>go on netflix >see interesting rome-themed netflix original >'well, they can't possible have cucked up with this one'; click it >first thing i see is a le noble nigger legionnaire
FOR FUCK'S SAKE ARE YOU GOING TO FUCK ROME UP FOR US TOO? IS NOTHING SACRED??? there were NO nigger roman soldiers, period. NO north africans were NOT niggers and they were NOT arabs. they were berbers, aka WHITES. at least in Gladiator they only featured the nigger as a 'numidian' (spoiler alert - numidians were white; fucking hollywood retards see a country in africa and assume the inhabitants are niggers LMAO). I know, I should delete Netflix, I know...
i'm done 4 more nigger roman soldiers. couldn't keep watching it.
Alexander Evans
Oh shit I look whiter than her, thanks for letting me into the ethnostate amerianon
Leo Gray
you're pretty white then. welcome
Xavier Gonzalez
Well that's what you get for watching Britcuck interracial fantasy shows on Netflix. Go watch Rome (HBO) if you want some patrician quality television for true Romans.
you already know they are pushing this shit to fuck with history and make people mad. since u made a thread about it i guess the mission was accomplished. stop being bothered by this you little faggot you already know what they are up to
Ryder Collins
/ourguy/ Cant believe there was a time when i believed kike lies about him. They really jewd him didn't they
>was supposed to be 5 seasons >we will never get a Sextus Pompey revenge plot >we will never get Octavian's rise to power and prominence told in full >we will never get the execution of Iesus Kristo
I still think they did a really good job of ending it properly despite the following seasons being cancelled. Also the guy who played young Octavian really nailed and, and of course Antony.
they still could, r-right? would've needed some new actors for the first century anywayr
Adam Jenkins
>>we will never get Octavian's rise to power and prominence told in full the true injustice. Even an extra season could've fixed that.
There was a movie in the works for many years but then the set burned down and it's been 10+ years now. Doubt any of the actors will be up to do it again.
Levi Ortiz
James Purefoy was great at Antony. Just don't check his Twitter, you'll not like him as much.
Jaxon Richardson
They did the best they could with what they had.
Might be the only show that I've rewatched in full enough times to hit double digits
Dylan Howard
But there were assyrian bow-soldiers and nubians they also had didn't they? he also doesn't look nigger he looks humus or PakiPoo
Josiah Scott
You're telling me (((HBO))) made a show about Rome that is good? I assumed it was just sex orgies and blood lust gladiator bullshit like every other rome show ever made but especially on (((premium networks)) that sell softcore porn and call it story
Elijah Smith
Atia is the greatest character in the show. So fucking cold and evil. Incredible performance.
For its time, Rome was an incredible show, and still holds up to this day. I'd argue one of the greatest shows ever made. Portrayed quite an authentic view of Rome and wasnt afraid to show racism of the Jews.
Atia was also a great character, proper MILF as well. Always remember that first scene of her
Anthony Nelson
I wonder how she looks nowadays.
It's fantastic. I'd recommend it to anybody.
Xavier Price
>they were berbers, aka WHITES Whites are non-Jewish European native people. Afrikaners are not whites, Americans are not whites. They are both of white descent, but they are not white.
Once you step out of Europa you let the environment fuck up with your gene expression, eventually you racemix.
There was a series called Troy on there with a culturally enriched Achilles, you're best off just letting the promo play before playing it, you can tell they're shit straight away.
>we will never get a Sextus Pompey revenge plot And for any who don't know, Sextus was Pompey the Great's son, who was pretty pissed off at Caesar and Octavian for how they betrayed his father so he set about fucking up the Roman peninsula as much as he possibly could with his Corsican navy. He outfought Octavian's navy but he simply didn't have the resources to replace his losses. Kind of a sad story of hopeless resistance for the sake of his father's honor. He would die in a very similar way as well. I randomly played him in a highschool history class game, and his story took with me for some reason.
i have ended my sub when dear white people aired no regrets
Robert Harris
Pretty sad story for him, wonder what he could have achieved if not for the civil war
Isaiah Evans
It depends. Berbers are all caucasoid. But they're genetically diverse and no one here has an agreed definition of 'White'. Some are like pic related, but most look more like Spaniards. They're generally not as dark as Arabs.
The ones in the pic are probably foreign though, the Vandal tribe from modern Germany that sacked Rome kept going further South and established a kingdom in modern Tunisia. They might have integrated overtime. There's also the Barbary slave trade where Europeans (Even some from the British Isles) were enslaved and taken to North Africa.
Regardless, Berbers are Caucasoid.
Liam Ortiz
>Mad Max was great, but it was purely fictional Heh heh...yeah...
The Vietnam documentary is pretty good, obviously try’s to justify Truman LBJ Nixon & JFK being retarded but none the less good info on the Chinese Koreans and Vietnamise some on the Soviet.
Hudson Jenkins
Diversity agenda is like a Black Hole. Nothing can escape it's pull, not even the past.
Strangely I can only find one reference to a Negro Roman soldier and it hilariously strengthens the point that North Africans where generally not Negros.
Dominic Ross
>there were NO nigger roman soldiers yeah Roman historical records is a Jewish lie to keep the Italian man down >NO north africans were NOT niggers North Africans are like 10-15% nigger minimum on average. That’s black >they were berbers, aka WHITES lol
Connor Parker
>Berbers are Caucasoid That’s not even a real thing.
Leo Howard
>yeah Roman historical records is a Jewish lie to keep the Italian man down Where is proofs :DDD
>North Africans are like 10-15% nigger minimum on average. That’s black No.
>lol Yes.
Jaxson Walker
Found the passage
"On another occasion, when he was returning to his nearest quarters from an inspection of the wall at Luguvallum in Britain, at a time when he had not only proved victorious but had concluded a perpetual peace, just as he was wondering what omen would present itself, an Ethiopian soldier, who was famous among buffoons and always a notable jester, met him with a garland of cypress-boughs. And when Severus(A Libyan) in a rage ordered that the man be removed from his sight, troubled as he was by the man's ominous colour and the ominous nature of the garland, the Ethiopian by way of jest cried, it is said, "You have been all things, you have conquered all things, now, O conqueror, be a god." And when on reaching the town he wished to perform a sacrifice, in the first place, through a misunderstanding on the part of the rustic soothsayer, he was taken to the Temple of Bellona, and, in the second place, the victims provided him were black. And then, when he abandoned the sacrifice in disgust and betook himself to the Palace, through some carelessness on the part of the attendants the black victims followed him up to its very doors"
Hunter Morgan
He still is excommunicated but he makes good movies, that makes money, and that's enough for him to finagle funding for his projects.
Wyatt Williams
>watching Jewed TV >not reading superior EuroComics Kek. They've got RomeKINO, PirateKINO, RenaissanceKINO, anything and everything. Western Comics and TV are shit. Just go to libgen, download EuroComics, and that's it. Why should you waste 1hr of your time in Shows anyhow?
>caucasoid >whiteoid what the fuck are you retards even talking about????? is pol 99.9% autistic shills these days?
William Robinson
Again though, by that logic my country is white too since we have a very high amount of european admixture This is why I hate this shit, sometimes almost no one is white and sometimes everyone close to europe is Also the gernamic tribes happened way later than the time period the show is about, I agree though they weren't as brown as OP pic, that guy looks like a paki.
Jayden Thomas
>Where is proofs Maybe in historical books and records “we wuz legionaries” spade like you didn’t bother to read? scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ElAnt/V1N4/thompson.html >No >Yes. >Brazil hahahahahahah, of course a monkey from a country where almost every single “White” person is 5% nigger will shill for the fellow mongrels.
Look, if you have a single nigger ancestor four thousand years ago, that makes you a nigger subhuman too
Jaxson Perry
Netflix is extremely kiked. In "lost in space" the main family had a bi racial daughter that was the white wifes and the white dad is a cuck for raising her, even though in the original series the daughter wasn't biracial. In "altered carbon" one of the main characters is black and has a white wife and a bi racial daughter
Aiden Powell
Don't forget that Aphrodite was a white ginger, and Achilles had a 3some with a white woman and another Negro. Thankfully the show tanked even in the UK.
Ryan Thomas
From what I understand the two groups that typify the North African genotype the most are the Mozabites and Tunisians who are like 85 to a little over ninety percent North African with the rest being filled up mostly by Negro admixture in the case of the Mozabites and European admixture in the case of the Tunisians, they both look very Caucasoid.
North africans despised niggers and used them only as brute labor. Same with the romans. In thousands of volumes of recorded history you can find mention of like 2 black soldiers. It was an extreme rarity.
Hudson Collins
What about Dave Mustaine?
Aiden Foster
>two groups that typify the North African genotype the most are the Mozabites and Tunisians who are like 85 to a little over ninety percent North African with the rest being filled up mostly by Negro admixture tldr : they are niggers >>wtf why are there nigger soldiers Perhaps they are wondering why did they give them equal rights and bring them on mainland instead of subjugating and treating them like inferior shit like Russian and British Empires did
Xavier Turner
Yo m8, Roman colony here, we actually dug up the skeleton of a Negro woman buried with honours befitting a member of the patrician class, it was at one of the old Roman towns like Bath or Colchester.
It's also well known that the Romans would offer citizenship to anybody who'd serve as an auxiliary, then potentially their children might join the legions proper.
Basically, Rome was a state that placed little or no value on ethnic origin, but a high premium on Roman cultural values, which applicants were expected to adopt.
Brody Parker
>go on netflix you get everything you deserve for supporting that propaganda
Jayden Adams
That is just the Mozabites, the Tunisians have next no Negro admixture.
Jason Parker
No you fucking didn't. You're talking about the ivory bangle lady, who was a mixed ancestry north african. North africans are not negros.
Jack Richardson
Why do you still have a Netflix subscription you fucking moron? I will never understand how so many people can be "red pilled" yet still give money to these kikes and watch (support!) their propaganda.
Christian Collins
It was a coon m8
I watched the documentary, they were pretty surprised themselves.
Logan Reed
plot twist:Mel is the second coming of Jesus that traveled through time to warn us about the worldwide aussie dystopia
Jace Walker
Its convenient and hasn't quite reached the point of no return...yet. Last night when I wanted to watch a movie with the misses, I realized that more and more originals are just pushing political agendas. Ended up just watching some kids show, that seemed funny. Most people can tell when something is forced,and not natural anyway. So their loss I guess.