>Lauren Southern apparently applied for the wrong visa :( Is she retarded?
>Funds warning to unis over lack of STEM teachers Why do we need STEM if there is nearly no industry left and the remaining employers bring in inept Pajeets with 5 years of “““experience””” to do the work?
Christian Walker
This is the white man’s weather so it’s to be expected you are uncomfortable
Grayson Nelson
>Is she retarded? Yes
>Why do we need STEM if there is nearly no industry left and the remaining employers bring in inept Pajeets with 5 years of “““experience””” to do the work?
STEM skill and knowledge are universal. Australia is not an independent country. (You) can find a STEM related job all around the world.
Bentley Gomez
Stare into the JUST and the JUST will look back at you
Why is life shit. Everyday i work for dole bludgers and cannot afford to move out of the noisy as fuck suburbs. Why is life so fucking shit. I swear it's better to be born an abo or a dieing african or some shit.
Fuck it.
Matthew Howard
Fuck Lauren southern and fuck all her beta enablers. you cunts are pathetic.
Noah Ramirez
Aiden Walker
Aiden Torres
New W.A.P. test lads, dick must be over 5 inches to gain access into country.
Yeah im not going to fucking Lauren southern Lol. Although i do support the redpills she drops and the advertising she gives generation identity and other talking points.
I legit just said that i dont support her, but i support her identitarian talking points and her support for Generation identity. Shes done more to save the european race in one video than your lazy ass has done in your entire existence.
Thinking of joining up with the ADF, split between them and the QLD police. I've heard far worse things about the ADF then the police, but idk, anyone got any stories?
Owen Watson
Coffee, darbs and probably weetbix. NEET feels
Angel Russell
U r a big dumb dumb
Anthony Thompson
>Lauren Southern Her fanbase is largely made up of beta male orbiters who are probably more interested in rubbing one out to her videos (considering how much T&A the bitch constantly shows) rather than any message she might have. And deep down she doesn't give a flying fuck about the white race since she's already been fucked out by several black boyfriends, and the bitch is only 23.
Join the swat team now, but if we go back into afghanistan join the ADF.
Oliver Davis
Isn't that a chinese company?
Austin Peterson
Give it up bud
Wyatt Young
Wyatt Moore
Nicholas Mitchell
I had a mate who joined the ADF and couldn't hack basic training. lel As for the police I'm not too sure about QLD but i'm pretty sure their entry requirements are higher ie. have to have finished year 12 etc.
t. Year 11 dropout who also wants to join the adf/afp
Hudson Kelly
Cola ribs
Lincoln Nguyen
Ryder Evans
Two Devon sammichs. I'm not a wealthy man.
Eli Perry
>lso wants to join the adf/afp JOIN ASIO
Joseph Sanchez
Le ebic trawling dude broman
Lucas Flores
Yeah mate, Hence security concerns
Isaiah Bailey
Who cares, she pisses off muslims
Andrew Gomez
Jacob Ward
This is unacceptable. We need someone that unequivocally says wifus welcome. We need a reverse merkel instead we have a goldman sachs stooge and angry unfuckable women who are so angry because they are so unfuckable by anything remotely decent. Calling them women is incredibly generous. I believe few would be so generous but their hate cannot destroy allowed our great nation.
Landon Watson
Her T&A is the only reason people watch her videos and has consequently redpilled the masses. She also does have videos talking about the great replacement. Though she has been blacked :(.
Saw some block in a thread the other night asking about that, Do you have experience with them?
Matthew Barnes
>anyone got any stories? the entire enlistment procedure is a joke and this... youtube.com/watch?v=a7N7kL2mMhw&t=1s watch the full hearing. Lieutenant General Angus Campbell is going to fuck our army into the ground.
Easton Bailey
Jokes on them, I'd side with chinks to take out our (((government)))
Nolan Nelson
Christian Nguyen
Devon and pickles? If no, FOWF
Julian Sullivan
Ah fuck. Guess we are a chinese colony
Lincoln Richardson
Does anyone else think Sarah Hanson Young's reputation of promiscuity derives from that post made in /auspol/ once about some guy claiming to have fucked her in the ass at University?
Also requesting someone to post the screencap
Michael Robinson
Jonathan Martin
by moving to QLD, getting a trade (which are free btw if you become a sparkie/plumber/fridgy) and not living in the australian version of Chicago you silly cunt
Jackson Stewart
Nah got pickles. But decided on whole seed mustard for a change of pace.
Kayden Davis
Sad but true, Thankfully the cobbers will go full digger mode if they try anything
Jordan Adams
I'm sensing some major negativity from this post, aus-user. So pull your dick out of your arse and calm down cobba
Eli Hernandez
No, but it seems you require no real qualifications according to their website
Ayden Martin
AND we are no longer in the scramble for africa, so deployment especially considering the Australian public is exhausted from the was in afghanistan is unlikely. Its not the 1800's were you would be shipped off to africa to fight for the empire straight away. But if your looking for a stable job go for it.
Austin Sanchez
Shes a femenist whore, wouldnt be surprised.
Matthew Nelson
Gratin and beer
David Morales
So fucking frozen every single morning, Can't not afford to heat all time, electricity too much expensive.
I watched about 5 minutes of Lauren Southern's new documentary Farmlands seriously and then skimmed through the rest and almost cried laughing. >far left claim that there is no evidence of division, far right claim that there is an ongoing white genocide let's take a look at the sensible center >proceeds to interview hungry families white ghettos and black nationalist leaders >every 30 seconds is a pan-in on her arse as she walks to her next destination >that fucking grating Canadian tone Don't get me wrong, I understand the plight of white Saffers but Lauren Southern is a partisan brainlet and I can only imagine her following being right wing beta orbiters.
I don't understand what target audience she is looking to convert, I can only picture her upsetting female demographics by being a bimbo and providing no new information to people already even casually vested in politics.
More harm than good, keep the leaf out.
Jace Long
>paying $750 to see lauren southern's generic cuckservative opinions
Mason Howard
Our pollies often take 'donations' from foreign nationals ie. chen. All perfectly legal under our system
Good choice
Landon Brooks
It wasn't an aus/pol/ thread, it was just some random thread in 2014 stating "Guys I heard that SHY was a huge slut" or something like that and asking for people to kind of doxx her and try and find proof. I think it only had ~60 replies or something.
Andrew Clark
go light horse >t. watched gallipoli a couple hours ago
Zachary Brown
Truely? Fuck, I'll check it out. Currently about to undergo a career change. hinking of studying web dev but not keen on getting undercut by pajeet for a role post grad
>he will actually run under Pauline Hanson's banner next federal election*
Justin Phillips
What the actual fuck is that pimple bit?
Chase Johnson
Would love to see tony abbot and mark latham in One nation. Would bring a whole pool of votes to them. Even though paulines a fuckwit and hardly even pro white anymore.
David Moore
I would like to see Tony Abbott LEAD One Nation.
Isaiah Rivera
>Lauren Southern apparently applied for the wrong visa :( Sooooooo..... if she reapplies for the right visa, she can still get in, right? Right?
Nathan Lewis
Although pauline hanson represents immense amount of character, She is uneducated and hardly even read up on her proposed right wing philosophys. An Australian enoch powell is what we need right now.
Josiah Perry
Battered Deep Fried Pubes
Jaxson Hernandez
I reckon the key to solving Australia's problems lies in arming regular citizens. We need to push hard to repeal the restrictions on Guns, or at least make the ownership for the ones we are allowed far more popular. It's either that or violent revolt, I can see no other way.
Should be an improvement on the usual faggots. Plus there will be a Tanya vs Liberal Wog Boy fight.
John Fisher
>Tony Abbott Don't forget that based Tones was her arch nemesis and tried to get her thrown in jail. Probably important to note when discussing the two.
Jayden Cruz
Hanson has always been a legit retard. She is a false messiah and is responsible for setting back hard right politics in this country for decades. People put their faith in her only to have it turn out she was an incomptent fuckup, which has discredited her politics for the past 20 years.