How can you tell Meds and Arabs apart?
How can you tell Meds and Arabs apart?
Do you mean Arab and latinos?
The penis
Meds are significantly less inbred.
Meds, as a general rule, aren't laden with explosives.
It’s pretty fucking easy just by seeing how they dress, cut their hair, how hairy they are, shit like that.
it depends on the arab and depends on the med. italians and spaniards are too european looking to be mistaken for being arab most of the time. at the most they might be mistaken for levantine or jewish. greeks, cypriots, and turks on the other hand could be confused with most arabs on a good day. though I doubt any europeans could ever be confused with a bedouin arabian from the gulf. arab isn't really a race, it's more of a cultural-linguistic term. maghrebis from north africa aren't even semitic. lebanese, palestinians, and jews tend to look pretty similar and could be confused for being greek or italian. iraqis, arabians, and egyptians stick out way too much. palestinians, lebanese, and jews are all part of the same hebrew family anyway.
You basically can't. This is the entire reason that low IQ larp Louis Cachet is always assmad at Meds, because he is worried that he won't be able to tell them apart if a race war happens lmao
Med's don't tend to be wearing explosive vests.
>he thinks arabs are the enemy
Fucking boomers man
one smell of olive and body odor,other one smell of body odor and olive but also sadness plus lemon its easy when you know how
That picture just reminds me how dull and dry arab "pastries" are... they can´t even get that right....
Are you saying you don't like baklava?
Go to a family dinner. If they're all sitting together drinking wine and beer and eating delicious food, they're Mediterranean.
If they're sitting separately eating fermented goat downing it with tea, they're Arabs.
How big are their noses. and how scraggly are their beards?
If the answer is less so, you have a Med.
I don't like baklava either, but it's definitely not dry. It's drenched in syrup.
you can
there is no need to have blonde hair to recognize 2 different caucasoid
we have alot of portuguese here
and now lately we have alot of arabs
they're beahviour is like day and night, its so different that you don't even need to see, its the pose alone
While portuguese are fine lads, these arabs all have this "try-hard manlet" pose mode activated, and they just cannot stop being little aggressive try-hards
its unbelievable really
you're a fucking retard. There are no fermented middle eastern dishes. kys
I was in Creta and people look very much like arabs. Some Italian and Portuguese immigrants in France have a bad behaviour and you can't tell which ethnicity they are.
Spotted the arab
by not being a total retard for start
you already did it wrong
Don't forget the first-generation niggers, they're worse.
Isn't that more an African thing?
Hard Mode: Arabs, Meds, Latinos, Persians, Jews from Israel and Northern Indians.
Aryans have vertical faces and their eye brows are vertical to mouth, anyone living in med that are not like this are arabs.
This is semite skull
meds look like a mix between a nordic and an arab
celts look like a mix between a nordic and a med
This is aryan skull
Semites brow ridge does not form a vertical line to their mouth bones.
Ones will try to impose their religious beliefs on you and the others won't.
Well, meds usually aren't named "mohamed" or the variants.
you from my shit
litteraly can't
There is no such thing as "med" that is a regional descriptor of residents.
Complete nonsense terminology not actual anthropology.
You don't. Kill them all and let God sort them out.
Yea, most of tge population in the med are trash, you would recognize tge aryans from the semitic conquerors.
That one is a semite
go on memeflag
we dont wear explosive vests and wont murder our sister if you fuck her (most of the time)
There is no "we".?
location, arabs usually live in countries such as germany, france, england, sweden, etc.
Put a pet pig on a leash walk around town and see which ones try to either rub away or kill you
Iberians (except the Basque) are genetically related with North Italians.
No if they're African they won't be eating anything
Its quite easy, meds don't stink like shit 24/7.
meds are a race that share similar traits and genetics, show flag
meds dont rape children
There is no homogenous "iberian" person, it is a regional descriptor of populations of various origins.
No such thing.
I doubt it. Where is the hooked nose?
Meds tend to drink more alcohol
Stop saying meds and giving southern europe to semitic invaders.
Jews have big noses (it's not just a fucking Jow Forums meme every Jew I ever met has had a big hook nose)
I wont reply anymore.
One of them will be found behind a goat with his pants down
If you can cook chips/fries you should know user
Golden and crispy is all good
Burnt brown/black is bad
fuck off muhammad
Kill them both and let God sort them out.
>has never eaten shankleesh
You're missing out senpai
Both of these are semites.
god is med too
This is another semite.
Semitic christianity has allowed the dominance of semites over aryan men.
Killed Yahweh too.
we are not so fucked up
Why this guy looks like a Fallout 3 character
I'm sick of this "meds are not white" agenda you see while meds might have slightly darker skin or darker hair they have created much of which defines the west. Nothing but respect for the Caucasians in the Mediterranean.
They are arabs.
Hes a semite, his skull is not vertical nor brows alligned to mouth.
non brown countries will never understand fucking white subhumans
>Be a white med
>Go to the beach
>Get tan
t. Mohammad/Incel cuck
Franco was actually white even if some mixture, his brow is vertical to mouth.
its like slavs and germanics
Arabs are uglier. That's what a Maltese guy once told me. Later I was there and it's true.
Tell me how do netherland people look different to arabs?
Baklava is dripping oil. Nothing dry about it.
One has good hummus, and the other has really good hummus idk.
One eats your goat, the other fucks it.
Spotted the subhuman.
If it doesn't explode then it's a med
>How can you tell Meds and Arabs apart?
One makes food that'll blow your mind, and the other one will blow you up.
Maybe to foreigners we look similar, kinda like all asians look exactly the same to me. But most people here can tell at a glance even between the darkest terrone and a nafri/arab.
I guess you get an eye for it after a while, they just look too different
I don't know - who's marrying children and cutting off the heads of christians?
The other one is not an arab.