle me this batman do you even understand what constitutes an Assault Rifle????

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They make AR-15s with traditional rifle pistol grips and stocks. Also the Mini-14 exists.

Shouldn't I as a comman man be entitled to the same means protection as a police officer?


Attached: loli with gun.jpg (310x156, 20K)

Disarming innocent people is neither appropriate nor reasonable
.>assault rifles
No such thing.

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Shut up retard.

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My favorite line from nearly a decade ago from a liberal girl I used to date.

"I just can't debate with you, you throw all theses facts and figures and leave no space for another person's opinions."

She ment it as an insult

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>le "think of the children"
Deaths from school shootings are statistically insignificant

Guns prevent more innocent deaths than they cause

Bless you for this spam user. I oil my mossberg 590 in honor of you tonight.

I also hate this fucking graphic and its general sentiment.

Nobody owns guns specifically to fight the government. We own them to defend ourselves from other citizens when the authorities cannot intervene in time.

Leftists are the only people living in a gun fantasy world.

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Attached: Varg Gun.png (720x720, 840K)

OP, you have fucked up. Look at how you stir these people's anger! We want to take responsibility for our own protection! We must always have guns, for so long as society creates monsters, we must protect ourselves and our own!

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Do you know what constitutes an Assault Rifle???

Thank ya kindly. Plenty more to come, I just wish I had more files with "gun" in the name cause this is nearly the last one.

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>No right is unlimited and immune from reasonable regulation
Fuck off you Godless heathen

um no, the important thing is that the media tells me about the poor children in school shootings and whips me into an emotional frenzy.

Under the United States constitution, only the individual state can decide the limits of rights. Because that is a power reserved to the state. But even then, they can only go so far. For instance, they cannot outright ban gun ownership. They cannot outright ban carrying guns. They can make it a tedious and expensive process, but even a state as hardcore leftist as New York cannot ban it.

Second, kids are scared to go to school for two reasons:
>1 The adults at the school
>2 The kids at the school

According to your own logic, kids and adults both need to be banned from schools so kids won't be scared of school. That leaves empty buildings and all kids being home schooled. You should rethink your position, as most home schooled kids have a much better education than those that attend public schools, and tend heavily to be conservative. I myself will support your banning of adults and kids from schools, because most conservative kids will grow up to be conservative adults, and those are the only people in the US that act like adults in politics.

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Anything with an "aggressive" design, assault is threatening violence, like raising your fist at another. This is why the media says this shit, they misuse English.

Dear The Rest of the American People,

Molon Labe.


United States Citizen

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What about crazed crowd in masks looking to do you harm...

>You can't yell "fire" in a movie theater.
Actually, yes you can.

Abusing your rights (aka inciting to riot) is against the law.

>You can't yell "fire" in a movie theater.
sure you can, especially if there's actually a fire

>assault rifle
What's that?

Ding dong you’re wrong.

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It was never an embarrassment for the left. They wanted rifles taken away from non-liberals because non-liberals might resist their communists final push, and if those weapons are around, that will be harder for them to take that final step in politics to full blown, not bothering to hide it, on Jan 1, 2029 the US government transforms into a communism one, hail to the new leader for life, Madam Chelsea Clinton.

The left knows that most gun crimes are hand guns, and most gun crimes are also committed by black men. They don't care.

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