
Hi, I'm a developer at Youtube and I've come here to warn you all about something the development team was ordered to do from the higher ups at the company.

Currently, internet users are 'flagged' in the system based on Google and Youtube search histories and websites visited. We compile data and user information about which sites are visited most frequently and come up with a 'personality profile' we have set categories up for. One of these categories is listed as "high risk" which are usually internet users who frequent conservative message boards and websites, view youtube videos we also monitor, and other such areas of the internet.

Right now, Jow Forums users are heavily monitored, particularly those of you who frequent Jow Forums. We collect a lot of data about you, including where you live, where you work, and many other things you'd be pretty shocked to know about. We compile this data and share it with certain government groups and independent think tanks such as the Southern Poverty Law Center. The CIA, NSA, and FBI collect vast amounts of this data as well.

Now, while this shouldn't really come as a surprise to you, I think what you may want to take heed of is that Google is sharing some of this information with leftist groups whose goals are to destroy the lives of these people who fall under these conservative groups. These groups are 'unseen' for the most part, and go under pseudonyms to conceal their identity.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Prior to giving that information to these groups though, there is an effort we make in which we try to re-educate the candidate, by showing certain news articles, videos, etc which would try and change your worldview. After a certain time period, the individual's information is given to one of these covert groups for things to be taken to the next level.

Watch yourselves, you are being monitored carefully. Many of you think you're safe, but this is also being done in other countries such as Canada, the UK, Germany, and a host of others. Watch for changes in behavior from your bosses, friends, co workers, family, teachers, etc. Watch your bank accounts, phone bills, loans, etc. Keep an eye on your belongings and be careful while driving.

I'm currently posting this from a public terminal so as not to be traced back to me.

Please stay safe and watch your backs.

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a leaf

Attached: yeah uh huh ok thanks.png (641x620, 8K)

I know NSA and google has this info but if they are doxxing people this is a massive massive felony involving millions.

Ive been gang stalked, im not worried.


>decides to check recent search history:

>inspire magazine
>are niggers cursed by Odin?
>do girls like gay porn?
>where can I buy guns at a low price?
>why do humans have so much ass hair?
>heaven’s gate
>Elsa rule 34
>am I white?
>is negro sex beastiality
>is my scrotum mole cancerous?

Yeah, I’m probably on a watch list.

Fake copy pasta posted every month or so

You are actually alright bro, dont go to work tomorrow

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So, what do they plan on doing? Make us live with our moms, give us crappy jobs, take half our paycheck and make certain we never get laid?


You are a larping faggot. Kys

Hi Blood

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fake and gay. nobody at a big important american corporation would outsource work to canadians. we have pajeets for that here


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Just a lot of weird porn, Jow Forums, /b/, Best Gore, Motherless...normal stuff when you are bored.

Why don't you go to the third world to do anything? You can kill, rape, steal, AKA go full nigger mode if you wish without consequences, because of $1 = $10-$100 native currency and money can buy you anything in those shitholes.

So what's the government going to do with my interest in Futa Porn and my Jow Forums shitposts?

Oh no, I like /pol, styxhexen vids and microcenter. Literally the only websites I go to since normies took over the interwebz.

We already know everything get ready for the gas chamber

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I’d like to see them try to do som-

Stop. . .

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Imagine the class action lawsuit over this
would put jewgle out of business

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>stop using Jow Forums guys
nice try sharia blue
>where you work
larping faggot


Attached: the fuck.jpg (228x217, 10K)

Ignoring the obvious LARP, a plan like that seems disastrous. Ruin the life of a bunch of young angry men on the edge of radicalization. Seems like a great accelerationism tactic.

welcome. this ride never ends.

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Anyone who lurks on Jow Forums realises this place is being heavily monitored!

>You should be scared of speaking
>You should be scared silent

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>is negro sex beastiality

lol muh secret club

>am I white?
>amerimutt flag
like fucking pottery

Google needs to be burned to the ground anyway.

Thanks, but this is nothing new to us..

Tell the kikes were coming

>implying the alphabet soup didn't already know everything

google didn't share shit

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I'm comfortable with the Akashic records, user. Are you?

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They "Terminated" Bodhi Mantra's channel for "violating YouTube's Community Guidelines" recently. Fuck JewTube lets wage a war on them and Jewgle

*Militant brap*

>am i white

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No. As a matter of fact, I'm not. The god of this universe needs killed and his creation needs either erased or fixed.

Attached: i understand your frustration.jpg (500x500, 73K)

Wasn’t this posted a few months ago? Like, same wording and all that shit?

Rake yourself

I visit multiple countries a year and I've found that ever since frequenting Jow Forums in 2009, I breeze through customs and immigration. like they already have my whole profile and know I'm no threat. Turn Google location services on on your phone and you'll never have to answer a question or be singled out for additional screening ever again

>when mods make threads
by op
you larping pasta pasting snownigger
do meth on

Shut up, Beavis

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some proof is all it would take. Too bad op is larping.

I have proof, my uncle works at nibtendo


larp elsewhere autisto

good luck you nigger
I'm behind proxies

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I know that even though I literally never watch rightwing videos, if I went to Jow Forums even when not logged in, my YT feed would start giving me RW videos. Took me nearly a month of 'not interested' to get them to quit.

I'm not concerned, I'm not one of your ilk generally and any competent perusal of my data would prove it. Still, it's shady af.

Well..have fun cracking down all the muslim and jewish shills here and the like 5 people who are here since forever

Interesting. After making this post, Google took me to the SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOW DISAPPEARING PICTURES 5 times, and finally to a 'Signs' clicker for 5 solid screens. Normally I get one screen of the Signs clickers.

For those keeping track, they don't seem to like this topic.

this is pasta but probably true
it will backfire by forcing people to defend themselves publicly where they otherwise never would have said anything
revealing a silent majority

Joke's on you, Susan, I have no life or job

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...and then when I DID log into YouTube, Google asked me for my phone number.

Three times is enemy action imo. Get it together Google, I'm a damn tranny not a Nazi.

seek help

I like to think they will be very confused by my erratic comments and bouncing between pro left and pro right sites and videos. They will however know for sure of my love for catgirls.

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LARP aside, does anyone remember that video made to inform people about Google's potential mind control? if I recall correctly Google themselves replied to the video (it got viral) trying to cover their asses but it was really a good informative video, I watched it only once months ago and forgot to bookmark it, I wanted to find the link again for red pilling purposes.

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Did it have a creepy darth maul as the avatar for the newly developing AI fetus? If so, I 'member.


OP is full of shit, but Google does know every site you visit if you use any major browser. It's the "security check" for websites. Whenever you go to a website it gets sent to Google FIRST. If it's listed as OK you go on seamlessly. If it's on the "naughty list" then you get a warning about possible virus' or an impersonation site.

This simply "security check" allows Google to know EVERY fucking website you go to, which they link through your IP, cookies and site data to all your faggot accounts.

Attached: how_google_knows.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)


totally lost it at the odin thing

I did not agree to any of that
gib info and delet or I call momma eu

youtube is dead

I haven't seen this copy-pasta in a while

>Nuclear Sage

Fuck off, leaf

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Yeah, when did YouTube start hiring leafs?

The Google ledger video?

Please give my address directly to antifa, thanks.

Op is probably a bigger diversity hire whose role on the dev team is bringing coffee to the programmers.

Nigger. Damn autocorrect

>is my scrotum mole cancerous?

i hope it is not even a mole. i hope it is a diamond growing on there. (when it falls off, you will be rich.) godspeed to you user.

Scan pol users......see alt right vids, iraq war footage, gun pages, anti immagration posts, lqgbt hate, nigger comments.......trap porn searches *scratch head..


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Now, this just begs the question..

White conservative males are the least risk people on the face of the earth. Only under proper military infra white man turns into a weapon in "risky way" for national security of the enemy.

White conservative man is like C4. Extremely stable shit, that blows off only by controlled methods.

So what's the risk? Could we have this defined exactly?

Send me all your leftists; it's been awhile since I've been truly entertained.

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And we scare the shit out of them. As the monitoring program discovered there are 100 million Americans armed to the teeth and pissed off to the max they slowly began to realize the information they collected portends their ultimate doom.

and waters wet
big fuckin deal

What happens to me if from the years 2007 - 2010, I bought salvia, the satanic bible, and exotic rootbark powders from EBay?

Oh wow, google is collecting info to give to the Southern Poverty Lie Center, with the purpose of making a list of people to send to the gulags. If you've been on Jow Forums more than once and you don't have JIDF certification, it's over.

Not saying he's not larping but they could figure out where you work by looking at your location data

Massive if Factual

Also, take any antifa video, pro or anti-antifa, it's always about 1000 to 1 against antifa. That is their true numbers, at best. Thousand patriot against one antifa.

What did the Alinsky say again?
It doesn't matter what your actual numbers are, only thing that matters is the number your enemy thinks you have.
SJW's have successfully managed to make them look big. So much so that big companies have tuned their agendas in favor of this pitiful little band, only to find out their sales drop like actually being flushed down the toilet. Sucking sound of the sinking profits is yuge.

The riots what goes on, are pitiful in numbers, but, they manage to still make it look like big shit.

/pol operators works hard to stir up street fight mentality, but all they manage to do, is to generate some enthusiastic shitpostings. Doesn't quite manifest on the streets. Proud boys are probably paid actors, together with Antifa.

These people will find themselves in court. All of them. I bet before Trump finishes his first term. With the purge of the justice system.. completely realistic.

This will be funny.

Imagine. Threatening pol/ with “We know where you work!” LOL. That just demonstrates perfectly that they don’t actually know shit.

Not bothered, I had fun making them waste loads of time and money looking into me, only to find nothing.

*most probably the true numbers are one million against one antifa, where one million is actively in debates and not a normie who doesn't care shit about any politics.

>Watch for changes in behavior from your bosses, friends, co workers, family, teachers, etc. Watch your bank accounts, phone bills, loans, etc. Keep an eye on your belongings and be careful while driving.

ah yes ruin their lives, that'll get them voting for hilldawg 2020

That's what I read too

how do they flag the correct person when there is 5 people in the house?

>hes not a national socialist

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