Is there any intellectual force behind the anti feminism movement? And not just

Is there any intellectual force behind the anti feminism movement? And not just
>feminists believe in a billion genders lmao
But someone that can handle the best of the best of what feminists have to offer

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What are you asking?

Not really just some men who go their own white or something

Antifeminist means normal.
Here no one gives a fuck about what mental illness is trendy.


Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

Is there anybody I can watch or read to get a comprehensive dismantling of feminist arguments

that faggot Milo

The best of the best that Feminists have to offer is misery.

yes, me. try me.

can you rephrase this in English please?
no idea wtf you are trying to say.